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Avatar the Last Airbender

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There are several lines for ATLA (McFarlane, Diamond, Loyal Subjects) but they all seem to be stalled right now.  I'm hoping they aren't completely dead and with the Netflix show on the horizon I have some hope that they will continue.

In the meantime, who do you think has done the best with the property?

My vote is Diamond.  Some of the articulation is frustrating beyond belief as well as some of the design choices (Sokka's head sculpt) but overall we have a good variety of characters and I love all the expressions for Aang as  well as the accessories.  

The Scarecrow Guy
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I know they probably don't technically count, but Funko has my vote, at least in terms of characters. Suki, Tai Li, Mai, Cabbage Guy, Bumi, and Kyoshi- all of whom the other lines haven't, and probably never will, get to. I think the chibi-esque style fits with the show too. A new wave was just leaked/announced the other day, so there's still life in these too, luckily.

I was really liking Diamond Select's versions, but they were taking quite a while to get new waves out, and the articulation wasn't the best. I have my eye on their Gallery figures, though. I'm honestly thinking of selling the figures I have and just focusing on those. Static pieces, sure, but really nice in terms of presentation.

I like the smaller McFarlane figures as well, and the fact that they can be fudged with the Best AXN figures, so I added Jet to the lineup from them. They're quite nice, especially for the price point, but they seem to have befallen the McFarlane curse as well and we'll never see more.

It's a shame that all of them, other than Funko, seem to have stalled. Some real heavy hitters still missing in all the lines, and it seems like we may never get around to them at this point.

Magneto Was Right
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All the lines have stalled and I didn't get a single Korra out of the deal.

Amazing Spider-Man
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I doubt the LA Netflix show will do anything for animated figures. Most likely have to wait for the animated movie in 2025.

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I bought figures from all three of them. Loyal Subjects is my favourite, I am not sure if it is just because we got Jett or if I just like the character designs the best here. I really wish at least one of these lines would pick back up though, I know they are unlikely but I would really like some Kyoshi figures from her books, or Korra figures from her show. Even comic figures would be fun. At least more ATLA? I will take any of it. 

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I wish Jada Toys had this license. I think they would clean house with it.

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I thought Loyal Subjects had a box set that was supposed to be a Walmart exclusive coming.  Has anyone  seen it in stores yet?

The Scarecrow Guy
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@jahue I think the one you're thinking of was a Wal-Mart Collector Con exclusive. Which, while certainly possible to show up in stores, usually do so in small numbers, if at all. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a WCC item in stores.

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The Netflix show trailer looks great! I wonder if that's part of the reason all product for this license stopped.

I do wish Loyal Subjects had made it to Azula - she's not planned or coming, as far as we know, right? Does the McFarlane Azula fit in all right with the BST LS figs? I'm tempted to get her just to have the core characters present.

The Scarecrow Guy
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If McFarlane had just gotten around to making Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, and Bumi, I'd have considered that line pretty much complete. I have the Best AXN Jet, and he scales pretty well with the McF figures, at least to me (I never really cared that much about scale, to be honest- he isn't dwarfed by or towers over any of the others, so he fits in, far as I'm concerned).

I do think the live-action show looks good so far, but it remains to be seen on whether or not I'd want figures from it yet. It would feel rather strange to get a full roster from that before the live action show. As it stands, Funko has given us the most characters, which I suppose is fine. The Pop style at least fits with the feel of the show, and has given us some cool poses. I'll always prefer actual figures to Pops, but it may be the deepest roster we ever get.

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I'm really hoping there will be new interest in this property with the Netflix show about to drop.  I know I'm excited and I would love to see more from Loyal Subjects and Diamond.  


Now, that the trailer has dropped is anyone else hoping we get some Netflix inspired figures?

Amazing Spider-Man
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There probably won't be anything until the animated movie next year.

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We (DST) are still working on Gallery Dioramas and statues, but no new action figures in the pipeline.

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@msword,  bummer on no more new figures.  I was hoping for at least Suki and origianl Zuko.  I really appreciate the info.

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I finally picked up the BST AXN Jet today at a local comic shop. I was holding out for McFarlane to make one but I doubt that will happen now. 

I’ve been on an avatar kick lately because of the live action show of course. I bought a few extra 5” Mcfarlane Zukos at dollarama the other day to make into fire nation soldiers. I really want to flesh out my display and add some characters.  

it’s wild to me that all three companies that were doing Avatar figures all stopped at the same time and haven’t released a thing for the release of the Netflix show. Did Nickelodeon take back the toy licenses? 

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