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Did you guys hear eBay sucks?

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I got hit with my third disputed payment claim. The first two from, I think, '21 and '22 were handled automatically without having to do anything on my part.  I assume eBay provided a tracking # to the payment processor.  This time I had to provide a tracking # and eBay has also put a hold on the payment.  Can you imagine that?  eBay provided the seller and address, but it's my fault I shipped to said address with a label purchased from eBay's site?Here's where I guess I goofed, he's got all positive feedback, but there are more than fifteen comments about not paying.  Oops, my fault, should've done a background check before shipping.

I asked the chat why weren't funds held during the previous two disputes.  They said policies changed after PayPal stopped handling payment processing 🔪🔪🔪🔪.

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One of my previous payment disputes was pretty wild.  The end of '21, I sell Walgreen's General Kenobi.  The buyer asks to return the item while it was in transit. Whatever, send it back.  Then they close the return request.  I figure they decided to keep it, but a month later they open a payment dispute as unrecognized payment.  I check their sold items and find my Obi-Wan.  They even used my unedited photos stolen from my listing.  The audacity 🤣 

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Makes me consider taking some of the figures I'm considering selling to a local collector shop. I know I'll get less money, but it'll be less hassle in the long run.

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Buyers seem to be getting more finicky - what part of "no returns" is unclear. I also get really annoyed when people just report the transaction before even coming to me with the request first - like, be polite? Also, when you explain "USPS apparently lost the item - call them" and somehow that's on me? I recently had a buyer completely misread a listing, buy it and then call me evil for not accepting the return. They said more things that were very close to a threat and Ebay refused to do anything about it - or remove their feedback.

There is also a listing on Mercari where another seller stole my photos and description and I reported it immediately to Mercari - that was a week ago and let me check YEP it's still there. I've reported it multiple times, even called the number. I started by asking the seller to take it down but they of course never responded.

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I use a free app called Faststone Photo Resizer and you can configure it to add a watermark to all your pictures, I recommend it!  If people want to use your pics they'll have to deal with it or go through the trouble of cropping it out.  If you have problem buyers, put that watermark right across the item, lol.

Agree completely on all this.  Buyers are protected too much.  In general, buyers are worse than sellers, because they're not relying on the consistent income.

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My wife does all the selling on Marketplace and eBay for us and we've basically stopped using eBay entirely. I'd rather sell a 100 dollar figure for 20 bucks on Marketplace (and the local toy market pretty much IS that bad) than use eBay for anything.

Between the horror stories we've heard, and all the bad experiences we've had, it's not worth it. Not to mention eBay's ridiculous policies. Even if you get a good buyer, and sell for a good price, you're still getting fucked in seven directions by eBay's deep need to gouge you of most of your profits. I genuinely don't understand how anyone, particularly outside the US, can use eBay anymore.

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Does it seem like things have got worse on their since last seller update?

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I stopped using Ebay around the time they changed the rules so that you could only sell through your country's site.   I was having a good bit of success with selling through the US site, and it was nice to have my Paypal account have US funds for purchases.

However once they stopped that I stopped using Ebay at all.   And from reading the horror stories I got out at just the right time.   

Of course now it is a different kind of #@$% show for selling, but at least it is much easier to do it locally and on trusted boards (not Facebook marketplace).   It means selling for less than I probably could get online in a lot of cases, but considering the fees involved, and shipping, it is worth less hassle to me.

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I don't know how anyone can sell on ebay with any degree of confidence. It seems like they've basically forced out the average seller and only cater to large scale sellers who can absorb all of the BS that comes with ebay buyers now-a-days. I had a friend who recently sold a figure on ebay where the buyer claimed they sent him the wrong figure and wanted to return it. Basically, a swapper who just took the figure my friend shipped him and swapped it for some shelf fodder and sent it back. Ebay sided with the buyer at every step and could not even provide my friend with a scenario where he could have defended himself. To be fully protected from such shitty people you basically need to film yourself packaging everything and who knows if that would be good enough for ebay anyway?

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Glad I haven't tried to use them. I was thinking about getting rid of some things, like my WWE stuff, not all of it, but some, and some of my DCUC or Halo. But I'm so fuckin lazy when it comes to that stuff, and no offense to this place, but I don't think its big enough to actually reliably get rid of most of the stuff I want. And we don't even have a BST section anymore. I don't even remember if we're allowed to sell things, I coulda swore there was a rule against it, at least en masse. I mean I picked up a thing or 2 here and there for people on here, but it's not like I was like "buy my stuff." And I only charged retail and shipping. Selling alot of the crap I wanna get rid of, I wouldn't even know what to charge for.

Magneto Was Right
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I guess I've had mostly positive experiences compared to what I've read here. eBay takes too much of the profits, but my buyers have generally been upstanding people. I make a lot more money off eBay than I would any other route, so I continue to use it.

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I haven't sold on eBay in quite a while, but I still buy on there a lot.  My brother sells trading cards fairly often and I haven't heard any horror stories from him about it.  But us toy collectors are probably our own special breed of annoying.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posts: 601

Two hours ago I sold my SHF Ken, SHF M. Bison, Annihilus BAF and half-a-dozen loose Deadpool figs to a local store for $75. No hassle. No regrets.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
Lover of D-List Characters
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Posted by: @tsi

I guess I've had mostly positive experiences compared to what I've read here. eBay takes too much of the profits, but my buyers have generally been upstanding people. I make a lot more money off eBay than I would any other route, so I continue to use it.

Same. I've sold about 1500 things since 2009 and have only had three relatively minor issues with buyers. Guess we are the lucky ones. 


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Posts: 488

Haven't sold on eBay in awhile, but plan to do so soon.

Under account buyer management, I have checked:


I also have it checked to no buyers outside of the U.S. as those were about the only problems I had in the past.

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