I should still have my original figures, though I doubt they're complete.
Still have my old figures. Tempted by these new one....but not 100% sold yet
Oh, and the new characters look great. I definitely still have my childhood Limburger.
Picked up Modo at Walmart the other day. The biker mice figures were in the electronics section, 2 of each character. I like the figure alot, and for $30 it makes the $55 Super 7 TMNT seem like even more of a rip off (the mice go on the same shelf in my display).
Now we begin the short wait for bikes and the long wait for Moo Mesa.
I've been spotting these at Walmart, along with the big Robo line and 6" Sectaurs (the main guy and the female). I had no connection lines like these, or Street Sharks, but it's pretty cool and interesting to see them on the shelves. I always saw Biker Mice and Street Sharks as trying to capitalize on the popularity of another set of mutant animals, so they all felt like rip offs. Had I been more open-minded, maybe they could have existed within the same universe, the way MotU, Thundercats, and Silverhawks do in my head.
Yeah... so for me I bought two of the Biker Mice that don't look explicitly like American bikers and they work well in my Thundercats display. The main guy's aesthetic doesn't look "alien" enough for me, so I skipped him. But I really like them.
The 6" Sectaurs sadly were a little too small and a little too under-articulated to work well in those displays. It was sad for me that Nacelle made the choice to faithfully reproduce the vintage size and movement rather than do more modern upgrades like they ended up doing with the Biker Mice. I really, really want some 7" Sectaurs to slot in with my MOTUC and Ultimates displays but the Nacelle Sectaurs figures don't work very well for that. Maybe if they retain the license they can pivot and do something closer to what they did with the Biker Mice going forward.
Their upcoming Moo Mesa figures are likely going to be a little too cartoony for me to use in the same way so I probably won't go in on those.
My Walmart has been sitting on 3 of each of the mice for weeks with no one buying any then suddenly the supply quadrupled (or more). Also Sectaurs and Barnyard Commandos (I guess Nacelle makes those too?). I have no history with any of these franchises though so at least there is no temptation for me.
My Walmart has been sitting on 3 of each of the mice for weeks with no one buying any then suddenly the supply quadrupled (or more). Also Sectaurs and Barnyard Commandos (I guess Nacelle makes those too?). I have no history with any of these franchises though so at least there is no temptation for me.
Yeah, there's a whole "Nacelle Universe" display in the Electronics department at Walmart now. They started going up about 2 weeks ago in store.
Robo Force, Sectaurs, Barnyard Commandos and Biker Mice, along with some little vinyl figure.
So, I see BBTS currently has all of the Biker Mice in stock, and all three cycles are pre-orderable still ...
but one thing that was new to me up for pre-order now are the SportsBros Biker Mice figures from Nacelle. They have all three of the mice each with a different sports motif - Throttle is baseball, Modo is football and Vinnie is basketball. Each is available in a color version and a black and white version for pre-order. They are $39.99 each, which is $4 more than the regular figures... but I thought it was kind of fun and interesting. I do think it's kind of ironic that they had the shortest one be the basketball player.
Because I never ordered Throttle the first time around - just didn't like the vest, neck scarf, thing for my shelf... but something about the black and white version of the SportsBro version appeals to me, so I think I might add that one to the shelf.
@panthercult worth noting, they're listed as only having 1500 pieces of each one made.
I'm fairly jealous of y'all and your Nacelle sections. One of my two local Walmarts got in one or two copies of two of the mice...never saw Modo in person. Still unsure if I need these, there were a lot of issues with review copies like Throttle's vest leaving paint marks on his body (which is a bummer for me who would treat these guys like dolls and give them cloth clothes lol).
I've had Modo and Vinnie in my collection for a year now and love them. They hang out on my Thundercats shelf and fit in just fine. I pre-ordered them when they were first announced but did eventually see them at WalMart as well.
I want these to do well in hopes it might convince Nacelle to rethink their strategy on Sectaurs. Doing figures that are 7ish inches and compatible with my MOTU classics and Thundercats Ultimates would be a dream. I was disappointed when they went instead for faithful recreation of the vintage size and articulation. Really wish they had taken those the same route they did with these. There's still time... they could pivot..
In the meantime, I hope Nacelle does well enough on these that they do a couple more characters. It would be fun to be able to add a few more to the shelf.
for those interested, depending on your walmart store they have the figures down to $15 each.
they also got in the bikes for $40
I have all three of the BMFM and both of the Sectaurs figures and I have to say that they are probably the best action figures I have ever bought. All of them are absolutely addictive and I can’t put them down for long. Their articulation is absolutely incredible. Really smooth movement and rigidly remains posed how you put them. I have yet to have one tumble over and I have had a four year old grandson very actively move like a hurricane in close proximity to the one I bought him for Christmas. These things hold up well. I can’t wait to have Star Trek characters in hand from this company! I fully recommend this companies products!