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Crocodile Dundee Figure(s)

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Given the deep cut personalities like Richard Simmons and Bob Ross that NECA has managed to get out to the public, I'm laying this out in hopes that NECA or someone similar might look at making the 80s Paul Hogan character Mick Dundee as a deluxe figure.  Is this something you would buy personally, and are there any other associated figures you'd like to see released?  Personally I'm fine with just Mick from his 1st and 2nd movie looks and perhaps Walter Reilly.

Silent Red reacted
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Ehh, I love the first two movies, but I don't know how interested I'd be in a figure of Mick, unless he fit with G.I. Joe Classified & Indiana Jones Adventure Series. I wouldn't have any use for him in any solo aspect anywhere else, and even for characters I'm obsessed with, I am not a very big fan of 1/10.

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Posted by: @tenime
I am not a very big fan of 1/10.

put him next to your Crocker in movie TMNT collection, he can be the Henson-verse version of the guy who fell into the water that mutated Leatherhead


TENIME reacted
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After jessica fletcher and bob ross anything is possible 

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Given that he WAS in NYC, I think it'd be funny to stick him in a TMNT sewer or subway display.  He spent a fair amount of time in and around NYC enough for me to include him.  Definitely don't need a version from Dundee 3 though.

TENIME reacted
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I knew that there was a movie (I'm pretty sure I saw it years ago) and I'm not surprised to find out that a sequel exists, but 3 movies?  That's something I never would have guessed!

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That's actually a want of mine.  8" clothed line, throw in a croc to wrestle, take my money.  I've actually been looking at some of those unlicensed Chinese 12" figures with names like "croc fighter" or "road mercenary" that are basically Mick Dundee and Mad Max.  Don't want to quite pay upwards of $200 or more though.  

Love the first two films.  I just bought the digital 4K versions on Vudu.  Never can make it through the third one.  Just not a big fan of sequels happening long after the last film in the series.  That one came out like what, 15-years after part 2?

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What are the chances that this topic has come up and just a few weeks ago I started a custom Mick Dundee figure!  I'm using the ToD Indiana Jones (shirtless) figure as the base to start.  I saw someone on Instagram has a 3d head/hat and knoif to purchase.  i'll probably go that route.  I'll post my progress here once I get some traction..

Zombie F-Body and TENIME reacted
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I wouldn't mind a Crocodile Dundee figure.  The first film is great.  Plenty of other movies could use a figure of their main character. 

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Would be nice if the Crocmaster croc scaled decent with it too.  I'd even buy a black shirt variant from the end of Dundee 2.
