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Exclusives & Poor Distribution Reducing My Collecting Overall

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I was somewhat excited for Giantman Haslab but Black Widow being impossible for me to get short of $60+ on eBay has tempered my excitement and unless Target releases more on their website by next month, I’ll skip the Haslab.

Mattel Creations exclusives for MOTU origins are making me question my desire to keep collecting the line. Not only are they difficult to get, the last two sold out quickly, but you have to add on a 40% “tax” for shipping if you only buy one. I’m sitting on over a dozen origins figures in my BBTS pile of loot I may cancel. If I can’t get the Mattel exclusive snakemen ones, do I really need these other retail snakemen figures?

Hasbro Pulse exclusives have been easy to get. Just pay the pulse premium fee which becomes worth it anyway if you’re backing haslabs. It’s basically free. I was thinking of getting the crimson GI Joe pulsecon set but I can’t get the Wal Mart exclusive crimson alley vipers. So I’ll pass on the pulsecon set.

There’s a bright side to this, I already have too much stuff, too many figures, only display 5% of my collection at any time. The exclusives and distribution is helping me realize I don’t actually need stuff that I previously would have thought I needed.

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Reducing one's collection (and collecting habits) can certainly be healthy.  I definitely need to reduce both. 

That said, I find it odd when people want to drop and sell off a line because they can't get one figure.  Not saying you said exactly that, but I saw somebody saying they were going to sell off all their NECA cartoon TMNT because the Sewer Lair was too expensive.  Their completionist mentality was restricting them from enjoying what they already own. At that point, it's a compulsion and not a hobby.  Being "all-in" because you really enjoy a product line is one thing, but if you're compelled to own every single thing in a line to the point of "all or nothing" just can't be a healthy mindset. 

So regarding Snakemen, if you like them and can afford them, then do so.  Dropping all of them because of one figure (a snake lady who is a character who seems new to the brand btw and has no previous history), then enjoy the snakemen you can get.   Why be hung up on one figure?

Regarding Giant Man, again why pass on something which will never be available again (this exact figure anyway) because of a Black Widow figure?  BW will certainly get other figures.  This exact one may even pop up again beyond just Target exclusivity (some stores only have timed exclusivity and we've seen their exclusives become available elsewhere after a certain amount of time).  She's been shipping again too, as I just saw a peg worth of her a few days ago.  So I wouldn't despair over her.

Again, collect what you want to.  But don't sacrifice enjoyment over what you own over stuff you can't own.

hellpop and adrienveidt reacted
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The first time I really had that need of "I'm done with everything having to do with this line" was that first wave of Walmart exclusive DC Universe Classics back in, what was it, 2009? 10? The one that had classic Riddler and all that. 

That was when I saw the writing on the wall and sold off the whole line. 

The second time, unsurprising here, was during the MattyCollector days, and having every single figure in the MOTUC subscription...but then they got dirty on us and did the two mega figures, Tytus and Megator, as separate purchases...and got the white screen of doom. Missed out on them entirely, and said fuck it. Done with that line, too. 

Boy, do I not miss the Scott/MattyCollector days of Mattel. 

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I have never been tempted to end my collection because I missed out on one figure. Are you sure you weren't looking for an exit ramp on those lines already?

Especially with Hasbro, one out of 100 releases blows up like that, everything else can be found with a little bit of patience.

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Oh no you guys misunderstood me haha. I’m not going to sell off an entire line because I can’t get one or two figures from it. I’m going to keep what I have and abstain from buying other team members or associated figures from the sub-line.

I have classic hulk, Ironman, Thor, and captain America. I don’t have any plans to sell them. I can pose them as is. But adding Giant Man without Black Widow feels silly. I’m either going to stick to core avengers (adding Spider-Man for 5) for the avengers display or if I can get black widow then I’ll get Giant Man, and whatever new Wasp they’ll likely produce. But if I can’t get black widow, then giant man is silly to have and if I don’t have giant man, I don’t need wasp or the new Vision. So inability to get black widow (an exclusive) makes me not feel the need or desire to get other avengers.

I have a nice MOTU origins setup. All of the snake men are sitting in my POL at BBTS including army builders. About 15 figures total. I missed Fang-Or and Lady Slither. I was going to buy 3 Lady Slithers to use the base snake tail for some army builders at BBTS I have. But since I can’t get these Matty creations exclusive, I might as well cancel my BBTS POL 15 snake figures I have. 

Walmart Duplico is impossible to get. I have all of the sun man figures up to this. There’s a new sun man 3-pack preorder at target, if I can’t get duplico, I don’t need the new target pack. Cancelled the pre-order. Also didn’t buy the Walmart Mossman exclusive. If I’m cutting back on MOTU origins, I don’t need a $40 MOTU origins mossman. They are available to buy, unlike duplico, but if I’m not going to complete the line, I can skip other figures I find inessential.

I have a nice GI Joe Classified collection of 30 figures, including army builders. If I can’t get a full crimson set, I don’t need a partial crimson set. The alley vipers are Walmart exclusive that aren’t obtainable. What’s the point of buying the hasbro exclusive 3pack if i can’t make a full crimson set?

I’m not going to sell any of my current figures, just cancel preorders and abstain from new orders of characters associated with the unavailable exclusives.

Paradoxically, Hasbro and Mattel make exclusive deals to sell more figures but it’s resulting in me buying far fewer figures. And that’s healthy for my wallet and my closet.

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Posted by: @ashtalon

Reducing one's collection (and collecting habits) can certainly be healthy.  I definitely need to reduce both. 

That said, I find it odd when people want to drop and sell off a line because they can't get one figure.  Not saying you said exactly that, but I saw somebody saying they were going to sell off all their NECA cartoon TMNT because the Sewer Lair was too expensive.  Their completionist mentality was restricting them from enjoying what they already own. At that point, it's a compulsion and not a hobby.  Being "all-in" because you really enjoy a product line is one thing, but if you're compelled to own every single thing in a line to the point of "all or nothing" just can't be a healthy mindset. 

So regarding Snakemen, if you like them and can afford them, then do so.  Dropping all of them because of one figure (a snake lady who is a character who seems new to the brand btw and has no previous history), then enjoy the snakemen you can get.   Why be hung up on one figure?

Regarding Giant Man, again why pass on something which will never be available again (this exact figure anyway) because of a Black Widow figure?  BW will certainly get other figures.  This exact one may even pop up again beyond just Target exclusivity (some stores only have timed exclusivity and we've seen their exclusives become available elsewhere after a certain amount of time).  She's been shipping again too, as I just saw a peg worth of her a few days ago.  So I wouldn't despair over her.

Again, collect what you want to.  But don't sacrifice enjoyment over what you own over stuff you can't own.

LOL this is taking me back to my JLU days and the Holiday Hal Jordan figure. Totally agree with you.


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I completely understand the sentiment of the first post.  I'm getting really burnt out on having to hunt exclusives and if I can find them pay more money just because.    I was buying a bunch of GI Joe Classified figures until recently.  I'm just sick of having to go to different places to collect the line.  The exclusive prices are really outrageous too.  $40+ for both Chuckles and Dr. Mindbender for a fancy box and a few extras is a rip off.  $85 for Serpentor was completely unreasonable.  I've been slowly getting rid of a lot of my 6" Joes and only buying/keeping ones that I consider to be my favorites now.

Moss Man being twice the price of a regular MOTU Origins deluxe really annoyed me.  Every Star Wars exclusive 2 pack is at least 15% more expensive per figure than the already overpriced single figures.  Marvel Legends gives desired exclusives to multiple stores and lately has been upcharging those too.

With the NECA Universal retro glow monsters, I understand if the initial 3 didn't sell well and they needed to go the exclusive route for the last three.  What sucks is that I have to buy them individually and pay shipping each time.  I got the first three for $20 each and now I'm looking at $40 or so each for the last three.

I think it's the combination of the already high prices with added exclusive taxes and having to go to different stores or websites to purchase things that is burning me out.  I've been trying to complete more of my vintage collections lately.  At least I feel like the higher prices are warranted for those toys and a lot of stuff is actually cheaper than a new figure.

I feel like I work too hard for my money and value my free time to much to keep spending ridiculous prices on toys and wasting time trying to get them, whether it be by making sure I'm online at the right time or searching local stores.

I still love my collection and have no interest in stopping, I've just been making an effort to cut back recently.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Relating to the the topic, as written, yes. Same. Getting shut out of figures does throw water on the fire. Inability to get those damn comic packs was certainly a reason for jumping ship to the Black Series from TVC so many years ago. Exclusivity hasn't caused me to dump am entire line yet but if it does that's my prerogative and folks can keep their judgments to themselves.
