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Diamond Select Lord of the Rings

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@arondir Supposedly, DST announced their next wave of LOTR figures at their panel. I haven't found anything online about the panel. If someone has heard who was announced or has a link to a summary, please share. I'm also curious about the next Muppet and Walking Dead figures they announced at the panel. Thanks!

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At around 5:30 in the video, Zach says Tauriel and Bilbo are next for the line.

Super Camel reacted
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Tauriel!!! One I dearly wanted but never thought they’d make. 😃

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Tauriel before Galadriel or Arwen. Saying that out loud is making me feel feelings. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when that conversation was happening and out of all The Hobbit characters discussed they landed on Tauriel to be in the flagship wave, the wave that determines if there are enough sales to justify more. Incredible. 

I guess more elves are good and I’ll get her, but I would have been happier with anyone else. 

grinman, Chen and spinc reacted
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If the likeness to Evangeline Lily is good then this is good. If not, then no, lol!

The Scarecrow Guy
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Tauriel is an interesting choice for sure, but I'm down. The line needs more females, and I guess they wanted to go with the more "action-oriented" one. I'm a bit indifferent on the character herself, but I did always like her costume; I always thought the original figure had almost a leaf-like quality to the skirt, don't know if it was intended or based off old concept art, or just unintended, but I thought it was cool. As long as the line keeps selling well, then I don't mind getting her. She'll only be a bummer if it for some reason stops before we get other important characters.

For series 10, I guess it depends on if the Gandalf the White enters the mix again. If he does, I think I'd like Galadriel or Theoden paired with him, though I wouldn't be mad at Faramir either. If they save him for another wave, my preferred choice would be Elrond and Arwen.

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I actually like the choice of Tauriel. Bilbo had to be one of the two and if you aren’t doing a dwarf or Azog then Tauriel is a good choice (at least for the movies).

As many issues as I had with the movies Tauriel was not one of them. I was not a huge fan of them cheapening the mortal and immortal love stories of Tolkien’s work by forcing one in the hobbit but as far as the actual character went I liked her and thought Evangeline did a great job playing her.

My main issues with the movies were the more ridiculous/silly action scenes like the bat one, goblin town bridge, etc. and some of the ridiculously over the top grotesqueness of the orcs and trolls in the battle of the 5 armies.


BEOKO and grinman reacted
Super Camel
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Yeah, I think we all can agree Bilbo was a given.  But Tauriel surprised me.  But I'm in! 

Hopefully Azog is in the next Hobbit themed wave.  And I believe there will be another.  I think this wave will sell well.

Azog and Thorin for Hobbit Wave 2!

BEOKO and grinman reacted
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Posted by: @supercamel-1982

Yeah, I think we all can agree Bilbo was a given.  But Tauriel surprised me.  But I'm in! 

Hopefully Azog is in the next Hobbit themed wave.  And I believe there will be another.  I think this wave will sell well.

Azog and Thorin for Hobbit Wave 2!

Azog is super cool, and Thorin makes sense. I would also love to see Dain Ironfoot and Thranduil get made.


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I woke up early to grab Gimli and the site still hasn’t put him up for order almost an hour later. 😑 

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I'm baffled by the Tauriel choice. I never could have predicted her to be in the first wave of Hobbit figures.  I don't hate the choice, but it's certainly not one I would have made.  I want a Tauriel figure, so I'll buy her.. I just thought there were several other characters that would've been prioritized ahead of her.  I really hope they sell well enough to justify moving forward with more characters from The Hobbit.  I gotta get me a 1/10 Thorin and Azog at the very least... hopefully a Balin, Bard and Bolg too! All the B names...

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With Tauriel being the non-Bilbo figure in the first wave, it's gonna take even longer for you guys to get your dwarves.  You think with some many dwarf characters are part of the Hobbit trilogy, there would be one per wave.  Or at least start with one in the first wave.  Unless of course, they're putting them in multipacks, but we haven't seen multipacks for the LOTR properties yet.

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If they're planning all the dwarves, I don't see how they could do anything other than multi-packs. Looking at Grins' great work the other day it struck me just how unmemorable some of those dwarves are. Maybe two-packs would work? I think they'd have a tough time moving some of the lesser dwarves.

And I would saw Tauriel is a pretty good choice. She was definitely a standout in the trilogy. 

P.S. If you're out of touch like me, you may not know that Max currently has extended versions of Desolation of Smaug and the Battle of Five Armies streaming. Didn't see an extended version of the first movie. (Didn't know extended versions of any of these films existed till about 2 weeks ago.) Watched BOFA and there was a bit more there, especially the battle scenes. I'm about halfway through DoS and there's some good stuff there. I think the introduction to human Beorn is much better, though I can see why it was cut.

grinman reacted
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Unless there is Marvel Legends levels of buy in to this line and a massive expansion of DST’s output there is just no way we are getting all the dwarves. It’s been 5 (6?) years since this line launched and we still don’t have a complete fellowship in our hands. With The Hobbit getting 1 wave a year if things go well it will be over a decade before all of them release. We will be lucky to get more than 2. 

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Maybe there's another way...

What if they made a base buck with a few points of articulation, but not too many, included two per package and four different dwarven heads, of different characters? Include 4 soft torso overlays to make each character, some weapons, then you make two more of this?

They wouldn't be accurate, not fully articulated, and feel pretty cheap, but it would be a cheap way to release all of the dwarves. 3 two packs, each including the parts to build 2 full dwarves, but you could buy two of each to build all four available dwarves in that wave.

They wouldn't be great figures but most people that actually want all 13 dwarves just want them standing there. They would only need to make Thorin a full figure (which is the only one who deserves it imo).

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