If anything, I would've expected old Bilbo as an alternate head for a young Bilbo figure.
Anybody got a screenshot of video?
I can't seem to find it.
Anybody got a screenshot of video?
I can't seem to find it.
here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DSTLordoftheRings/s/ANa1J07sNl
I have been doing a lot more posting on that sub as this place is nearly impossible to use on mobile and will sometimes refresh in the middle of me trying a post and I’ll have to write everything twice.
Ian Holm Bilbo is a nice surprise. I was worried that we'd never get him, since the wave seemed primarily focused on The Hobbit (I know he appeared in both, but still). It's nice to be able to add even one more figure to the LOTR proper shelf. I do hope we get Freeman Bilbo somehow; I'd have thought maybe just including an alternate head could be a solution, since there is that overlap, but I know some fans would nitpick one of the actors not wearing that specific outfit (as they have a right to do, I suppose), and I don't know if whatever likeness deal thing that gets worked out with actors even includes being a disembodied head, or if they have to be their own standalone thing. Luckily, he seems like an easy enough re-do down the line, and since we're further along in the LOTR lineup, I'm glad to get Holm first.
Tauriel looks pretty good too! I hope she has some good movement. Makes me want an Arwen all the more, though.
I think Bilbo and Tauriel look good and I’ll be happy to have them, but it is objectively very, very strange to have those two represent The Hobbit especially because more figures in the Hobbit line depend on if that wave sells well. You have Tauriel, one of the most divisive characters in the trilogy, (only next to the absolutely hated Alfred). And then Old Bilbo, which is very clearly a Bilbo based on Fellowship and not his appearance in The Hobbit based on his clothes and accessories. I just can’t wrap my head around it. The only thing that makes sense is that WB has some super limited license rights granted to Diamond for The Hobbit.
Martin Freeman Bilbo and Thorin were such easy choices. Or if there really needed to be a tie in with LOTR Galadriel and Elrond were right there. How badass would it have been to get Elrond in his bronze armor?
Series 10 is likely Gandalf the White and a baddie. Series 11 slam dunk picks could include Faramir, Theoden, Eomer, and Arwen but I feel like series 11 will be Everard Proudfoot and Barliman Butterbur
(I kid of course and share all this with love)
You have Tauriel, one of the most divisive characters in the trilogy, (only next to the absolutely hated Alfred).
I'm actually really happy it's the Ian Holm Bilbo. But both figure concepts look really cool.
You have Tauriel, one of the most divisive characters in the trilogy, (only next to the absolutely hated Alfred).
Alfred of Alfrid. The sleazy Wormtongue wannabe who was a foil to Bard in Lake Town. I think the only reason I remember his name is that my son watched the Hobit movies very recently (after he read the book a few times by himself) - he loved them, btw, but he's also hitting 9 in a few weeks, so it's the perfect age to introduce them to him.
I love LOTR and only like The Hobbit, so I was on the fence for this next wave. Now that it’s confirmed as Ian Holm Bilbo I will definitely be grabbing him but now definitely skipping Tauriel. I don’t really need her as my lone figure representing The Hobbit and now really don’t trust that they’ll flesh out that series much at all. An incredibly odd choice to have her as the figure to dictate the future of the line based on sales, and very odd still to get her completed before Arwen.
I had to look it up - zero recollection of that character whatsoever.
Also, never realized Tauriel's action figure was wearing a concept outfit. I guess I really never could get over the terrible 60fps look of the film. "Here's 200 million dollars!" Now watch it through unwashed goggles while it plays on a silent film projector that hasn't been serviced in 63 years.
Merry and Pippin arrive tomorrow along with SDCC Gimli. Looking forward to seeing them in person. I like that they are doing Ian’s Bilbo but I hope we also get Martin’s eventually. Would be nice if they ran them as two separate lines so we could get more figures out per year but it is nice on the wallet to only have a handful to budget for where it seems like TMNT, Marvel, GI Joe, Star Wars keep churning out figures none stop.
I wonder if @msword can let us know if Martin Freeman Bilbo is in the cards or if likeness issues are a factor.
I am not aware of any likeness rights, but I was also not privy to the decision to go with the older Bilbo vs. younger Bilbo. So there may be reasons I am not aware of. If there are not, then a future variation is possible.
Thanks as always for the info!
After watching ROP season 2 an Annatar figure is such a NEED. Really enjoying the season so far