Shit, I'm thinking wrong. I want the RazorHound armor that's yet to be unlocked for my pre-existing Raptor. The DragonSlayer armor is gonna be too big to fit, right?
Now that I see the other tiers aren't included in the all-in option, Im re-thinking that.
The arctic dragon is most likely going to get a pass from, it's the armored dinos and 1:18 figures that I want. So hopefully the other tiers make it!
Pledged for the dragon and armor-less Smilodon. Want the Allosaurus but don't love the colors so I'll probably wait for the BotM version down the road. Probably going to buy the Razorhound armor when it unlocks, and I'm sure there'll be plenty more as more tiers are unveiled.
I'm really not sure where I'm landing on this quite yet. I'd really like to see better pictures of everything - the ones on KS are quite small. This is particularly an issue because of the human characters. It's hard to tell if I like the designs or not. I know the original male figure design just seemed too busy for my tastes, but I'm less sure about the female figure that comes with the Smilodon.
The pricing seems perfectly reasonable. I will say that. And I'm really interested right now in the Smilodon set. I love the Allosaurus, but the reality is that it's fuckin' huge and I don't have anywhere to put something that I like more in theory than as something I really, really want to have.
I'm also not really a fan of the design they went with for the arctic dragon. Definitely would love some 1:18 dragons, which is way more interesting to me than a 1:18 dinosaur that can't stand up without a very obvious, intrusive stand holding it up. But this particular design for a dragon doesn't really do much for me.
The Achillobator is cool but I don't think I want to spend over 100 bucks US on it. Very interested to see what the KS exclusive is going to be because, at the listed price point, I'm guessing it's either a 'smaller' beast (like the Smilodon) with armor and a rider, or it's another dragon (maybe that forest dragon David showed off once already). So.... I hate to be a fence-sitter with Kickstarters because I know that doesn't help things, but I'm gonna fence sit for a bit longer.
GOOD chance I'm going to end up at least getting the Smilodon bundle with rider. It's a really good deal and easily my favorite of the initial offerings.
I pledged for an Ice Dragon and an unarmored Saber Tooth Tiger.
some of the armors and riders look better in the stretch goals so I’m sure I’ll bit eventually but that seems like a good start.
I wasn’t crazy about the Allosaurus’ paint scheme so I’ll wait for a BotM version and while I like the Tiger’s armor, but I also know Silva goes to Power Con every year and while nothing is *confirmed* if I only get one armored cat I know the version I’m waiting for.
Had the idea to ask if there will be armor add-ons for the li'l bitty 18th Raptors and Protoceratops. Make such things compatible with the Riders somehow. would be most cool.
I'm really not sure where I'm landing on this quite yet. I'd really like to see better pictures of everything - the ones on KS are quite small.
I thought the same thing about the images on the KS, but if you click on the image for the set it takes you to an image gallery with larger images.
I have no Savage Land collection, so the tiger isn't really tempting me.
I do like the general design of the ice dragon, but would have preferred one without feathers since it's a fantasy creature and not a "scientifically accurate" dino like the Raptors were. I have no 1/18 figures, so I need to decide if a smaller dragon would still work with my 1/12 fantasy figures, and if I can swing backing for one.
At 31in long, that ain't no 'small' dragon even amongst 12th figures.
but I'm less sure about the female figure that comes with the Smilodon.
This should help:
Thanks for the tip about the Galleries, SalemCrow.
EDIT Or, maybe not so much. Quoting/Editing my post shows it in its original BIGMcFUCKHUGE size and I'm unable to paste the raw URL.
I dig her, she looks cool! Hopefully the riders have decent ROM.
@salemcrow Worth noting for scale, the dragon will be 5 inches longer than the Haslab sentinel is tall. Still plenty big. More in the properly scaled ridable dragon category than the Smaug category, but still pretty big.
I'm really not sure where I'm landing on this quite yet. I'd really like to see better pictures of everything - the ones on KS are quite small.
I thought the same thing about the images on the KS, but if you click on the image for the set it takes you to an image gallery with larger images.
I have no Savage Land collection, so the tiger isn't really tempting me.
I do like the general design of the ice dragon, but would have preferred one without feathers since it's a fantasy creature and not a "scientifically accurate" dino like the Raptors were. I have no 1/18 figures, so I need to decide if a smaller dragon would still work with my 1/12 fantasy figures, and if I can swing backing for one.
If it's a fantasy creature, why can't it have feathers? 🙂 Besides, the lizard dragon he's shown off doesn't have feathers, so I don't think that's the reason the Arctic one does either. He's just going for variety.
Thanks for the pic-related stuff, guys.
I mean.. as far as dragons go, I would definitely say the arctic dragon is 'small' for 1:12. Not unworkable. But it depends on what you're going for. If you're a D&D fan, then absolutely almost any size dragon works, because of the different types and age categories and such.
If you just want a fearsome 'traditional fantasy' dragon for 6" figures... the arctic is probably a touch too small to really look the part. Honestly, it's really only barely big enough for 4" figures in that regard. But in the realm of fantasy, there's so many kinds of dragons that the only way this doesn't work in different scales is if you're going for something very specific.
As someone that collects multiple scales, I'll admit there's very little chance I'd put any Cyberzoic dragons with anything larger than 4" figures, though. That's certainly what it's meant for and I do think that's where it will look the most impressive.
The dragons are going to be displayed with my BotM figures, which I have separated out by their scales. I really only am interested in their scale compared to the dinos, I don't plan to buy any of the humans and only those armors which convert into "creatures" that I think look cool. And I definitely care more about interesting creature design for the dragons than I do adherence to any sort of "traditional" or D&D-style.
The Smilodon is technically 1/12 scale, if taken naturalistically, but it's sized up for the Cyberzoic line and is "1/18" for the purposes of that fiction. There will be an "actual" 1/18 scale Smilodon in BotM.