I agree that this is a very frustrating problem. After I looked at the designer's ins posting of previous designs for a couple of figures I think the problem would stem from the designer and the sculptor not dealing with each other very well. The designer's plans would have all the accessories drawn out, but the sculptor wouldn't think about whether or not they could be fitted to the figure.Cost constraints are probably one of the biggest reasons though.Hopefully they'll improve on that if cost constraints aren't an issue.
Saw Boromir and Lurtz in person yesterday at a LCS. Didn't pick them up just yet, because funds are a little tight currently, but they did look darn good. Certainly some improvements to the paint and sculpt- even the hair looked really good. Sucks to hear about the dagger and sword though. Is there any way for his shield to be stored on his back like in the movie?
Amazon shipped mine today so I hope to get them soon.
Amazon shipped mine today so I hope to get them soon.
Oh man, I have 7 days to ship my PoL from BBTS. I really hope these figures arrive in time.
Can anyone confirm the issues with the dagger and sword sheaths that the reviewer had?
Haha. The Boromir dagger/sheath combo not working together is so on par for this line. So close yet there's gotta be some silly avoidable flaw. At least it's only a dagger and not the sword. There's literally no excuse for sculpting a dagger sheath and making it solid and not able to hold the dagger.
My Boromir & Lurtz arrived today. Overall I really like them. They are great figures . . . but there are a few issues I have with them. They do not ruin the figures for me but Boromir’s are a little baffling and hold him back from being top notch.
For Boromir the dagger sheath not having an opening is pretty strange and when you add it to the fact that neither the sheath for the dagger and or the sword attach to the belt. The is some kind of hook on the belt in the back but I am not sure what is supposed to go there (same thing with Lurtz). The shield does not have the strap which again does not ruin the figure for me but I may customize it to have one. For Lurtz the only issues I have is getting the arrow pouch on. I guess I need to heat him and take him apart to do it. Not a big issue. The other thing is the arrows look pretty small. I would give Boromir a 4.5 out of 5 due to the sheaths solely on the figure I would give it a 5 for 5. Lurtz pretty much is a 5 for 5 for me. They might be my favorites for the line so far.
The shield not having a strap is very odd, it had one in the preview video from a few months ago. That and the dagger are not huge deals, but seem like such tiny things to exclude.
I love this line & I'm eagerly anticipating each new release, but MAN they do some goofy stuff in production.
I guess we'll have to glue the sheaths in. Maybe even make my own for that dagger. This is disappointing, as is the fit of Boromir's cape. It still makes him look hunchbacked.
And then his eyes are very clearly far apart, at least on the reviews I've seen. Oh well, he still looks good overall.
Wonder if they'll throw in a functioning dagger hilt with either Merry or Pippin down the road. Gollum got extra arrows and axes for Legolas and Gimli, and wasn't there a rumor that one of the upcoming figures (Sam, maybe?) was going to have retroactive cloaks for those who didn't get one? Not sure if that ever came to fruition, but I could've sworn I heard that somewhere. Or maybe it was a possible accessory pack or something. Either way- kind of a silly way of doing things, but I guess it's better than just re-releasing the figure and making us buy another if we want said accessory.
Sam only comes with one cloak as far as we know, it just has a pack and some pans that attach that look like two.
they have talked about an accessory pack before though.
So good to have the forum back!
I've missed having somewhere to discuss this line
Pic of the Cave Troll for reference
Of course i'll buy it, but it's kinda disappointing that it's a statue (in that pose it needs a deep shelf to accommodate it)
There's also something very off with its head, it's too elongated and the chin just kind of melts into the body
Getting you to buy an accessory pack to get bits that should have come with the actual figure you paid for is a lot like video game companies releasing unfinished games for full price and selling you the rest of the game as add-ons and DLC.
In other words, it's a shitty practice that shouldn't be encouraged.
In any event, I was so incredibly excited for new LotR toys when this line was first announced, and it's monumentally disappointing to see how badly mismanaged it's been.
You never know what you're going to get from DST. From line-to-line and figure-to-figure.
Getting you to buy an accessory pack to get bits that should have come with the actual figure you paid for is a lot like video game companies releasing unfinished games for full price and selling you the rest of the game as add-ons and DLC.
In other words, it's a shitty practice that shouldn't be encouraged.In any event, I was so incredibly excited for new LotR toys when this line was first announced, and it's monumentally disappointing to see how badly mismanaged it's been.
I agree, it’s not great. However looking at the line as a whole I’m super glad I got them. Every wave has been better than the last, the issues I have a pretty minor (to me) and I have been really happy with the figures so far generally. Can’t wait to see what comes after the fellowship.