I was lucky enough to get two Valaverse figures recently - Eclipse and Pandora - and I was really impressed by them! In some areas they are on par with G.I Joe Classified and in some areas, like articulation, price and painting, they are even better. Sadly these figures aren't easily available in my corner of the world. Still, I hope one day I can get Warpath Eclipse. She looks even better than the regular version.
Man, I ordered a Pandora gear pack and received the 1 in 3 bloody variant head. Looks good but preferred the non-bloody standard head. Ordered a second set to get that ... and received another bloody variant.
Man, I ordered a Pandora gear pack and received the 1 in 3 bloody variant head. Looks good but preferred the non-bloody standard head. Ordered a second set to get that ... and received another bloody variant.
I'm sure you could find one of his fanatic fans who would gladly buy them from you.
Nerdzoic is running a Halloween sale on various items. They have Gemini and the regular Eclipse at $26.99. Shipping is about $1 cheaper than Vala's flat (that might be different depending how far you are from Nerdy).
A friend shared that claim by Vala yesterday in our group chat, and I suggested that it was exactly what it was. He was set up as a third party seller on the website, and said friend joked that he fell for the "news" without checking it first.
@salemcrow yea, I'm seeing a lot of people on Facebook falling for that news as well thinking that it's going to lead to the line being carried in stores, which is honestly pretty doubtful.
I had a post yesterday all typed up after watching Bobby's YouTube video. I thought it was too negative and deleted it since I don't dislike Bobby. I actually think he's right about most of the toy stuff he talks about. But yeah, I looked at Walmart.com right after the video and see he's a third party seller. I didn't know if it was just me underestimating the difficulty to be carried as a third party seller. I was assuming anybody could sell there if they were giving a cut of sales to Walmart. I thought Walmart placed and order to do a "shipped and sold by Walmart", which would have been significant.
The hisstank posters must be bursting not be able to discuss this 🤣
I had a post yesterday all typed up after watching Bobby's YouTube video. I thought it was too negative and deleted it since I don't dislike Bobby. I actually think he's right about most of the toy stuff he talks about. But yeah, I looked at Walmart.com right after the video and see he's a third party seller. I didn't know if it was just me underestimating the difficulty to be carried as a third party seller. I was assuming anybody could sell there if they were giving a cut of sales to Walmart. I thought Walmart placed and order to do a "shipped and sold by Walmart", which would have been significant.
The hisstank posters must be bursting not be able to discuss this 🤣
I'm not his biggest fan, especially recently, since he's outright lied to his customers several times. The last straw for me was when Warpath Eclipse had issues going up on the site, then he said her drop would be delayed a day and then an hour later put her on the site for sale, and then posted on facebook literally saying "just kidding" and a day later deleting both facebook posts. Because of that initial post a bunch of customers (including myself) lost out on getting Warpath Eclipse from that drop. Now he's lying (bending the truth more so in this case) about Walmart selling his products and all I can really do is shake my head. I'm pretty much done with the line at this point aside from weapon packs and Steel Brigade variants.
Then there's also the problem of his line lacking actual fiction since Bobby has outright said that the novel doesn't count (the novel that was written by the guy that also wrote most of the comics and the same comics that Bobby has failed to put up for digital purchase in their entirety).
@salemcrow yea, I'm seeing a lot of people on Facebook falling for that news as well thinking that it's going to lead to the line being carried in stores, which is honestly pretty doubtful.
Walmart's marketplace isn't exactly the same as Amazon's. There's a higher level of scrutiny and you need previous experience and existing ecommerce infrastructure. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody did reach out to him to help get his product on there. It's basically free money for Walmart and some easy market data collection for them to see if the line has any viability.
Also wouldn't necessarily be shocked if this sticks around unlike the Amazon store. The amazon store wasn't the best idea when you're selling to a fickle collecting base. Amazon is a big fan of chargebacks and they do more than Walmart.
@salemcrow yea, I'm seeing a lot of people on Facebook falling for that news as well thinking that it's going to lead to the line being carried in stores, which is honestly pretty doubtful.
Walmart's marketplace isn't exactly the same as Amazon's. There's a higher level of scrutiny and you need previous experience and existing ecommerce infrastructure. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody did reach out to him to help get his product on there. It's basically free money for Walmart and some easy market data collection for them to see if the line has any viability.
Also wouldn't necessarily be shocked if this sticks around unlike the Amazon store. The amazon store wasn't the best idea when you're selling to a fickle collecting base. Amazon is a big fan of chargebacks and they do more than Walmart.
Definitely possible that someone reached out to him to help him, but selling as a 3rd party isn't really how he painted the picture in that video, so I still consider it a half truth at most.
The hisstank posters must be bursting not be able to discuss this 🤣
We also got to miss them figuring out why this is an affront to collecting:
@thewyldman I disagree with Wal-Mart having more scrutiny.
Aside from physically having to talk to one of their onboarding people briefly and operating a basic ecommerce website, WMMP requires just basic stuff. EIN, TIN, URL etc. and basic listing information that may or may not get verified.
Amazon while being 100% typed web based application, requires the same Biz info, a lot more listing information for products, recent invoices for minimum quantities for a lot of different categories, and special permission to sell in certain categories (with additional seller requirements)
Regarding the Action Force "update" Wal-Mart has an actual process/event where vendors can pitch their products to Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart will look at PAST AND CURRENT WMMP sales data along with other metrics when deciding whether WAL-MART will carry the product in stores or online.
Did someone "Reach Out" to Vala? I don't know.
Considering how long $20-$35 action figures sit in Wal-Marts inventory, aside from a big AF fan in corporate, I can't really see why that would be even a small priority for them when there isnt much market data directly available to them from Market Place. It seems like "Vala Marketing" from watching him in that video.
Either way I wish him luck. This might get Action Force figures a more stable price point on the site.
I would suggest that it's overly kind to call Bobo's outright lie 'stretching the truth.' He lied because he's a self-aggrandizing dumbass. And, more importantly, he believes all of his customers are credulous morons that he can peddle his lies to with impunity. And, to be fair, he's consistently been proved right - at least concerning his most ardent supporters.
As always, and likely forever, Bobby Vala is garbage. Much like his toys.