...but the blank animal men are tempting based on the actual physical figure and the heads..
I kinda like them as well, but (pet peeve) I absolutely hate when forearm hair flows up for some ridiculous reason.
To KD's point about them possibly overreaching with too many SKUs, MaurauderGR just sent out a KS email update about their Vietnam KS letting us backers know that they're going to ve fully refunding backers their money because a series of issues kept delaying production and they were worried there was going to be more pushing it back even further. Two of their reasons mentioned were the number of unique items involved, and the lack of physical prototypes when the KS launched.
Hopefully this campaign doesn't run into the same kind of issues, but like others, I'm going to go with BBTS for the ones I'm interested in right now.
I'm rethinking this myself. BBTS's markup isn't that significant, so I should probably just go with them for peace of mind.
My wife wants to get one of the ladies, but it would be nice to pick which one(s) based on final renders not a drawing and three headless nude bodies and a “trust me, dude!”, and I’m not sure final renders will exist before the backer kit closes.
The thing that is throwing me off is that they keep crediting an outsourced artist for making the male body (all those shots with the grey backgrounds are renders!). But they haven't mentioned if they're outsourcing the female body or what is going on. Here's the artist for the male body: https://www.instagram.com/daufuyan/
I would trust this artist to make the female body as well. If they're done by someone else, maybe someone in-house, it could be tricky for them to match the style and detail.
I had been following this project for a while on Instagram. I'm not in love with the basic design of the figures (shoulders seem weird, and there's a noticeable lack of traps on the figures resulting in the torso just having a straight horizon to its top). That said, they've grown on me.
Count me in as thinking these guys are biting off way more than they can chew for first timers. I've contributed to a bunch of toy Kickstarters over the years. If you follow them (or just use logic), the more ambitious and complicated they are, the longer and harder they are to accomplish. I'm really surprised they added a female and furry body. I think they should have concentrated on just producing the male figures. Get those under their belt and then went from there. Or as KD suggested, follow the Savage Crucible format and schedule the female and furry body as a 2nd wave to ship later.
All that said, I'll probably back for a few figures. I'll be conservative. I may just order a guy or two and Athena. Kronen seems like a fine generic barbarian character. The chest tattoo turns me off from using Croman as Conan. The basic Native American barbarian with accessory kit may fill my desire for a Conan figure. I do like Chief Mato, since we don't get many Native American action figures. Grimskull is a fun evil character riff. Frankly, Lionlord is disappointing. I will be curious to see the furry bodies employed. I really love the AWOK line, and these furry bodies could compliment that line/universe.
Looking at BBTS, their prices are way closer to the KS prices than other KS they've backed. Really tempting to go with them for a number of reasons. BBTS doesn't seem to list the basic barbarian accessory kit, though. So maybe I'll just pledge for a basic barbarian and accessory kit via KS. And then get whatever else through BBTS.
See, the chest tattoo is what convinced me to get Croman, I already have a couple of Conan figures in similar scale - this guy is different. And he's got the skull face portrait to further differentiate.
I really hope these come out well and they get to do additional waves of warriors. There's plenty of space to cover in these ancient motifs that would be a lot of fun. I'll admit the size of the endeavor they are now undertaking seems like a lot - and the asking price seems a little too good to be true - but hoping they can truly bring it all in the way they think.
And he's got the skull face portrait to further differentiate.
This may be a fever dream but isn't that skull face a reference to something? Maybe a Conan thing or something else, but I saw that and some neuron in a deep corner of my brain fired and said I'd seen that somewhere before...
The chest tattoo is something to separate and distinguish him. Just not sure if I want a chest tattoo guy. Guess he could fit in with GIJoe and Cobra. They love barechested men with tattoos.
Was going to get Conan but switched to Lion-o. Looks like a great interpretation of the character to me. Might get the Chief as well.
Like KD mentioned, I think something's off about Lionlord's head. Too human looking for a lion guy.
Backed 1x each female (on BBTS in case I don't like the sculpt, aside from the base female only on KS), 1x each barb male, Ogun, and Kronen. Overall pretty stoked for these. If the plastic looks, feels, and poses nicely, we're gonna be eating well. I really hope they add an option in the backer kit to add grasping hands since the barbarian males don't include them. They seem really useful for weapon poses, especially with the spear and axe.
Athena is the second-highest chosen pledge tier after Croman. Nice to see figure collectors show up for the girls. At this point it can't possibly be a second-thought for Brutal Realms; the proof is there, we're ready to cash out for female amazons, they need to be a top-priority alongside the male buck.
EDIT: Just realized how cool General Grimskull could look on McF TDKR Batman's BAF Horse. He's giving Death Knight vibes.
I only went for a Native American barbarian and an accessory pack for him. Figure I can add more stuff later in the Backerkit. And/or order items via BBTS.
I discovered these towards the end of the campaign, but when they unlocked that Killian the Red figure I jumped on that right away. I may get more from the line through BBTS as I love expanding pantheons on my shelf display. Athena (Greek), Ogun (African), Uruk (Sumerian), Chief Mato (Native American)...love the representation.
Loving the updates from Brutal for these figures and this thread deserves a bump. They posted factory paint samples on Insta; the bodies aren't 100% current but the colors are expected to match these hand-painted samples. I'm still not fully clear on if the bodies will have paint or if it's just sculpted plastic, but they look sharp!
Hopefully soon we get to see an updated sculpt of the female body. The same sculptor is doing her as the male figure so I'm expecting good things.
Can't lie the shoulders on the african warrior look like absolute garbage. Like ridiculous shoulder balls from Marvel Legends 20 years ago or more. I really, really hope the final product integrates the shoulders into the sculpt better than that because that looks awful.
@panthercult the shoulders are the main thing they've updated since this sculpt. They changed the shape, enlarged them slightly, and added detail. Having said that, I don't have 100% confidence the shoulders in particular will look good in basic A stance poses. The first thing I thought of seeing the shoulders in some of their early pics is Toybiz Punisher. They do look a little goofy, especially how they don't really integrate into the shoulder discs (McFarlane does a great job of thinning the disc and pushing the shoulder ball joint further into the disc). Hopefully they find the right balance between articulation and aesthetics.
I actually like that wolf head, it reminds me of the Wolf Man from Monster Squad, but I'm not confident I'm going to like the body they end up putting it on. We'll see...