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Diamond Select Darkwing Duck

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Preordered the DW/ND 2pk based on the fact that they'll be mostly articulated.  Wondering who they'll pick for the next figures.  Will they all be 2pks or did we only get this because of such similar characters?  Maybe they'll include other expressions for DW because I don't think they ones he comes with are quite enough.

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We'll see how this set does -- that will decide who we offer next, whether they'll be a two-pack, etc. Figures will have I believe 12 points of articulation each -- not sure why Darkwing has two heads while Nega has three, but we'll see how that shakes out. I believe each will also have two capes. 

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Posted by: @msword

We'll see how this set does -- that will decide who we offer next, whether they'll be a two-pack, etc. Figures will have I believe 12 points of articulation each -- not sure why Darkwing has two heads while Nega has three, but we'll see how that shakes out. I believe each will also have two capes. 

Are you the gentleman from Diamond who was telling us about the articulation before the forums went and took the big sleep?  I'd definitely like to see more facial expressions for Darkwing and other key characters rolled in with other figures if those perhaps are lacking in possible accessories, a new head/facial expression for DW might help to move less popular characters or at least be more enticing to those weighing the value in getting each character.


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This is my most anticipated figure line. I've been loving the new Darkwing Dynamite comics and can't wait for the new cartoon.

I'd love any updates that can be shared about the production progress of the Darkwing/Negaduck set. I'm very hopeful the initial pre-order generated enough interest that more characters are in the works!


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Received the Darkwing 2pk today.  Both the figures look good overall.  I would like to see more heads/facial expressions for Darkwing in the future.  My only complaint with this was the packaging box it comes in.  It's vastly oversized.  Don't get me wrong the figures are displayed nicely inside, but I don't see how most folks would be able to keep these MIB/MOC and have much room left.  Hopefully they'll do more with the line as I genuinely enjoyed Darkwing Duck as a kid.  But I think they can reduce the package sizing once they get past characters that come with various hats/capes.  Hopefully Megavolt, Steelbeak, Bushroot and the others before long.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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I understand they did it to spread the tooling costs over 2 figures, but I REALLY wish this wasn't a 2 pack.  I would happily buy Darkwing, just to have him on the shelf, but I don't see myself spending $50 on the 2 pack just to get him. 

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Where did you order them from? I had no idea they were about to come out. I'm looking forward to them. I had them pre-ordered at BBTS from day one. 


I can't seem to find a review or final production images. How is the articulation? And how to they scale compared to the Funko line or Playmates line (if anyone happens to have them)?

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Posted by: @kingbowser



Where did you order them from? I had no idea they were about to come out. I'm looking forward to them. I had them pre-ordered at BBTS from day one. 


I can't seem to find a review or final production images. How is the articulation? And how to they scale compared to the Funko line or Playmates line (if anyone happens to have them)?


Entertainment Earth.  Got here rather quickly too as no one had reviews up on Youtube either.  The articulation is fine, about what I'd expect or slightly better.  I was somewhat dismayed that his elbow's wont bend to the extent that he can lift his gas gun / utility gun up near his face, but since the forearms are largely just cylindrical since they're supposed to be coat sleeve, if you rotate the forearm around and bend it the opposite direction it goes deeper on the hinge that way.  It looks about the same regardless of which direction the elbow bends.

NegaDuck's 3 heads involve 2 where the only difference in the expression is that his mouth is slightly open.  But I'm not going to complain about more heads.  Both characters come with more or less what you'd expect them to, but NegaDuck seems to have gotten the wider variety of accessories what with all his weapons.  As I said before, I do hope they'll do more heads for DarkWing as the main character should have more than 2 expressions.

The hats will pretty much sit in whatever pose you want, but since the inside is hollow the rigid hair on each characters head is what holds it on.  It's hard to know which direction the hat is supposed to face, so I just put it however I think looks best.

As for scale, I don't have the Beast Kingdom Darkwing or the ones from PlayMates ( I had the originals long ago but no longer do.  Nor do I have the Funko one so I couldn't tell you.

They don't have knee articulation but given the shortness of their legs it doesn't bother me.  The ankles seem fine for what they are.  No ab crunch obviously.  I avoided getting all the other DarkWing releases as they always seemed off model design wise or like the figure itself would only be a one-off in being made.  I figured DST would be the most likely to make more than just the main character if anyone would.  Pleased with the figures overall.


kingbowser reacted
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Thank you for the summary. I'm really looking forward to have this figure in hand. I do hope there is a demand for it and Diamond Select releases some villains to go with it. 

A good Negaduck figure has been needed for a looooong time. Now I need Crackerjack. I'm still a fan of the old Playmates line. Crackerjack, Negaduck and Liquidator where part of the canceled wave 2. Those may be the figures I am most sorry to never see production. 


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It would be amazing to see Morgana, Quackerjack, Liquidator and J Gander Hooter finally get made. I just really need to know how these scale with the Playmates figures, which I'm still attached to.

If you can't post comparison pics, could you possibly measure their heights and widths? That would help 🙂

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I just got my set from EE, and I absolutely love them. I really hope they make more characters from Darkwing Duck and any other Disney Afternoon shows would be awesome.

I only have Gizmoduck from the short lived Funko Disney Afternoon action figure line to compare to previous Darkwing figures. It is much smaller than the new Diamond select ones. I would guess the vintage playmates Gosalyn and Honker could stand in better size wise, but the rest of the characters will be much smaller (~4-4.5" vs DS ~5.5")

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This set will be in comic shops on February 7. I'll see if I can get some measurements. 

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Received my Darkwing set from EE tonight.  Excitement turned into crushing disappointment as one of DWs arms snapped off right out of the package. 😭 I’m not looking forward to getting this replaced while dealing with this humongous box.

I did grab a quick comparison pic.  They are definitely their own scale, which is about what I expected and is ok with me.

kingbowser reacted
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You put the wrong hats on the wrong ducks LOL but thanks for the pictures!!


I'm bummed the scale is so noticeably different from the Playmates figures. Also, why do Neggy's "cheeks" have what look like protruding seraded edges, whereas DW's are just feather edges, as they should be on both? It really weirds me out.

Eager for more characters though.


Sorry about the arm!


Edit! How did you get vintage DW to hold his accessories?

scottg10 reacted
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That's a bummer about the arm. The figures looks pretty good though. I think the slightly spikier feathers on NegaDuck are just to add a touch more malevolence to the character and it works for me. I am surprised they're that much taller than the Funko DW. I think the scale of that line or the DuckTales 2017 line would have been perfect, but it only matters if more figures come and that they scale with this pair. I like the height of Scrooge and DW from Funko, but the bigger characters were way too small.

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