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Combat Creatures Kickstarter

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So,  I have to say I'm mildly disappointed in this community that no one shared this project here in time for me to get in on the early bird special.    This is essentially 6.5 inch versions of Battle Beasts though unlicensed so with minor variations.


I have wanted 1/10 or 1/12 compatible Battle Beasts for years now and I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to take a swing.


I am a tad disappointed there isn't an albino option for the line since White Leo/Pirate Lion is the heavy hitter from Battle Beasts.    I know there are like 80 different Battle Beasts in all sorts of configurations and I don't know that I need to go that deep on something like this.   But man, oh man does this press the right button for me.


I freaking love the wolf and shark.  The Lion is good.  I'm a tad underwhelmed by the Bear - only because he seems a little small using the same body as the others.  The headsculpt on the Bear looks nice.   And honestly at a $30 per figure buy in it seems inexpensive for one of these campaigns.  


The stretch goals are an Eagle and Raven and then potentially a snake.   Not sure I need the birds,  but the snake would be an instant pick up if it gets funded as well.


I really hope this project hits it's goal because it scratches a very specific itch I've had for awhile now.


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Just learned about these this morning and I gotta admit, I'm not a fan so far.

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Posted by: @robogeek1973

Just learned about these this morning and I gotta admit, I'm not a fan so far.


Fair... I definitely don't think they are perfect and there are some elements that could definitely be improved -  but I appreciate someone trying to bring this property forward in this format.   


I'd be interested to hear more actual critique of what doesn't work,  but I get it sometimes things are just "meh" and there isn't much else to say.


For me I think the proportions work best for the Wolf and the Shark, in part because those animals don't need to be too beefy.    I think that's part of the reason the Bear works least well,  in nature a lanky bear is a dying bear -  they carry meat on their bones and need to look thicker.


I like the headsculpts on all of them though.   They are nicely rendered -  it's just the size of the bear head, and to a certain extent the lion head too,  serve to accentuate how lanky the bodies look which doesn't serve the overall aesthetic very well.


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@panthercult Also just learning about them. I don't hate them, but the sculpts feel a little too toy-like. Doesn't seem like much effort to disguise the joints and some of the animal likenesses could use another pass. Of those offered I do think the wolf and shark look best.

That said, there's a lot of really solid wolf-men and shark-dudes starting to crowd the field lately (Spero's Void werewolf I saw today looks like loads of fun to me and it's a scifi werewolf but to me a more interesting design than this one). These are a bit more budget friendly than some, but if I'm only going to get one beast-person of each type I think I might splurge on the more pricey options.

It's sort of getting like military guys lately. I've got GI Joe Classified, Fresh Monkey's Monster Force, and Valaverse to choose from and they're all either really solid or likely to be. I can afford to be picky.

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Posted by: @panthercult


I'd be interested to hear more actual critique of what doesn't work,  but I get it sometimes things are just "meh" and there isn't much else to say.


For me, it's the actual proportions. Theoretically, I should be virtually all-in on this line, as Battle Beasts is one of my favorite vintage toy lines. I loved it as a kid and still love it today - to the point where I do have a short list of figures I'd like to re-collect.

In practice, though, I don't like these and I don't see myself buying any of them. I don't think the proportions work on any of those animals. Lanky and just.. sickly skinny. In fact, I think it's so pronounced that I honestly don't see how they looked at those and said 'yup, this is what we're going with.'  It doesn't just look bad to me, it looks downright terrible. In fact, it almost looks like these were designed to be 4" figures, where the proportional issues are far less noticeable, and just got scaled up without actually adjusting anything. Because the 4" '3D prints' actually look better than the 6" samples.

As an aside.. I also absolutely detest the Lion's sword. It's just.. the worst... to constantly see 'artists' rendering swords like that because, I dunno, they think a functional blade looks too boring or whatever. What if a sword could also be a bar code? Let's try it!

I DO really like some of the other weapons, the armor, the heads -- all that stuff looks really cool. And, naturally, I love the concept. If they could beef up the hips and lower torso (and the upper torso by default would need to get a little wider), I think these could go from an easy pass to having to get at LEAST two, maybe all four, although I'd probably still not really be feeling the Bear. But, reserving judgement for actual prototypes, I could see myself really digging the birds and the snake as well.
In fact, those ones might still turn out pretty good because they won't suffer as much, I expect, but these weird proportions.


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Posted by: @theknightdamien


For me, it's the actual proportions. Theoretically, I should be virtually all-in on this line, as Battle Beasts is one of my favorite vintage toy lines. I loved it as a kid and still love it today - to the point where I do have a short list of figures I'd like to re-collect.

In practice, though I don't think the proportions work on any of those animals. Lanky and just.. sickly skinny. In fact, I think it's so pronounced that I honestly don't see how they looked at those and said 'yup, this is what we're going with.'  It doesn't just look bad to me, it looks downright terrible. In fact, it almost looks like these were designed to be 4" figures, where the proportional issues are far less noticeable, and just got scaled up without actually adjusting anything. Because the 4" '3D prints' actually look better than the 6" samples.


This is something I totally agree with.   For me it's especially jarring on the Bear and the Lion -  bothers me less on the wolf and the shark -  but yeah the lower abdomen/hip/upper thigh area is definitely too skinny.


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@panthercult I actually do hope the skinniness is a common enough criticism that they fix it before the end of the campaign, as I'd love to come back and have another look at this with revised bodies to see what trouble I want to get up to.

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Their bodies are just too lanky for me.


It wouldn't be so bad if their torsos were thicker I think, but as they are, they just look too thin to me.



Fuzzy Blue Intern
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I do have some nostalgia for Battle Beasts, but these aren't scratching that itch for me.  I think my biggest hangup is the animal head motif repeated on each figure.  I don't need a shark face cod piece to know it's a shark...

Red Ogre
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I think we (my brothers and I) had a few Battle Beasts growing up. I don't remember the anything about them other than the heat sensitive sticker. I agree that the wolf is the best looking one and the shark is good too but those pauldrons and codpieces... Ugh. They should rename this line "Malnourished Marfan Monsters".

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ON the fence with these. Theres something i don't like about them. they need more 'pop' they look kinda low budget. maybe its the 80's style exposed mid section, that needs to be taken out of action figures, looks weird.

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I mentioned the lankiness on IG.  The lower abdomen is just way too thin.  
Honestly, I find the small retro ones more interesting.   Like others, 6-7” articulated Battle Beasts would be great.  These just aren’t good.  I’m loving the AWOK line as well as numerous import lines so those are fulfilling my desire for anthropomorphic figures.    

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I really wish I liked these, as Battle Beasts was always a fun idea to me way back when.

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Posted by: @ashtalon

Like others, 6-7” articulated Battle Beasts would be great.  These just aren’t good.  I’m loving the AWOK line as well as numerous import lines so those are fulfilling my desire for anthropomorphic figures.    


Yeah... I tried to like the AWOK figures and just... don't -  the faces are too cartoony for me and the proportions, especially on the figures using the large body, are terrible.     


There are lots of decent anthropomorphic import figures around and I really like some of them - but others I find overly detailed - and I don't like cloth, so that leaves out some others.   


Also,  the price factor -  these are $30 toys not $100 each like many of those imports, so I have a different level of expectation and tolerance on some of that stuff.


And I have just wanted 1/10 or 1/12 compatible Battle Beasts for so long I may be too forgiving


Flexion Dynamo
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I'd rather have the Battle Beasts

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