First new Unlock revealed:
EDIT For fuck's sake, go look at the Deinonychus set on the campaign page. Why in the hell can I paste the pic into the Comment box but it fails to show once posted? A POX ON THEE!!!!
Hilariously, the Deinonychus is the first one shown that I'd buy. Figures it'd be a stretch goal. 😆
(And how are these human figures still so over-designed? I'd really love a stripped down option with a helmetless head for some of these more "tech-oriented" clan members...)
I think it looks cool! I'm in if it makes it, though $77 does feel pretty $$$ for these two little figures. I guess that's in line with the campaign though!
So far:
Pledged for Arctic Dragon
Pledged for Smilodon (no armor)
Will pledge for RazorHound armor (waiting on BotM version for the Achillobater)
Will pledge for Deinonychus (no armor)
Waiting for BotM version of Allosaurus
I really dig that Deinonychus set. Of course in a perfect world it would be cheaper, because I'd love to have a little hunting pack of them running around. But I definitely have to be more responsible than buying multiples of a set that's almost 80 bucks US (so, over 100 dollars Canadian, before shipping).
To me, the soldier that comes with that set is also the best humanoid figure in the line-up so far, but it still really does have too much going on. All of these humanoid designs need to the details scaled back by like... 15% or so. They'd look so much nicer that way instead of having MCU-itis where every square millimeter has so much going on that your eyes almost start bleeding trying to find a spot to rest on. BUT, this figure is a huge improvement in that regard over the previously revealed figures.
I hope that set gets unlocked because I can't see myself turning that one down. In fact, so far it's the set I like the most out of the entire KS. Still really excited to see what the KS exclusive is.
@salemcrow Worth noting for scale, the dragon will be 5 inches longer than the Haslab sentinel is tall. Still plenty big. More in the properly scaled ridable dragon category than the Smaug category, but still pretty big.
I don't have any of the Haslab offerings, so I have no frame of reference for those.
As far as scale goes, if the ice dragon ends up roughly this scale I'd be happy.
I got this at Target this year in their Halloween section. I'll have to measure it and see how it compares to the dragon in the KS.
I'm really not sure where I'm landing on this quite yet. I'd really like to see better pictures of everything - the ones on KS are quite small.
I thought the same thing about the images on the KS, but if you click on the image for the set it takes you to an image gallery with larger images.
I have no Savage Land collection, so the tiger isn't really tempting me.
I do like the general design of the ice dragon, but would have preferred one without feathers since it's a fantasy creature and not a "scientifically accurate" dino like the Raptors were. I have no 1/18 figures, so I need to decide if a smaller dragon would still work with my 1/12 fantasy figures, and if I can swing backing for one.
If it's a fantasy creature, why can't it have feathers? 🙂 Besides, the lizard dragon he's shown off doesn't have feathers, so I don't think that's the reason the Arctic one does either. He's just going for variety.
Not saying it can't have feathers, just my personal preference to how I've always enjoyed dragons portrayed in everything I've seen/read.
Fully funded! As explained in the latest update, there's an outside investor involved.
Mystery box set revealed. Kickstarter exclusive Smilodon redeco, I believe intended as an homage to the old Dino Riders toy. Different female rider figure as well.
I jumped in on the big arctic dragon. I've been seeing his early sculpts and things of that beauty for a while now and I was just waiting for it to finally be a purchasable item. That price stings, but I've always been very pleased with all the dinos I've gotten from these lines.
First stretch goal threshold met, just gotta wait for them to update the page to make it available as an add-on.
Really awesome to see how fast this thing is moving. Seems like the next stretch goal set is certain to be unlocked, which is awesome.
Definitely cool to see such a great reaction! I added the Achillobator set to my order, and will most like do the same for all the other tiers.
Interesting comment David made in an interview I was watching on youtube (5POA interview). When discussing the converting armors, he mentioned that he intends to get to full-on transforming robots for the line as well ("when we get to this other clan called the Water Clan").