Less than 1.5 hours to go and it seems to be losing pledges at the moment. Not surprising since the value of the All-In is pretty terrible and that doesn't look like it's going to change. Baffling choices leading to a very obvious outcome.
@fac Yeah man.. in the lead-up to this campaign I was planning out for at least three to five horses and corresponding saddles, and also planning some older toy sales to make it easier to justify going in on things like cannon and wagons and whatever. But I started out the KS with a pledge for one horse and my pledge hasn't change and won't change because of the bad decisions that were made here.
@adrienveidt I absolutely get all that. I understand enough of the toy business to know it's not just 'put it up for pre-order and let the customers decide.' But this entire campaign was still outrageously fucking stupid in how it was set up and there's no excuse for that except 'no one looked it over that was willing to say it's bad.' It's not about what they can or can't afford to do - it's how it's all laid out and planned, and how it's presented to customers, and how customers are invited to buy in. None of this was done in a customer-friendly way. In fact, as I said, it all feels very anti-customer. 'Just buy what I tell you to buy in the quantity I tell you to buy it or get lost' is the feeling it gives off.
Less than 1.5 hours to go and it seems to be losing pledges at the moment. Not surprising since the value of the All-In is pretty terrible and that doesn't look like it's going to change. Baffling choices leading to a very obvious outcome.
I only just now realized the point of all those weird unlocks like the gloves and extra heads, if you are "All In" that as least makes it look like you are getting some extra stuff, if in fact they don't get up to the Cavalry soldiers.
But the all-in including extra heads for figures you don't get as part of the all-in is not well thought out. Not sure I would be too thrilled if I got 4 repaint heads, 18 hands, and 8 repaint helmets (eating up $80 of my pledge) if in fact I cared nothing for the Cow-Bruhs. (EDITED - I may be wrong about how the all-in works and you can swap out any components so that the All In is essentially a $550 credit - therefore a great deal if the whole thing unlocks but less so if it doesn't).
I'm sure they have their reasons, but I think they could have kept this simpler and do a KS more often - do the horses/saddles/gloves as one, do the Cavalry/cannon/wagon as another, do the Cow-Bruhs as third one.
@fac Sort'a, yeah. I mean, the point of all the Cow-Bruh figures and hands and helmets is that they cost (comparably) very little to put in here. The tooling for most of that stuff already exists. You shove those in there to both create a sense of value in the All-In, but also to give people things they can spend money toward that won't necessarily cost a large amount of money to get produced. The logic is sound, but in practice none of this makes sense.
It still amounts to a bunch of extras designed for figures you aren't getting unless you pledge for them separately. Realistically, the Cow-Bruh stuff doesn't need to be in a Kickstarter at all, since it's 90% re-use, but also it just doesn't make sense here. It's out of sorts with the historical/Hollywood cowboy stuff, so it doesn't necessarily appeal to all the same people that want the horses, AND they're not even fucking included in the All-In even though the accessories for them ARE included. It makes zero sense.
For those guys that just want the Hollywood cowboy dio on their shelf -- all of this extraneous not-G.I.Joe stuff is a distraction at best, and in fact a turn-off toward getting the All-In at worst.
I genuinely believe they just keep fumbling their KS campaigns because no one whose input is valued is around to slap them on the peepee and say 'no.'
Well, I'll end up with a half-dozen different horses and a variety of saddles, and an extra horse to become a mule, but surprised the pack saddle and second mule head did not make it...
@fac They only got to 170k at the VERY end. Like.. 20 minutes or so before the campaign closed? I imagine if they'd had another hour we might have seen a few more unlocks? Maybe not. But I really think unlocking that pack of horses would have done wonders. It's just that no one was willing to pledge for it 'hoping it happens' because it was really uncertain until the very end.
Edit for clarity: The pack DID unlock - it just unlocked so close to the end that I don't think very many people included it in their pledge amount because they weren't sure it was actually going to happen and didn't want to get stuck with 125 dollars in credit for stuff they didn't need/want.
@fac They only got to 170k at the VERY end. Like.. 20 minutes or so before the campaign closed?
Yep, I was checking it near the end as I was hoping it would have a burst and a few more things might unlock. I redid my pledge when the Ponies and Chip hit. Based on the emails, it was about 45 minutes before the final bell they crossed the 170K mark.
@fac They only got to 170k at the VERY end. Like.. 20 minutes or so before the campaign closed?
Yep, I was checking it near the end as I was hoping it would have a burst and a few more things might unlock. I redid my pledge when the Ponies and Chip hit. Based on the emails, it was about 45 minutes before the final bell they crossed the 170K mark.
I don't think there was even that long left in the campaign. I was watching it count down and I could have sworn we were under 30 minutes when it went over. But I'm not married to that so maybe I'm wrong.
Either way, I was already kind of so turned off by the way things were done that I didn't increase my pledge or anything anyway. I got the one horse, and that alone was fucking 80-something dollars CAD for some reason. So now I gotta go through that with Kickstarter and figure out how under 70 dollars became over 80 dollars. Just to put the real shit-topping on an already pretty lackluster experience.
I still maintain that horses and tack should have been separate for the entire length of the campaign and the whole thing would have made more money and been more popular. But what do I know. I've only been correct about every action figure Kickstarter ever. I'm the fucking Nostradamus of action figure Kickstarters.
I didn't participate in the Kickstarter because I wasn't paying attention. So, do we know when the horses will go up for regular pre-order? I tried to find the info on their facebook page but didn't see it.
@doober The last thing they communicated was that around Jan 15 the backers would get access to select the items based on their pledge and possibly add additional items. Then 30 to 40 days later they would open it up non-backers. So between Feb 15 to Mar 1?
Also, there will be another set of mule parts, a second deco for the Native American "saddle" set, plus more Cow-BRUH heads/helmets.