The Vanguard coming with coffee cups is hilarious. I hope they have peg holes so you can plug in a smoke steam blast effect.
Yeah, I'm a big fan of the Vanguard but it bothers me that it's bigger than the Hiss — which is plenty big enough for the space I have to work with ...
Thunder Machine, Snow Cat? Oh, and the Dragonfly ... These 1:12 vehicles are starting to require a lot of consideration on what I can realistically pick up. Even storing them will take a good chunk of space.
Crud, there's the Vamp, too.
My are were glancing back and forth between my hiss and the Vanguard picture on Instagram. I might have to pass because it's going to be hard not to buy Joe vehicles. Is this the official production size? I think Bobby had larger prototypes, maybe as recently as Power Con.
My are were glancing back and forth between my hiss and the Vanguard picture on Instagram. I might have to pass because it's going to be hard not to buy Joe vehicles. Is this the official production size? I think Bobby had larger prototypes, maybe as recently as Power Con.
As far as I'm aware, these are production samples based on his FB post. Personally, I'm gonna pass on the Vanguard and go with the much cheaper VAMP
The Vanguard looks like a lot of fun for vrooming around play. Love the missile battery. Personally I find the design a little boring, would have liked something more angular like a military humvee, but for those who want something more modern it's a great look. It's almost a shame these aren't available in more colors. Crimson red and olive drab would be fun options. If this thing is made out of the same plastic as the Valaverse weapons, it's going to be a nice sturdy car.
I just can't with this vehicle. It looks like my neighbor equipped his SUV with a rack of missiles. It just looks too much like a civilian vehicle for me to pay the asking price to put it in my military figure display. Especially with Hasbro committing to more vehicles on the horizon that will definitely tempt me.
It looks like my neighbor equipped his SUV with a rack of missiles.
That's what's kept me flip-flopping on it so much. Picking a real world security vehicle designed to blend in was a really odd choice.
There was a surprising amount of push back on the Facebook post, though. Usually the comments are more like "looks great, bro!" but here when he tried comparing the Vanguard price to the HISS, a lot of people were like "yeah, but add in three extra figures, the electronics, and the extra add-ons you have to buy for the full look and it's the same." And Vala's all "how do you know it doesn't already come with those add-ons?" and they're "because you literally told us that."
The instagram comments are so dumb. The 3POA podcast insulting people who point out that the Hisstank comes with four figures in response to Vala directly comparing the price point of $300 vs $185 or whatever. They're a bunch of clowns anyway, bully shills. I can tell you right now, if you bought a HISS and don't want the figures, you can easily sell them and get the HISS for well under $185.
Someone said that the Vanguard could run over the HISS and not even know it. Like, what? It's slightly longer and that's it. lol. He had many upvotes from Vala shills.
I'm interested in the toys from Vala and Hasbro but not the tribalism nonsense. And same goes on the Fwoosh. You'd be delusional to think Hasbro does everything better, or to think Vala does everything better.
As always, and likely forever, Bobby Vala is garbage. Much like his toys.
Do you own any of the toys? The weapon packs are great; the plastic quality, detail, and paint are fantastic for the price. I can't speak for the figures (I prefer Classified) but I'd be curious if you actually have tried any of the toys.
The instagram comments are so dumb. The 3POA podcast insulting people who point out that the Hisstank comes with four figures in response to Vala directly comparing the price point of $300 vs $185 or whatever. They're a bunch of clowns anyway, bully shills. I can tell you right now, if you bought a HISS and don't want the figures, you can easily sell them and get the HISS for well under $185.
Someone said that the Vanguard could run over the HISS and not even know it. Like, what? It's slightly longer and that's it. lol. He had many upvotes from Vala shills.
I'm interested in the toys from Vala and Hasbro but not the tribalism nonsense. And same goes on the Fwoosh. You'd be delusional to think Hasbro does everything better, or to think Vala does everything better.
As always, and likely forever, Bobby Vala is garbage. Much like his toys.
Do you own any of the toys? The weapon packs are great; the plastic quality, detail, and paint are fantastic for the price. I can't speak for the figures (I prefer Classified) but I'd be curious if you actually have tried any of the toys.
I also had the regrettable experience of seeing this post on instagram and reading some of the comments. 3poa lost my interest on pretty much my first encounter with them, but seeing them in the comments like that is just...blah. It is unfortunately typical to see this kind of nonsense "value comparison" based solely on a single factor (size). And am I to understand correctly that the 185 price being quoted does not even include all the things that are on the Vanguards in that picture?
It looks like my neighbor equipped his SUV with a rack of missiles.
That's what's kept me flip-flopping on it so much. Picking a real world security vehicle designed to blend in was a really odd choice.
There was a surprising amount of push back on the Facebook post, though. Usually the comments are more like "looks great, bro!" but here when he tried comparing the Vanguard price to the HISS, a lot of people were like "yeah, but add in three extra figures, the electronics, and the extra add-ons you have to buy for the full look and it's the same." And Vala's all "how do you know it doesn't already come with those add-ons?" and they're "because you literally told us that."
He tried to use that response with me on the FB post and I took a lot of pleasure pointing out that he literally advertised optional gear packs to be sold separately. He stopped trying to argue with me after that, surprisingly haha
Honestly, his shills are the biggest reason outside of his outright lies to customers that I've lost interest in Action Force outside of Steel Brigade variants, gear packs and maybe an occasional named character.
And am I to understand correctly that the 185 price being quoted does not even include all the things that are on the Vanguards in that picture?
Based only on how he's described it in the past, I think $185 will get you the Vanguard on the right with the removable gunner's turret and a generic but new driver figure (and coffee cups for the cup holders).
The missile pod is the only extra I'm aware of, but no price to that, yet.
The weird part is that $185 *is* a good value. There's no need to throw out versus comparisons. The price isn't what's keeping me on the fence.
And am I to understand correctly that the 185 price being quoted does not even include all the things that are on the Vanguards in that picture?
Based only on how he's described it in the past, I think $185 will get you the Vanguard on the right with the removable gunner's turret and a generic but new driver figure (and coffee cups for the cup holders).
The missile pod is the only extra I'm aware of, but no price to that, yet.
The weird part is that $185 *is* a good value. There's no need to throw out versus comparisons. The price isn't what's keeping me on the fence.
Exactly, there's zero need for the comparisons. He should let his product and price stand on it's own. By implying that his offering is a better value than the Hiss Tank, he's asking for arguments, especially considering that if they had comparable loadouts the price would likely be a lot closer.
And am I to understand correctly that the 185 price being quoted does not even include all the things that are on the Vanguards in that picture?
Based only on how he's described it in the past, I think $185 will get you the Vanguard on the right with the removable gunner's turret and a generic but new driver figure (and coffee cups for the cup holders).
The missile pod is the only extra I'm aware of, but no price to that, yet.
The weird part is that $185 *is* a good value. There's no need to throw out versus comparisons. The price isn't what's keeping me on the fence.
So far it's been confirmed that it comes with the optional gunner's turret with the twin M2A1 50 cals & ammo cans, a hatch to cover the hole where the turret goes, a M249 with mount & ammo can that can go in the back, a blast effects for the .50 cal guns, 2 gas cans, a shovel, removeable winch, the driver figure, 2 cups, and the decal sheet.
He has hinted that the missile rack might come with the vehicle and not as an add-on if there's enough preorders in a past live stream but, he wasn't very firm if that would be the case. Safe to assume the missile launcher is a separate item. It might be a good idea to include some type of stand and remote control unit to come along with it so that it could be used as a launcher on it's own.
I love the look of the Vanguard and still want one, and only one but I won't be able to order for awhile trying to afford everything else I want to get. (like the Ramen Bread Car "A Team Van" is a must have).
When it comes to Classified, I've made the decision to stick to small vehicles no larger than the Vamp or Thunder Machine and only ones I like (I'll skip the Snow Cat for example) with the exceptions for larger vehicles limited to the HISS and, if they dare make one, The Killer Whale -The best RAH vehicle of all time.
And am I to understand correctly that the 185 price being quoted does not even include all the things that are on the Vanguards in that picture?
Based only on how he's described it in the past, I think $185 will get you the Vanguard on the right with the removable gunner's turret and a generic but new driver figure (and coffee cups for the cup holders).
The missile pod is the only extra I'm aware of, but no price to that, yet.
The weird part is that $185 *is* a good value. There's no need to throw out versus comparisons. The price isn't what's keeping me on the fence.
Exactly, there's zero need for the comparisons. He should let his product and price stand on it's own. By implying that his offering is a better value than the Hiss Tank, he's asking for arguments, especially considering that if they had comparable loadouts the price would likely be a lot closer.
My biggest issue with how Bobby conducts himself online is that he simply cannot help himself when it comes to comparisons and picking fights. It just isn't enough for him that he succeeds, someone else must also fail. He'd make me so much less reticent to buy his stuff if he'd just talk about... his stuff. Even when he gives praise of his competition is steeped in irritation that he has to give them anything. And like, he could just... not talk about them.
A real shame, because I think he's got a solid line for the niche he's carved. The Vanguard seems like good value, but it's above my impulse buy price (so is the Vamp, but obviously much less so), so I need to like it a lot to take the plunge, and I'm just not sure the aesthetics are what I want. It'd be a good vehicle for the special agents coming out of Monster Force in a year or so, but it's not quite right for fully equipped military guys.
And 1/12 vehicles are, shockingly, becoming more common it seems. The Ramen charger is coming, the Roboskull is in production... there's no shortage of options. We're all going to run out of shelf space eventually.