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Creative Beast CYBERZOIC Kickstarter

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They've decided it's going live Oct 3rd, so it's time for an official thread.

The proposed ALL-IN Package

UPDATE: With the Cyberzoic Kickstarter launch less than three weeks away, I wanted to update everyone on what's actually planned to be included and what will be offered later on. Admittedly this has been a very challenging concept to wrangle in, finding the right balance of all the elements involved. That being said, it was becoming way too big for one campaign, and if my BotM Kickstarters are an indication, tha's saying something! So after much consideration, I present to you my offering list for the first Cyberzoic Kickstarter! Keep in mind that this is in no particular order and consists of mostly stretch goal items. Many of you will notice that some items previously shown such as Pachycephalosaurus, Stegosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Andrewsarchus and several others are not on this list, but do not worry as they are still planned to be offered later on and released around the same time as I'd initially intended. But keeping them in this campaign with everything else, which I consider to be essential, would make this Kickstarter way too daunting for those wanting to back everything, and possibly even too much for me to commit to. You'll find that there are a few in-progress reveals here, but there'll be plenty more to show as we lead up to Oct. 3rd and even there after. Please continue to follow along and spread the word however you can. Thank you all for your support as always and let's make an awesome new toy line!

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Once thing I really want to know about this Kickstarter is, are the armors, dinosaurs, and riders sold as a set or are they three individual items that are merely suggested you buy together because of “the lore”

either way I’m getting at least one of every Beast, whether that be I’m buying EVERYTHING or able to just get the beast and pick up the riders and armors I like best…. Probably getting two Ice Dragons

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I need to find out more about that dragon.

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These look amazing but I'm pretty worried about the financial commitment when it comes to this line. Beasts of the Mesozoic are pretty pricey as it is (and worth every penny), adding armor and figures might make the cost really tough for me on top of everything else I collect.

I hadn't thought the dinos, armor and riders could be sold separately. Doubt it would happen as it would make things really, really tough on Creative Beasts but I would love it. I'd probably grab a couple "powered up" beasts with riders but I'd largely just stick to buying the animals.

And dragons, definitely dragons ...

reefer shark
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If this line is as awesome as it looks, and If there’s an all in option under 1k, im most likely going to jump in.

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I'm going to wait to see pricing on these. With exchange rate and shipping, the regular dinos are just so expensive that I've never pulled the trigger on anything I would actually like to own (because the ones I like are fairly sizeable figures).

And I actually really, really don't like the look of any of the humanoids. Just another company doing excessively busy, over-designed stuff that is actually hard for me to even look at. Like.. there's nowhere to rest your eyes on them.

But an armored dino or dragon is going to be REALLY hard to resist if I can swing/justify the cost.

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I really thought that David had said long ago that the armors and figures would be sold separately.  I'm hoping that's still the case.  At any rate, all the animals in the line are going to be offered without armor as part of the Beasts of the Mesozoic/Cenozoic lines at some point, with different color schemes.

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Posted by: @cmoney

I really thought that David had said long ago that the armors and figures would be sold separately.  I'm hoping that's still the case.  At any rate, all the animals in the line are going to be offered without armor as part of the Beasts of the Mesozoic/Cenozoic lines at some point, with different color schemes.

He has indeed said those already with dinos will be able to buy armor separately; but my gut says that's gonna be from the store after the KS delivers.  I hope that *doesn't* hold true for the figures, tho.  My budget's gut is telling me I'll probably be able to get one of each figure and one of the medium dinos + armor.


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Yeah, it makes more sense that unarmored dinos would be released later.

That'll work but what's probably gonna happen for me, I bet, is I'll like the Cyberzoic paint jobs a lot more than the repainted single releases ...

In any event, currently targeting the Carnotaurus and maybe the Utahraptor for the Kickstarter, price depending. I feel like a more Arctic-colored Smilodon is coming down the road.

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Posted by: @theknightdamien

I'm going to wait to see pricing on these. With exchange rate and shipping, the regular dinos are just so expensive that I've never pulled the trigger on anything I would actually like to own (because the ones I like are fairly sizeable figures).

And I actually really, really don't like the look of any of the humanoids. Just another company doing excessively busy, over-designed stuff that is actually hard for me to even look at. Like.. there's nowhere to rest your eyes on them.


I'm in complete agreement with you here. I've also owned some of the Dinosaurs in the past but sold them because they were just too large and heavy. No one wants to lose that much money to a shelf dive... 😆 


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Hell, it's already 25% funded and I haven't even logged in properly.

I think I gotta have the Smilodon set and all Riders that get unlocked; but I think I can swing an ALL-IN and may end up succumbing to the temptation.

EDIT settled on the Smilodon set + Argenteus rider + Dragonslayer armor for one of my pre-existing Raptors + shipping = $184.

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Just Smilodon for me right now. Gonna sit back and wait for the sweet Achillobator, Utahraptor and Carnotaurus stretch goals to come up. 

It looks like it's on track to exceed the half-way point of a pretty hefty $205K funding goal by this evening.

EDIT: Or maybe later this afternoon ...

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I'll get just the Smilodon, as a stand-in for Zabu

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Posted by: @grumpymatt

Just Smilodon for me right now. Gonna sit back and wait for the sweet Achillobator, Utahraptor and Carnotaurus stretch goals to come up. 

It looks like it's on track to exceed the half-way point of a pretty hefty $205K funding goal by this evening.

EDIT: Or maybe later this afternoon ...


Do we have reason to think the Carnotaurus will actually be a part of this campaign? (That's probably to only one that might get me to cave... 😆 )


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