Kicking off with CM Punk's shoot on pegwarmers because it's probably the best thing to happen to the AEW line in a long time.
"Carolina is Hangman country [referencing a sign in the crowd]. Earlier today, I went to a local supermarket and I figured out why they call him Hangman. It's because the pegs in the toy aisle are full of Hangman action figures because nobody wants to buy them. He's a peg warmer, unlike me, who moves merchandise, pops ratings, sells toys."
Onto to some Jazwares' news. Their plan may have been announced before the board went down, but I was pretty annoyed when the Bunny's figure got pulled as a regular case figure and became some kind of chase only nonsense.
could've sworn that they said they planned to send reps to stores to clear out old stock and replace it, but i haven't seen anything new beyond exclusives in... gotta be close to a year now?
Cool to bump the thread with some good news. I missed out on the initial run of the RC Supreme Collection Malakai Black and had to stalk eBay to find one for a reasonable price. I found one loose which made it cheaper, like $55 which is good because I wanted to open it. Then I managed to find the new series Malakai figure at Walmart early last week. I also found Hayter and Brodie Lee.
Also, I finally picked up the Supreme Kenny Omega pack since I felt like I was in the verge of not seeing on the shelves in my area. I had a Kenny where he had that vest from an older wave, but never picked up the Kenny from wave one. Which led me back to eBay where I found on person who sold to me for $25. Because I'd love the accessories for the supreme version. So solid couple weeks in toy hunting.
My wife and I took my sister to her third AEW show last night. Always a blast, I highly recommend going if you've never been.
As we were leaving, I go walking by this beautiful Latina woman, and am absolutely slack jawed at how well she was put together...
...only to realize it's Thunder Rosa out on the street walking by us.
All I can do is point and say "Thunder Rosa! I love you, you're awesome". She laughs and thanks me, and we both keep walking. Thinking I was playing it cool, I was so taken back by how beautiful she is that my wife says "You know she was with a guy who was talking to us, right?"
She says, yeah, I think it was another wrestler guy. Another Latinx. He told us to have a great night, and turned around to talk to us. I begin pulling up wrestlers on my phone, and sure enough, Mrs. points out that Thunder was with Jose the Assistant, whom I just outright ignored. Oops. Lol
Picked up PAC from one of the newer waves, the one with the eye patch and blindfold, what a solid figure. I'm not buying many wrestling toys nowadays but if I were, I'd be spending a small fortune on these. If they could get the female waist swivel outta there and replace it with a ball joint like the male figures, I'd buy em all. Shame they lost Jade before they could make a decent version without that worthless waist cut right in the middle of her abs.
Found the Danhausen wave at Target. Found the 1/5000 chase Bunny but no Danhausen, which I want since Amazon has delayed my Hook-Hausen set indefinitely. I was going to grab Bunny anyway but took it to a worker to scan for more in the back. Turns out he's "not supposed to sell this too me because it's discontinued." Takes it from me and says no more in the back. He's an older guy so I know he's not trying to take a chase from me, but he is lazy as useless! He says nothing is in the back no matter what you ask him for. I think most product says non-replenishable or discontinued anyway so I have no idea what his deal was. Anyway, I'm just really pissed over Amazon's poor handling of the Hook-Hausen set. I hear some shipped last week. Some people have estimates of Jan 2024. My day one pre-order just says "We will email you when we have an estimated delivery date."
When you order, it makes no difference if you're first or last. Fulfillment will just randomly go wherever.
People have received that Hookhausen set ages ago. Mine has just shipped out two days ago (I'm in Australia, pre-ordered as well). It'll just come in randomly, unfortunately.
Sucks about The Bunny figure. She's no longer with AEW and I people are paying overinflated prices on eBay just because they "have to have a figure of everyone". I mean, as a character/performer, it's kind of hilarious that people will clamour for such a nothing figure of her that really doesn't look like the real person all that much, but this is what toy collecting does to us! If it wasn't a chase, it would be a pegwarmer, so I can see why they made her chase. Still, sucks you were denied her, man. :/
I got the Ringside Collectibles Danhausen in the mail last week and have to say, I'm glad I went with this version.
I love the soft goods cape, and it being wired was a pleasant surprise.
I got the Ringside Collectibles Danhausen in the mail last week and have to say, I'm glad I went with this version.
I love the soft goods cape, and it being wired was a pleasant surprise.
Are you noticing any staining on the figure from the cape? I just want an in-ring Danhausen. I don't have Hook so I was thinking the Amazon set was a two birds with one stone situation but he's getting a regular release anyway. I may just grab the RSC Danhuasen.
Yeah, Bunny leaving is making the sting not so bad. I just want current performers. I mean I would have bought that figure anyway but probably not displayed it or even opened it. I'm sure I can find a better use for $20!
So I just ordered both Danhausen and a Hook from Ringside. Free shipping and not too big a mark-up. Actually only the regular release Danhausen had a mark-up of a few dollars. The "Very evil, very nice" version has the standard RSC exclusive figure tax but it's a good looking figure. Who knows when Amazon will deliver on their exclusive.
I was also planning to get the Hookhausen set, but I've not been sweating it too much. With the way Ringside works, the regular Danhausen and Hook figures will both be reduced in price soon enough (and even the exclusives too probably) so ultimately it may end up cheaper to just keep an eye on their sales and order them that way.
I got the Ringside Collectibles Danhausen in the mail last week and have to say, I'm glad I went with this version.
I love the soft goods cape, and it being wired was a pleasant surprise.
Are you noticing any staining on the figure from the cape? I just want an in-ring Danhausen. I don't have Hook so I was thinking the Amazon set was a two birds with one stone situation but he's getting a regular release anyway. I may just grab the RSC Danhuasen.
Yeah, Bunny leaving is making the sting not so bad. I just want current performers. I mean I would have bought that figure anyway but probably not displayed it or even opened it. I'm sure I can find a better use for $20!
So I just ordered both Danhausen and a Hook from Ringside. Free shipping and not too big a mark-up. Actually only the regular release Danhausen had a mark-up of a few dollars. The "Very evil, very nice" version has the standard RSC exclusive figure tax but it's a good looking figure. Who knows when Amazon will deliver on their exclusive.
I've not noticed any bleed on the figure yet. There is a large tag on the underside of the cape which helps to cover a portion of his back.
As soon as I clicked to order I noticed the RSC Hook with the FTW belt! Dammnnn!!! Contacted them this morning and at least they admitted to me that they are understaffed and it's hit the processing stage so they can't make alterations or cancellations to my order. I appreciated the honesty. No biggie.
I wonder if the FTW belt will see release at regular retail or maybe a RSC belt set. Not sure I want to order another Hook just for the belt. I imagine it won't see a regular release just for what it means but Jazwares is really lagging on getting the new current belts out to us.
Crap, so now I'm wanting that RSC FTW Hook. I got to wait till Wednesday after I do Thanksgiving shopping with the family to see what finances look like but if I do get him the Un-whatever version I'll offer for trade here. Just any figure off the peg near you that I don't have will work (don't want chases and I can DM a list of what I need if anyone is interested).
So Amazon is showing you can order the Hookhausen set with a delivery estimate of 26-27 November. Take it as a rough estimate. In other WTF Amazon news my May pre-order still shows that there is no delivery estimate but will be emailed when there is one. Just cancelled, my RSC order shipped anyway.
Found the Bunny today at Walmart. I think Butcher and Blade replaced Darby and Wardlow in the cases?