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Brutal Realm 1/12 scale figures

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@theknightdamien GrimmSpectre is also the handle of Jason Soule, and there's also their main company account, realmtoysllc.

And if you think weird font is an issue, my posts just never go through and get stuck in the moderation step. I've been around for over 10 years so you'd think we would be past this, but it's the main reason why I don't post as much anymore. When the forums first came back I tried to but no posts ever went through (apparently 2 have gone through, but no idea which). Right in this thread I have a post with Pixel Dan's post about these with size comparisons in there but that's been pending for 2 or so days so far.

Magneto Was Right
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With three days left, I think they're extremely likely to hit the Athena stretch goal.

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Posted by: @theknightdamien

I really love the look of Athena, but my own concern there is the comment that they were going to keep her bulked up, but make her a little thinner at the waist (forgot which YT vidcast this was).

It was the madhatter/nostalgia unboxed interview, i was just watching it today.  they mentioned shrinking the shoulders and thinning the waist a bit, but wouldn't change the size of the hips.  i just hope they can hit even half of the size and definition of the male body.  if they approach it with the same design philosophy of the male, we might be in for a good time.

thanks for the heads up on the insta!  yes the text is wonked in the quote and end of reply.

small edit, they added another render of the female body as a blank body:

certainly a unique sculpt in the 1/12 female figure market!

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Big Bad dumped another $40k into the campaign last night. Darth Skeletor, his troops, and Athena all unlocked and up on Big Bad.

Not liking the fake Lion-O but kinda want to see the builders using that buck if we get that far, looks like it has potential.

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Welp... had to add Athena and Darth Vader to the order .... couldn't resist those.    I skipped the skeletron stormtrooper guys for now and not sure how I feel about Lion-almOst

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The blank female bruisers open the door for many Marvel characters I want with a little elbow grease. 

So far I’m being frugal. I backed Owl Guy and African Barbarian with upgrade. There a few more I like but may wait for adding at the backer kit time. Shoot with Big Bad throwing cash around I may just buy from them and pay later. 

I don’t know. Options I guess.


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boy it sure shot up quick when BBTS's sales factored in and Athena/bad guys went up.  I'm going to assume each of the female barbarians have unique face sculpts and hairstyles just like the males but if anyone sees the makers of the line confirm/deny I'd love to know for certain.

EDIT:  okay, as mentioned by superstar Tiffany in the kickstarter comments,
"Only Athena is Helmeted.

The Helmet is hinged so the visor can be up or down.

The helmet itself is affixed to her head and non-removable.

None of the other females have helmets.

The others will have hairstyles and hair appropriately designed for their respective cultural backgrounds and skin tones."

- according to an interview last night.  so that sounds great.

I've seen some people here going for BBTS, does anyone have a strong opinion on BBTS vs kickstarter?  I've never been burned with KS but I understand lessening the risk.

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Posted by: @vicious7171

I've seen some people here going for BBTS, does anyone have a strong opinion on BBTS vs kickstarter?  I've never been burned with KS but I understand lessening the risk.


I mean - the biggest advantage to ordering through BBTS has to do with your own liquidity.   If you pledge through kickstarter it will take your cash when the Kickstarter closes and/or when the backerkit closes.    Through BBTS the money doesn't leave your account until they are boxing up the product to ship to you -  so about a year from now.   That means if you change your mind in the meantime or something unexpected comes up - you can cancel your BBTS order and you still have the money.    Not so much with those Kickstarter funds they've collected.


And wow... it looks like "totally not Lion-O" has already funded and now they've added a new stretch goal that will add three generic animal warriors -  Wolf Warrior,  Monkey King and Black Panther -  the plain "animal" body with new heads at the $315K mark.    Seems like those will get hit pretty easily as well.    I'll probably be in for a wolf and,  of course a Black Panther.




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Lots going on. Crazy how fast the campaign is blowing through stuff now. It seems semantically null to say it, but Kickstarters definitely seem to do better the better they do. More people keep hopping on when stuff they want is available, and the people already on keep piling new figures into the order. It's cool to see.

I still worry about them moving too fast, too soon. I know Vonner has a hand in this, but the other guys have admitted to not being experienced toymakers. And even Boss Fight Studio, that was made up ENTIRELY of experienced toy professionals, got really hung up from their first KS unlocking so many figures (and, as here, adding so many figures after all the goals were met just to keep that number going up). Several members, possibly all of them, have since admitted that they probably shouldn't have added any new goals after the final was reached, or even had fewer to begin with.

So yeah.. I'm already concerned about how many figures and bodies they now have to make for their first KS. Perhaps it's a good time to stop adding new goals and just say 'we're good with this offering for now.'

Not-Lion-O's sword looks meh. But I feel that way about pretty much all the weapons in this line. I really can't tell if the designer or sculptor is just bad at weapons, or if the over-sized chunky and kind of silly nature of all the weapons is an intentional part of the design language for the line. But I don't love it at all.
It would also be nice to see an alternate head here like the blanks are apparently going to come with. Snarling or something. I feel like there's a weird disconnect between the head and body here - the head looks almost too human for a body that looks almost too animal. They need to marry up somehow.
Real Lion-O has feline features but a fairly human shape and design. This guy feels like he has a weirdly human head for a weirdly not-human furry body.. maybe? I don't know. Something about it rubs me the wrong way.

It's a bummer that Athena won't have an alternate head, too. Or just swappable helmet-with-hair and hair-without-helmet options. Also would prefer not to have a moving visor and instead get something closer to an actual Greek-style helmet. Just as a matter of my personal preference. And I'm still hoping they reconsider slimming down her waist because I don't want that hyper-unrealistic, grossly skinny look on a figure that's otherwise nailing a proper muscular warrior lady for once.

Nitpicking aside - it's been a great campaign full of really promising figure designs and I'm damn excited to start getting these in hand.

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I agree re: too much at once.  They probably could have cut out half the male characters and done fine.  There's going to be a lot to figure out.  There's 21 unlock tiers!

At this point I'm considering BBTS just so I can cancel if I dislike the female body after they share a mock-up.  Like I feel it's probably a slam-dunk but without even a test figure, it's hard to say, and I'd like to buy at least one of each female so it's a decent-sized gamble.  Thanks for the tips on pros/cons with BBTS/KS, PantherCult.

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Just started checking this out and the females are funded. May get one as they are thick and one would to pretty great for Marvel's Volcana. She not as cut, but the thickness works.

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and just like that, I'm out $130. Possibly more if I get weak.

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I’ve been burned on a Kickstarter before (gaming table, lost $400) so I made it a rule to never back a first time Kickstarter ever again which is why I’m using Big Bad to order what I want.

granted these guy seem to have Big Bad’s FULL support (I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in the comments of a Kickstarter like this before and they’ve funded Plunderlings and AWoKs!) so there’s probably nothing to worry about, but also… I only want Great Khan right now so it’s the most cost effective way to get my one figure $40 plus tax and PoL shipping, easy!

My wife wants to get one of the ladies, but it would be nice to pick which one(s) based on final renders not a drawing and three headless nude bodies and a “trust me, dude!”, and I’m not sure final renders will exist before the backer kit closes.

So Big Bad just makes the most sense!

also the animal men are unlocked so they did it! That’s everything!


vicious7171 reacted
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@doc-baghead Yeah, a lot of people here got burned on the Army Alphas from Cryptid Toys. I know I'm taking a bit of a gamble, but these guys do seem to be legit. I watched a video yesterday of a prototype and it looked amazing. So, fingers crossed...

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The only one of the "regular" figures I'm interested in is the Native American, but the blank animal men are tempting based on the actual physical figure and the heads.

To KD's point about them possibly overreaching with too many SKUs, MaurauderGR just sent out a KS email update about their Vietnam KS letting us backers know that they're going to ve fully refunding backers their money because a series of issues kept delaying production and they were worried there was going to be more pushing it back even further. Two of their reasons mentioned were the number of unique items involved, and the lack of physical prototypes when the KS launched.

Hopefully this campaign doesn't run into the same kind of issues, but like others, I'm going to go with BBTS for the ones I'm interested in right now.

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