With the LooseCollector one still in stock, how many of y'all are gonna PO this version?
I'm interested in how well she'll sell for BFS as that will help make a proper 18th figure possible.
I went ahead and preordered her from BBTS, even though I have the Loose Collector one, simply because I want one that scales better with 1/12 stuff like Marvel Legends and Mezco Conan.
I PO'd at BBTS. I have (and love) thee Loose Collectors Sonja, but this thing looks fantastic and I feel like I would regret passing. It really does look like it jumped off a cover of a Dynamite issue.
Here's hoping she does well enough for Boss Fight to inspire them to do a 1:18 Sonja (and Conan if possible)
Preordered. This one looks sturdier.
Definitely pre-ordering this. I don't really care for LooseCollector's stuff, to be honest. This one looks way more like the kind of thing I want. That yelling head is perfection. Some cool variant armor pieces. Pretty much looks like the perfect Red Sonja figure. Can't wait for this one.
This one looks better than the LC version, and the amount of stuff you get just puts the other version to shame. I'm assuming this will run a bit smaller though, right? As much as I love this so far, I doubt I could fudge it into my 1:10 display.
PO'd @BBTS. This looks amazing and pretty definitive. How well do their figures scale to other lines like ML and Mezco?
Thanks KD! With that info, im being in denial that it might be undersized to scale with Mezco Conan. Tough cause like you mentioned it looks so good it might be just perfect.
I'm hoping she scales well enough with the BWS Conan so I can use here in this spot. I feel like the Boss Fight's figures aesthetic might fit better with this Conan.
I admire what LooseCollector's been doing, but I think Boss Fight's figure looks better. It's phenomenal work.
Between Hiya, Jada, and Boss Fight, there are a ton of new-ish companies making exciting figures. I've said this a million times in the Jada Street Fighter thread, but I can't wait until one of them gets a license I care about.
POed this one. Glad I passed on the LC version.
Funny enough - I have the Loose Collector figure and LOVE it - but it's big so she is standing on my MOTUC shelf next to Vikor and my custom MOTUC Conan. I'm also ordering this Boss Fight figure to stand on my Marvel Legends shelf because Sonja also was in the MU periodically. I like both figures and am happy to have a place for both of them.