Fresh Monkey Fiction is bringing COPS n' Crooks to the 1/12 scale:
B.P. Vess. My mom always thought he was handsome.
So these will be NECA priceish?
I saw this posted on the FMF Fans Facebook page by a Mr. Wyld and thought "waitaminute..." I was hoping it would eventually wind up here.
The text does show that he comes with a soft goods trench coat, so no worries there. I'm pretty excited about this. I was probably too old to watch this when it came out, but I watched it anyway because screw you, societal expectations. Now that I'm an old man and actually work at my local police department, this line is a must-buy for me.
Can't believe that we are getting all these IP's done, but no one has touched the Galaxy Rangers yet.
I will be 100% in on this line. Definite purchases/wishlist for me are:
Big Boss
Dr Badvibes
Ms Demeanor
A fun license at not insane prices? I'm in.
I don’t know anything about the franchise, but I enjoy FMF’s stuff so much and from seeing everyone’s excitement, I think I’m down for Bulletproof just from my initial digging into info on the old toys and show. (I need Toy Galaxy to do a longer video on them)
Nice, I’ve got, I think, all but 2 of the original figures. I know Kapow Toys look to be getting some of the Monster Force figures in so if they get these I’ll pick them up.
C&C was just behind M.A.S.K. as my most wanted modern retake. I was just looking at eBay within the last because I didn't go very deep into the original, only having eight figures and the Jail Bird vehicle.
Wait. So Bulletproof has butt-less chaps? That’s so…. Odd. I never pictured him as having that kind of lifestyle. 🤪
I wanna get the villains in this line. always liked the Big Boss design, he looks cool.
So, i'm too old for Cops and Crooks to be meaningful to me from a nostalgia angle. But FMF have me heavily committed to their 1/12 Operation Monster Force and Crimson Moon offerings - and i have to say some of these are looking pretty tempting just to augment the FMF collection - the likes of Bullitt, Checkpoint and Barricade look like they could slot in pretty easily to existing my 1/12th displays...
The looks of the bad guys seem a bit dated though - big shoulder padded jackets, flared ankle pants, mohawks - not sure how well that translates to my current set up. I'll have to wait and see how faithful FMF are to the original late 80's designs. If they go with straight modern figures of those same vintage looks, while i would understand and respect the choice, I'd probably skip the figures. If they tone down some of very 80's elements, i might be more open to them .