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Diamond Select Lord of the Rings

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Posted by: @msword

Helmet for Eowyn is not removable. Hair would not look right. 

Gandalf the White will come with another previously released character in a new look. Hope everyone likes it. Probably won't be revealed for a while. 


Thanks for squashing my well-thought-out post nearly immediately! lol

Also, interesting info nugget...  exciting!


Super Camel
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Interesting.  So, someone else we've already had before comes with Gandalf the White.  My guess is Aragorn from RotK in his armor when they storm the Gates of Mordor

joshsquash729, grinman, spinc and 1 people reacted
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My guess is either Mordor Frodo or Fellowship Sam with jacket that matches the rest of the Fellowship. 🙄

Honestly, now that all four Hobbits are released, Sam's not-matching outfit is even more baffling.

grinman reacted
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My first thought was the Black Gates version of Aragorn as well... and of all of Aragorn's alt looks, that's my favorite.  So, I'd be cool with that if it were the case.  I hadn't even thought of a redo of a hobbit figure already (since they're all fairly recent, apart from Frodo), but it does make some sense.  

I will say i've been spoiled by Hasbro's pipeline reveals for their different brands.  I like the anticipation of not knowing too, though. It's fun to speculate!

The Scarecrow Guy
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Ooh, thanks for the tease, msword! My money is on Black Gate Aragorn as well, and I'd be totally cool with that. Always loved the colors on that outfit. I'm good with whoever, though. Just glad the line is continuing!

Super Camel reacted
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Posted by: @msword

Helmet for Eowyn is not removable. Hair would not look right. 

Gandalf the White will come with another previously released character in a new look. Hope everyone likes it. Probably won't be revealed for a while. 




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Also, I wouldn't hate a King Elessar figure.. the Toybiz one was pretty bad and short.  Am I an Aragorn stan? Yes.

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There’s always a possibility that the “new look” figure is Legolas with a cloak? A similar hint was given RE SDCC Gimli.

grinman reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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@nerrad10 As a lifelong Legolas fanboy, would I turn down a cloaked Legolas with an Uruk Hai shield he can skate around on? Absolutely not.

Nerrad10 and grinman reacted
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Or maybe a two towers helm's deep Aragorn, since that would require little new molds. Just new arms really.

But a new Legolas with double elbows would be great.

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I saw the WOTR figures in stores yesterday, they are pretty yuck. I like the soft goods on them, but the paint is sloppy and the weapons are really gummy, the articulation is very poor as well. 

very sub par work from MacFarlane. 

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I'm curious how the license rights for the Lord of the Rings works.  Diamond Select has the 7" action figure rights.  Does that mean that Mcfarlane has the rights to do statues (Movie Maniacs) and 4" action figures.. but obviously they can't do 7".  So, is there someone out there that could potentially do a 6" figure line?  Are the rights that specific? 

It seems that the license includes all of the WB properties (Hobbit, LotR, WotR) under the umbrella, which is cool.  Does DST have plans to include WotR figures in the line or is the animated look something that won't fit in with the Select aesthetic?

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I am baffled that manufacturing branch Amazon isn't working with entertainment branch Amazon to produce exclusive Rings of Power figures for retailer Amazon.  

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@grinman Just because one company has a license to make 7" figures doesn't mean another can't also get the license to make 7" figures.    A company can agree to license out a property and type of product exclusively to one company, but it's not a given.   I think it's something the American toy industry tends to do.  If you look at overseas, there are a number of companies who have the license to make 6" or 7" Marvel figures.   So it all depends who the owner of an IP wants to license out their product.  And yes, an IP owner can create very specific license contract.  6".  7".  Construction.  Roleplay.  They can divvy it up as they see fit and again not even make the license contracts not specific.  It's all negotiation and money.

Amazon sunk a ton of money into Rings of Power.  But I'm not sure it's paying off like they hoped.  I don't find it that surprising they don't want to sink any more money into making toys for it.  Especially as they haven't really tried to produce any other toys already (have they?). 

WoR probably isn't something companies have a lot of faith in.  LOTR really hasn't had much merchandise out at mass retail for some time.  And an anime-style movie probably isn't generating much interest at retail.  Hell, I think the movie has been in the can almost a year (friend of mine saw it may months ago, may have even been late last year).   With the original trilogy and Hobbit trilogy already providing plenty of material to pull from for DST, I'm sure they'll hold off on any WoR product until they see how the movie performs.

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Speaking of which... Sh Figuarts Lord of the Rings Frodo and Aragorn.

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