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Figura Obscura by Four Horsemen Studios

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Hopefully this works. My phone hates this website. 


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Wow, not too shabby. It kind of mirrors the

No hints
open-mouthed Marley head

Thanks for posting that.

He-Man reacted
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I got Christmas Past today and actually impulsively added Marley to my order - I was psyched to do a bit of a display with the figures this year and now I have found... I haven't a CLUE where I put Father Christmas last year. He's here, somewhere, in his box, stored neatly... no bloody idea where he is. I'm an idiot. I can put eyes on all the gimmicky Star Wars holiday figures from last year, but can I find SANTA? Nope. 

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@docsilence I had to laugh reading this. Not at you but with you. I just went through several boxes and totes to find my holiday He-Man. There are several onion layers of ridiculousness to peel back about these predicaments, but let’s not, haha!

docsilence reacted
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@he-man we were lazy about putting up fun holiday decorations this year because we have a new and very destructive kitten so I'm hoping I was smart and put Father Christmas in with the breakable decorations last year. Usually I keep all my figures grouped though so I thought he'd be hanging out with Sun Wukong and Frankenstein, but he's not. 

Annnd I forgot I picked up Krampus last year too. No idea where he is either. I swear I can put eyes on any Mythic Legion or Hasbro figure but apparently these holiday figures are my blind spot. 

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I've got all of my Christmas action figures stored together. I don't have many. Father Christmas, some Naughty or Nice from FMF, Jacob Marley and Christmas Past. 8" clothed NECA Buddy the Elf, Home Alone Kevin and the Wet Bandits, Christmas Story Ralph and the Old Man. I keep the Santas with the Headless Horseman, which is the only specifically Halloween figure I have. The 8" clothed NECA also go with others from NECA like Elvira and Bob Ross.

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I just have some of the newer Figura Obscura and Naughty/Nice figures I put out each year in the living room (wife permission pending) . My old school Rankin and Bass stay displayed year round in my toy room.

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@normdapito I have all my Star Wars figures together, and I have some mini-Funko pop figures (weirdly nice little guys from an advent calendar) all in one place, but for some reason I was like Figura Obscura is ART and I stored them so much more safely... I can't find them. I literally forgot I also have the red Krampus til I couldn't find the Father Christmas. 

Christmas Past is a BEAUTIFUL figure though. She can hypothetically be on display on her own though probably won't this year because I don't want her to get attacked by the kitten. I'm probably going to boring and display her with her most human face and only the normal number of arms. 

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I gotta make a Scrooge stand in some how.


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Had the day off yesterday so I finally got around to opening Bastet and Anubis. Found that Anubis was missing all of his alternate hands. I put in an email to their customer service and am waiting to hear back.

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@normdapito Your post just made me nervous about whether I had the hands or not since I never unboxed either figure - surprised to see the hands are just included in a plastic bag insert rather than in the actual packaging. Bet yours were left out. Hopefully that means they'll be able to send you replacements faster than if it was an issue with the whole figure. (Weird that they weren't built into the packaging the way everything usually is with this line.)

NORM reacted
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Posted by: @normdapito

Had the day off yesterday so I finally got around to opening Bastet and Anubis. Found that Anubis was missing all of his alternate hands. I put in an email to their customer service and am waiting to hear back.

That sucks, but I'll bet they take good care of you. That set was easily in my Top 10 last year. The amount of paint applications on them and the accessories is insane.


NORM reacted
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Already received the replacement hands for Anubis! So fast!

docsilence reacted
Magneto Was Right
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Anubis recolor announced. Looks better than the exclusive release IMO.

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