Check out Zach’s instagram, looks like Azog is up next!
looks like Azog in armor! Very cool!
has to be Bilbo or Thorin for the other? Seems there is more space to display things.
@arondir i was just coming to post this.. you guys are fast!! freaking hyped! Hopefully this isn't another Bridge Direct...
What happened/what is Bridge Direct?
Azog posted to the Reddit, sorry I can’t post pics here. Comes with a log of stuff and an alt head!
that sword that have been showing with Eowyn though, not at all accurate. Looks like a HOTD sword. That better not ship.
Azog looks good!
Hope he comes with his claw hand too.
I hope Galadrial's pedestal makes the cut, unlike the Fell Beast head.
Nervous that they've started the Hobbit line, that's a big commitment but at least they completed The Fellowship.
I think Treebeard will be the next large Diorama figure.
Azog looks great! Don't know why he was never on my radar, but I'm happy to have him. I'd have been okay with him being a BAF if they'd decided to go down that way, but I get he doesn't have the same draw as Sauron. I'd venture a guess that Thorin is his wavemate, but I don't know. I'd also be cool with Thranduil or Radagast, but Thorin makes the most sense. DST have been throwing some surprises our way of late!
Hmmm but do I want Durin in armor, or adventure Durin?
Eowyn's unhelmeted head is not on display which makes me VERY worried it's not coming, as all the other accessories for all the figs are on display. That would be a huge misstep for this line!
Galadriel's alt sleeves are much better, but still not long enough.
Azog is one of the five characters I kept from The Hobbit 6" line (Tauriel, Legolas, Bilbo, Gandalf and him) so it's nice to see him looking good again.
I'll check Eowyn's sword, it's possible accessories got mixed up. Pretty sure the unhelmeted head is still happening, sometimes prototype pieces get lost in transit. These are not production yet.
Also a very cool detail, if you see close ups of Azog, you can see they added snow and frost to his armor, incredible paint detail.
I'll check Eowyn's sword, it's possible accessories got mixed up. Pretty sure the unhelmeted head is still happening, sometimes prototype pieces get lost in transit. These are not production yet.
Thanks for the info! Fingers crossed.
Zach, can you tell us if Galadriel has legs, or if the dress is a solid piece? I hope it's solid so all the plastic can go towards the pedestal. Solid is the wrong word for a piece that should be empty inside to save on weight and plastic - rotocast?
Hope you had a good time at TF! 🙂