We back!
To recap from SDCC:
-Sam and Saruman coming in Q1.
-Cave troll will be “more or less” in scale with the figures
-Merry and Pippin not shown but are coming next and are mostly complete.
Lurtz and Boromir should be out next week (at least according to Amazon)
CAVE TROLL!! Awesome. Hadn't heard that in anything I saw, but then the forum went caput right when sdcc started. Have they dropped any hints on who the female figure they're working on is?
A cave troll could be really cool. Shouldn't suffer as much as the regular figures do from the poor articulation choices/design DST figures regularly suffer from, since really large figures almost always have reduced ROM anyway. Have to keep an eye on that for sure.
Boromir looks pretty nice too, but I definitely want to see some in-hand reviews for ROM and poseability before I get excited about anything.
Small but important piece of info left out, but the cave troll is a statue, not a figure.
Small but important piece of info left out, but the cave troll is a statue, not a figure.
I would consider that the most important piece of information! I have no interest in statues, even if they scale to the figures I have. I'd settle for swivel shoulders rather than one fully static piece. Pass! But bring on Boromir, Merriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, please and thank you!
Small but important piece of info left out, but the cave troll is a statue, not a figure.
I would consider that the most important piece of information! I have no interest in statues, even if they scale to the figures I have. I'd settle for swivel shoulders rather than one fully static piece. Pass! But bring on Boromir, Merriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, please and thank you!
Agree completely. My Fellowship will have to just settle for battling my Mythic Legions troll in that case.
I don’t mind the static pose at all, but to each their own.
the Lurtz and Boromir wave is out now! I am seeing some videos out there. Boromir looks fantastic. He has swappable gloves and bare hands that we did not know about.
I can't find any reviews of Boromir yet, myself. Curious to see how that one turned out. The Cave Troll being a statue is, as the French say, le boner killer. No interest in static figures on any level.
I'm not against statues by any means, especially if it means cool dioramas with the figures. I do wish there was some slightly better articulation- would be awesome to pose Legolas on top of the cave troll like in the movie, but not a huge deal. I guess it mostly depends on what pose the troll is in- if it's neutral enough to put in the display but not too uninteresting. Maybe a raised attack pose with either its club or spear?
Pics of the cave troll are out there, it was on display at SDCC. I think you could probs put Legolas up there with some help, I’m putting a Moria Orc on mine.
5I can't find any reviews of Boromir yet, myself. Curious to see how that one turned out. The Cave Troll being a statue is, as the French say, le boner killer. No interest in static figures on any level.
I can't find any reviews either. I'm eager to see some reviews and more eager to get this figures. Since BBTS still has an August ship date for these two figures, I'm hoping to receive an in stock email any day now.
I'm a little bummed that the Cave Troll is a statue and not a figure. Have they announced the price?
No price. Check out DS’s Instagram and the tagged tab, there are videos popping up in there for Lurtz and Boromir.
No price. Check out DS’s Instagram and the tagged tab, there are videos popping up in there for Lurtz and Boromir.
Thanks! Both figures look great in the reviews! I can't wait to get these.
The new Gandalf the White Gallery figure looks good. I'm sure it won't scale with the rest of the figures, but if we never get G Dubs in the main line, at least we'll have this.
So wait... did DST release Boromir with a dagger sheath that the dagger cannot fit into, and a scabbard for his sword that doesn't actually connect to the figure? Because, if these things are true, what is going on over at DST? How is no one at the company being like 'hold on a second... maybe we should not make this obvious and incredibly easy to resolve mistake?'
Unless the reviewer I saw is somehow wrong about both things, in which case Boromir looks to be an improvement over previous figures and is pretty nice. But if those things -are- true, it's a pretty egregious problem to have. Or rather... just such an absolutely butt-fucking-stupid problem to have.