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Combat Creatures Kickstarter

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@panthercult  While I can understand not liking the cartoon look of AWOK, it doesn't bother me.  I have no problem mixing styles of figures, since this hobby should be about using ones imagination and having fun.  Proportions of the large figure also isn't an issue, since it's a gorilla-man.  Works for me.  Maybe it won't work as well for some characters, like the lion guy, but's a cartoony line.  I'm not going to hold it to some kind of realistic standard.

And this line just barely evokes Battle Beasts.  Yes, they're armored animal men.  However, they're lanky whereas Battle Beasts were squat and wide.   The proportions on this line are baffling, especially as its supposed to homage Battle Beast, and make it an easy pass.

I've also gotten to the point I'd rather spend more on a nice (imported) figure versus buying multiple mediocre figures.   For instance, the Furay Blade Master Weng is an outstanding figure.  Easily one of my figures of the year.  Wouldn't trade him for any amount of this line.  

I don't mind getting good figures at mass retail prices, though.  Got the Power Ranger Lightning Minotaur (more like Stagotaur) figure the other day for $20.  Good figure, especially for that price. 

It does seem like anthropomorphic animal figures are almost becoming a trend.  So despite this line being a non-starter (for me), something else could come along which is just more appealing.


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So, uh; how much are those 4" 3DP add-ons?

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@panthercult I'm gonna start calling it Beggar's Bias, and it's something I think we all suffer from here or there. If you want something bad enough, then your tolerance for how good it has to be drops dramatically. Nothing wrong with that. But it's definitely always going to color your perceptions.

It also can be an unfortunate reality check when you see that not everyone wants that thing as much as you.

My Beggar's Bias was Ages of Action. Those figures weren't great, but goddamn did I just LOVE them unconditionally and tell everyone to buy them.

That being said - this line isn't a reality yet. And I'm guessing the primary complaint about the lanky bodies isn't something you're necessarily opposed to. So there's still that chance that they can correct this and get more people on board without losing the people that are already on board right now. I think this line could be awesome, and I would also very, very much like a 1:10/1:12 Battle Beasts line. Those figures just definitely need some tweaks that I don't know if the creator is willing or interested in doing.

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Posted by: @theknightdamien

@panthercult I'm gonna start calling it Beggar's Bias, and it's something I think we all suffer from here or there. If you want something bad enough, then your tolerance for how good it has to be drops dramatically. Nothing wrong with that. But it's definitely always going to color your perceptions.


This is perfect... but there's this funny thing how it can go both ways for fans.   You can either be so desperate for any product you'll accept (almost) anything -  or you can have such a firm vision for how it HAS to be that you won't accept anything other than the exact thing you picture.   


Posted by: @theknightdamien

That being said - this line isn't a reality yet. And I'm guessing the primary complaint about the lanky bodies isn't something you're necessarily opposed to. So there's still that chance that they can correct this and get more people on board without losing the people that are already on board right now. I think this line could be awesome, and I would also very, very much like a 1:10/1:12 Battle Beasts line. Those figures just definitely need some tweaks that I don't know if the creator is willing or interested in doing.


I am hopeful that they have time to adjust and fix as you say  -  or that the project will fail to hit goal and they can revisit and relaunch with some improvements.


And since this isn't licensed product we can still hold out hope that someone somewhere will decide to dust off the Battle Beasts concept for real and try it officially in the 1/10 or 1/12 scale.



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@panthercult    Doesn't Hasbro still own the Battle Beasts license? I have a feeling that's gonna stay dead, if so.

Also, I am absolutely guilty of both sides of the Beggar's Bias, sometimes at the same damn time. I will buy any Shatterstar figure Hasbro will make, and then bitch endlessly about everything I don't like about it, while also refusing to sell it.

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Posted by: @panthercult
This is perfect... but there's this funny thing how it can go both ways for fans.   You can either be so desperate for any product you'll accept (almost) anything -  or you can have such a firm vision for how it HAS to be that you won't accept anything other than the exact thing you picture.

The fact that no Batman figure looks like Mazzuchelli's art is why every Batman figure ever made is pureed dogshit from the Devil's own ass.


Okay, I see the 18th 3DP Add-ons are $25 each.  Hmm...

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Well, we're funded. Now to see if there are any more unlocks to reach before the end of the campaign. I was on the fence for these, but then watched a few videos of Bo, the creator, and he just seems like an honestly nice guy who sculpts toys, and wants to make cool toys, so I backed for one figure, and to see what's available on the back end. On Unparalleled Universe stream a few days ago, he showed off an articulated version of the Battle Beast style figures, with elbows and knees, and I need them. Perfect little desk toys.

I like that's he's going to make some of the STL files available, and wants to show people how to digitally sculpt their own. It's a great articulation scheme and I'd really love to mess around with it, maybe make some Z-Bots inspired figures to be 3d printed..

He also has a ton of 2.5, 3 3/4, and 4 inch figures on his website that he has designed and will 3d print for customers. Has a Boba Fett and Stormtrooper that I think I really need in the 2.5 inch scale. Just more amazing little desk toys.

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So how much are the 3d printed Battle Beasts?  I agree with everyone else that the 6" figures are way too lanky but I'd love to add the little guys to my BB collection.  I've not backed many Kickstarters... can I pledge $1 and then add the 3d models to my pledge once they send out the pledge manager link?

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OK... so after seeing Robo mess around with these guys in his Play Day video I'm feeling better about pledging for the two I pledged for -  the Wolf and the Shark.     I recognize the criticisms others have and agree with many of them but I still find something appealing about these and they really looked pretty good in hand.    Unless and until they make a thicker body and especially a thicker lower abdomen/groin area I don't think I can do a bear on that body.    I could see myself softening a bit on the Lion.. maybe.   But for now I don't think I'll be disappointed with the Wolf and the Shark based on that video.

KarlSpace reacted
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@panthercult Yeah, the Kickstarter photos definitely make them seem lankier than they appear in the video reviews I've seen. Robo's was good, as was D-Amazing's. I wish the feet had better ankle rocker motion, but overall, I'm with you, the wolf and the Shark seem to be the best so far. The bird body also looks really nice, and it would be hard to pass on the Raven if he gets made in the future.

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