Great to hear another series is on the way! I'm sure it's a long shot for the remaining Halloween Town members- Gatekeeper, Reaper, Old Witch, Frankenstein, etc., but I'll take what we can get. Some more elves or kids might be nice too. The recent prequel comic has the Pumpkin King before Jack, Edgar, which is a cool design that would look quite nice in figure form.
Great to hear another series is on the way! I'm sure it's a long shot for the remaining Halloween Town members- Gatekeeper, Reaper, Old Witch, Frankenstein, etc., but I'll take what we can get.
They're the main reason we wanted to do another series. Not sure who made the final cut, but...
Some more elves or kids might be nice too.
Kids would be great! Especially the kid with the shrunken head.
The recent prequel comic has the Pumpkin King before Jack, Edgar, which is a cool design that would look quite nice in figure form.
I didn't know about him, but that is quite cool!
They're the main reason we wanted to do another series. Not sure who made the final cut, but...
Reading that made me so unbelievably happy. I'm a sucker for background characters from any franchise, and the NBX ones have always been so cool to me. If we get at least the Gatekeeper and Old Witch, I will personally smooch each and every employee at DST.
I think it's just a jack o'Lantern who likes to attend meetings.
@doober Can't believe I never noticed that before! In all my years watching it, it just never clicked. I guess technically, assuming it is just a pumpkin and nothing else, NECA's Pumpkin King Jack came packed with it. Might be easy enough to track down. Or maybe you have your work cut out for you, msword! It's not a full town until we have the bodyless pumpkin! 🤣
We just revealed Best Of NBX Series 4, it's got Pajama Jack, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, in case you missed them the first time around.
And we should be offering the all-new Series 11 next month or the month after!
That's good news! Of course I just splurged on Santa a year or so ago, figuring we'd never see him again, but Pajama Jack is one I'd never gotten around to.
Super stoked for series 11 as well. Dying to know that line up! Think we might get a reveal before the pre-order, or is it an all at once thing?
I'll likely do an exclusive reveal somewhere before we offer the pre-order, but only a few days in advance. If it was happening around a convention, or our online FanFest in April, you'd probably get more of a sneak peek.
I'll likely do an exclusive reveal somewhere before we offer the pre-order, but only a few days in advance. If it was happening around a convention, or our online FanFest in April, you'd probably get more of a sneak peek.
Any updates on series 11, msword? Are ya'll just letting the latest Best Of wave breath a little bit before revealing?
Looks like we're slated to offer them in late July, which I imagine is the latest we'd want to do it, if we are trying to get them out for XMas. (Not sure we can make it now, actually, but we'll see.) I think if they were ready to go, we would have offered them before now, but hopefully they will be ready by then, and on display at SDCC.
Oh wow...I honestly thought this line was "done", but I'm very happy to hear that another wave is in the works! At this point, any characters DST releases are just gravy, as they've done the majority in the line. If they fill in those characters that only appear briefly, like the Reaper or the Gatekeeper, I'll be SO incredibly happy!
@thegillman The fact that we're SO close to a "complete" Halloween Town is pretty nuts! We've already gotten figures I thought we'd never get, like Jewel and Mrs. Claus (not a Halloween Town character, but still) and the little ghosts. Gatekeeper, Frankenstein, Evil Witch, and Reaper, and that's pretty much it, no? Other than the "technical" characters like the Mini-Hydes and the Creature Under the Bed (which I don't know how they'd do anyway, though supposedly there is concept art of it out there somewhere, according to the NBX wiki). Or some of the animals- Skeleton Reindeer (already done with the sleigh, technically, though underscaled- I never did pick up that set), Skeleton Rooster, Giant Snake, etc., but those don't seem as vital. I'd still love an Edgar, the original Pumpkin King, from the new graphic novel, but I'd understand that probably wouldn't be high on many people's lists. I'd take some of the little kids as well, or more elves, but they don't feel quite as important.
@joshsquash729 I'd be down for ALL of the characters you mentioned! The Giant Snake would be really fun!