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Posted by: @archrivals

Damn, I missed Warpath Eclipse again? 🙄 


The main restock of her will be in september.


THis was probably the last of the stock they had in the warehouse for her before the new shipment arrives


archrivals reacted
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So, will there ever be a restock of the spec ops male body and gear pack? I got one each the site a while back and I couldn't pick up another of the bodies today because of it, but it feels like something that should be pretty evergreen and always restocking. 

Or is this maybe part of the plan we saw a bit of with the preview of the grey trooper with gear and new head where former army builders and gear sets will come bundled? So like down the road we'll get a spec ops bundle?

I feel like perhaps the way we're trending with that and things like the winter gun bundle. I'd definitely take an all black gun bundle. 

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Action Force: Takedown

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Wave 3.1 is going up on today

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New wave is up

Marvel Legends Man
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For those who ordered today, did you receive any confirmation e-mail that your order was placed? I have not and it's been like 30 minutes. Usually it's almost immediate.

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Question, are the weapon packs going to go up anywhere but the main Valaverse site? I'd like to grab them and I feel like the last round of them stayed in stock a bit longer at places like Big Bad, but I don't recall the most recent set (the one right before the ones today) even going up on Big Bad.

Also really wish some spec ops dudes and gear would go up at some point. I tried to get some last sale, but since I'd bought one previously the site said I couldn't.

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They said I believe on the last after show that they will eventually come to other retailers. It might be awhile.

I didn't order anything, Hasbro is killing me with the metric ton of Joe figures they decided to release all at once.

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I thought it was a big deal when they started selling AF on Amazon. I don't think that lasted past that one wave, though. I'm not sure why. 

After years on the fence, I finally caved and bought a bunch. I still don't have the display space, but they're pretty neat all the same. Being this late to the game, though, I hope I get another crack at Kill-Switch, Blowback, Pandora, and some Garrison troopers. 

On that subject, I'd really like to see more Garrison units. I know that the Swarm is all the fashion, but Kerak and Bone Collector need their followers.

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@marvellegendsman I don't have an email confirmation yet.  I ordered last night because the sale was about to start at the same time I was leaving work.  I remember getting an email quickly after placing an order in the past.  I have ordered a few times from their site, but something odd usually occurs, like last night, I had to delete saved card information before checking out.  My deleting that info may be for the best, lol.

I bought the bare minimum I wanted.  Too much Hasbro this week.  I doubled up on the Joes, a full set of X-Men 97 from Walmart, extra X-Men processing soon from BBTS.  I got another Warpath Eclipse, the Eclipse accessory set, and Pandora's accessories.  I'll get the rest later.

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@jakeekiss Delta is still in stock on BBTS so I'll just wait and see if these new ones go up on BBTS

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@fletch Honestly because it's probably not worth the hassle.

Amazon does alot of chargebacks for returns and they tend to charge alot for restocking and return shipping and stuff. If you're selling a 1000 or so units, it's just not worth it.

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@thewyldman I don't see and never saw the delta weapon pack on Big Bad, just the delta female troop. The last weapon pack I saw on Big Bad was charlie and it's sold out now.

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@jakeekiss Well they also just put up the Crimson Shadows Weapons Tin on BBTS

Marvel Legends Man
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I never ended up getting any kind of confirmation email, but I got a UPS shipping notice from Valaverse, so looks like my order went through.

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