I honestly really like the look of this figure better then the LC one. And that was kinda overpriced. I wish I had the money to get a bunch of the new figures from coffin comics though. Like I have all the Clayburn Moore figures from forever ago, but they were glorified statues. Most of the Lady Death, Vampirella, Witchblade, and Fathom figures. This Red Sonja looks miles ahead of most other figures this scale. I just wish she wasn't so expensive too. Odds of her ever going on sale or clearance? Or will she be a hot ticket? And the odds of them doing a Vampirella and Lady Death also? I know there was at least a LD figure not super long ago, but it was limited release and it was also super expensive. And Vampirella was dome by LC as well, but those scale big compared to ML don't they?
I haven't pre ordered yet, but I kind of feel like I will end up with this figure. It looks great. I wish I knew they could or would get the rights to Conan at some point. If I knew that I'd 100% get it.
But like I said, I'll probably get it anyways. BFS Conan figures or not, this Red Sonja looks amazing all by itself.
I have LC‘s Sonja and I enjoy it but BF’s looks even better in a lot ways. There’s room in my collection for both (mostly in a psychological way, and in a “I want to support any former Fwoosher endeavors” way, not in an actual physical way, because space is getting more and more limited). I display my LC Sonja with Super7’s Conan, like reefer shark above. BF’s would go with my Mezco Conan. I POed directly from Boss Fight on day one.
I doubt a Lady Death as that's not Dynamite, but I could totally see Vampirella. I really *hope* we get that Vampirella, since the one LC gave was far from what I want in a Vampirella look. If they made a figure based on her classic Jose Gonzalez artwork, I'd be ECSTATIC. That's the one I've always wanted. I'd love an Adam Van Helsing to go along with her as well.
This Red Sonja looks better than LooseCollector's in every single way. I got Lady Death and I like her, but it's hard to justify an entire assortment of figures for that cost. If we can start seeing these sorts of characters for $50 or less with this amount of accessories, Boss Fight or not, consider me damn happy.
@ajax Obviously we can't say for sure until there's a physical toy to see, but I would actually be pretty surprised if RS doesn't scale with Mezco Conans. The Conans aren't particularly large figures. I expect Sonja to be either the same height as Conan or a little shorter. Which would be perfect.
Definitely agree with the general sentiment here and elsewhere that this is likely a better Sonja than LC's version, in terms of all the stuff she comes with for the price, and just the overall look and articulation of the figure. I don't even have much interest at all in the LC version, but I want the BFS version SO bad.
Yeah boss fight really won here, I mean the price is just right, and she looks fantastic. I actually loved the screaming expression more than the standard! Hopefully she comes out great, I'm very interested.
Apparently they're touting this as some new system to help make alot of things interchangeable without losing any posability and sculpt, or whatever. Like her skirt, and head, and hands, and gloves. Maybe even the hair. I almost wish she came with a another top too. Maybe do it in gold instead of silver. But honestly I don't remember this version of her ever wearing anything different lol. And the differences in her gloves are really subtle. It took me a minute to figure out what was different. I hope the paint on the weapons holds up to going in and out of the sheaths too. Not that I'd be doing that much, but paint rub is a huge problem for alot of Hasbro lines. I wonder if these guys do it better. I'm not 100% sure how this is really a new system, since other companies have been doing interchangeable heads, hands, and clothes for years.
She is such a pipe dream. I would love to have it. Just not sure it would be realistically feasible. But I have like a year to decide. So we'll see.
I broke down and preordered her. I'm so weak lol. If I have to cancel I have to cancel. But she just looks so good. I'm hoping she scales with ML. I have that ML Conan they did a while back, and while not an amazing figure, he looks good in some poses. Maybe I can have him flanking her.
Apparently they're touting this as some new system to help make alot of things interchangeable without losing any posability and sculpt, or whatever. Like her skirt, and head, and hands, and gloves. Maybe even the hair. I almost wish she came with a another top too. Maybe do it in gold instead of silver. But honestly I don't remember this version of her ever wearing anything different lol. And the differences in her gloves are really subtle. It took me a minute to figure out what was different. I hope the paint on the weapons holds up to going in and out of the sheaths too. Not that I'd be doing that much, but paint rub is a huge problem for alot of Hasbro lines. I wonder if these guys do it better. I'm not 100% sure how this is really a new system, since other companies have been doing interchangeable heads, hands, and clothes for years.
She is such a pipe dream. I would love to have it. Just not sure it would be realistically feasible. But I have like a year to decide. So we'll see.
It's actually confirmed that the bangs are separate from the hair, and the hair is separate from the heads.
As for the 'system' - it's not really too much of a mystery. It's just a 1:12 version of their HACKS system. Those figures are incredibly customizable - popping apart basically everywhere that isn't a double joint, including the pelvis/lower abs/upper torso. The only real question mark here is how this will translate to the new scale.
The only 1:12 HACKS we have so far are the skeletons, which function mostly like the smaller ones but with better articulation because they're bigger. So it's not 100% clear yet exactly how much of the modularity will be in the 1:12 version of human-style figures.
For example, the smaller figures have hinge-and-swivel elbows, so they can pop apart. Sonja has double elbows, which I would imagine do not pop apart.
So yeah, expect it to be a lot more than just being able to swap heads, hands, and gear.
As for paint rub - I have what is scientifically known as 'an absolute fuckton' of HACKS and other BFS figures and I don't think I've ever noticed paint rub on anything, including swords that have gone into and out of scabbards at least a few times. I imagine if you're changing stuff a LOT then paint rub is inevitable, but under regular 'pose and display' conditions I can't imagine there being an issue unless there's a big quality drop on this figure compared to earlier stuff.
Man... I am really afraid of what Boss Fight is going to end up offering in this 1/12 Hacks line.
I've drooled jealously at some of the great figures released in their 1/18th lines but secretly been thankful I didn't have to factor those into my budget.
Also, I have learned I am NOT someone who needs a ton of skeleton figures roaming around - I learned my lesson the hard way with Storm Collectibles - and so have not been tempted by the subsequent skeleton offerings of Boss Fight or FwooshToys or any of the other companies pumping out 1/12th Skeletons.
But moving into the 1/12th space with Hacks is going to stretch me. Fresh Monkey Fiction already pulling me in with figures from their 1/12th line. Space and money isn't infinite... so man oh man are there going to be some tough choices.
I'm not sure I would see the point in her coming apart in the abs and shoulders and such. She doesn't have alot of stuff to change there. I can see why the skeletons would work with that, cause you can change color or style. Kinda like how McFarlane did their Halo figures way back when, you could put any shoulders or chest or helmet on them, mix it up. But she doesn't have like a bloody stomach, or war paint alternates. The only reason for the ab pulling apart could be just for her "skirt"/belt swapping. But hands and head are good enough for everything else. Unless they plan on makeing another one later with different clothes completely and then you could mix and match. Now the hair being able to come off would be cool, to be able to swap whichever hair you want to whichever head you want. Or, and this is not me being pervy, but making all the clothes removable, so that like, if they make another figure like her, also with removable clothes (ex. Vampirella), you could swap say Vamps V string suit on her and her chain mail bikini onto Vamp. Or other Female figures they do, you could just swap some clothes. Like...Barbies...do... that hurt to say lol.
I'm not sure I would see the point in her coming apart in the abs and shoulders and such. She doesn't have alot of stuff to change there. I can see why the skeletons would work with that, cause you can change color or style. Kinda like how McFarlane did their Halo figures way back when, you could put any shoulders or chest or helmet on them, mix it up. But she doesn't have like a bloody stomach, or war paint alternates. The only reason for the ab pulling apart could be just for her "skirt"/belt swapping. But hands and head are good enough for everything else. Unless they plan on makeing another one later with different clothes completely and then you could mix and match. Now the hair being able to come off would be cool, to be able to swap whichever hair you want to whichever head you want. Or, and this is not me being pervy, but making all the clothes removable, so that like, if they make another figure like her, also with removable clothes (ex. Vampirella), you could swap say Vamps V string suit on her and her chain mail bikini onto Vamp. Or other Female figures they do, you could just swap some clothes. Like...Barbies...do... that hurt to say lol.
You're thinking too literally for the short term of Sonja existing in a vacuum. None of that stuff may be useful for specific versions of Red Sonja you've seen in licensed media so far; but that's not the point of the HACKS system. The value of the system comes in later once there's a large enough parts library to enable a lot of swapping to make customs.
I'm not sure I would see the point in her coming apart in the abs and shoulders and such. She doesn't have alot of stuff to change there. I can see why the skeletons would work with that, cause you can change color or style. Kinda like how McFarlane did their Halo figures way back when, you could put any shoulders or chest or helmet on them, mix it up. But she doesn't have like a bloody stomach, or war paint alternates. The only reason for the ab pulling apart could be just for her "skirt"/belt swapping. But hands and head are good enough for everything else. Unless they plan on makeing another one later with different clothes completely and then you could mix and match. Now the hair being able to come off would be cool, to be able to swap whichever hair you want to whichever head you want. Or, and this is not me being pervy, but making all the clothes removable, so that like, if they make another figure like her, also with removable clothes (ex. Vampirella), you could swap say Vamps V string suit on her and her chain mail bikini onto Vamp. Or other Female figures they do, you could just swap some clothes. Like...Barbies...do... that hurt to say lol.
You're thinking too literally for the short term of Sonja existing in a vacuum. None of that stuff may be useful for specific versions of Red Sonja you've seen in licensed media so far; but that's not the point of the HACKS system. The value of the system comes in later once there's a large enough parts library to enable a lot of swapping to make customs.
Oh I think I get it. Like what we do now with Hasbro figures, but easier. Part swaps to make new characters ect... I'm honestly not sure there's too many I would pay $50 for honestly though, let alone more just to swap parts. I would get Vampirella and Lady Death, but that would be the extent of it. Is Witchblade on the table? I'd possibly grab a classic looking Witchblade.
I really like the look of her (apart from the pinned legs) but the shipping cost to where I am seems absurd compared with just about everywhere else I've ever bought from so I'm passing.
@trunks3540 You're on the right track but maybe still a little off the mark. I think it's just one of those things that can be really hard to explain to someone that doesn't have experience with toys designed to be fully customizable. If you look at Boss Fight's Epic HACKS Court of the Dead Kier (Valkyrie) figure they debuted recently (that's the new 6" one, not the original 4" one), it seems pretty obvious she uses a lot of Red Sonja parts (because it looks like Red Sonja is using a lot of the new Epic HACKS female base body).
What that means is if you end up with both figures, the majority of their body parts and gear will be interchangable. So Sonja can dress up in Kier's skirt and body armor, or Kier can wear Sonja's pauldron things, or whatever. Or Kier's arm can be put on Sonja to create like a cursed Sonja with a demon arm, or whateverthehell.
It's a level of customization that will just continue expanding as more figures are made, and goes a lot deeper than the Marvel Legends idea of 'they use the same body' - which is ultimately meaningless since most of the stuff on ML figures isn't designed to come off or be interchanged.
That either helped a bit, or made the entire topic even muddier.
Either way, I would say that the benefits of the HACKS expression just isn't readily apparent when there's only a couple of figures available. But it becomes pretty impressive when there's a lot of figures out there. It's pretty crazy how much customizing you can do with the 4" figures these days by simply popping parts around.
@revox There's always BBTS, and depending on where you are there are local toy retailers/e-tailers that carry BFS product that might not have put the figure up for order yet. BFS is like a few other smaller toy companies in that they're using these storefronts that actually kind of suck and the way those storefronts calculate shipping can be absolutely fucking whacked. I've brought up issues with their storefront before but I don't think it's considered a priority since the issues largely affect people outside the US and most toy companies just don't give that many shits about people outside the US because it's such a small part of their sales.