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Action Force by Valaverse

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Glad to see a Garrison Cavalry re-issue since I passed on them the first time around.  I still want one of the first re-lease versions simply because I like some variety in my army builders.  Also along those lines, glad to hear him at least say he has more Garrison figures coming, even if he gave no hint about what those would be.  Maybe that's where he's thinking of using the larger Atlas frame as a future heavy weapons guy. (<-- pure conjecture on my part)

Until I saw this video I'd had no interest in the Swarm, preferring the more real-world Garrison to face off against the more real-world Action Force, but that Locust has me looking back to see if any of the previous Swarm guys are still available so I can catch up.  

The hand packs are smart and I'll likely get both.  I'll also likely never use them because swapping parts is a pain in the butt, but I like the idea and will at least pretend that some day I'll customize everybody's hands.

As for Bobby himself, he was exactly where I like him.  Just a bit of irreverence without making attacks, and his jokes were funny more than mean spirited.  


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Don't want to steal Spongy's work, but I did pull all the photos from the video:

Re-issue Garrison Cavalry

Re-issue Trigger with new boss tattoo

Head Pack Alpha (I like the damaged helmets)

Hand Pack Alpha

Hand Pack Bravo

Muddy Vanguards (the way he intro'd this, I thought for a second that Brad Paisley was getting a figure in the line)

Armor add-on for Vanguards

Cow catcher add-on

Mary Kay Top Seller Vanguard

Breast Cancer Awareness Steel Brigade (proceeds go to a local charity in Rhode Island)

Elite Praetorian (Connecticut con exclusive)

Runaways Pandora (Rhode Island con exclusive)

Before Labor Day Pandora (Action Points mail-in)

tests shots for flocking and vac metal

future backpack pack

future weapons pack

future rocket launcher

Pandora statue

Locust render

Locust model (with Vanguard for scale)

As-yet-unnamed Locust pilot

Akatsuki reacted
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He also said Pandora's brother should be in wave 6 and possibly more named villains including another member of their gang.

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Medic in wave 6 too was confirmed during Q&A. I agree Bobby had an edge to him but wasn’t mean spirited. I just thought he was in a good mood since later that day he had the call to talk about the Action Force movie. He may have just been in a good mood.

That double barrel sawed off shotgun and blast effect is cool.


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Also heavily hinted at a Crimson Shadows weapon pack.


Honestly, I'm down for a pack of red and black weapons to outfit my Iron Grenadiers with since their loadout was lackluster.

hironogano reacted
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That black jacket Pandora looks awesome. How hard is that gonna be to get since a RI con exclusive? Will they sell them on the Vala site later? Or is it just there or Ebay aftermarket?

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@trunks3540 Every con exclusive has ended up on or BBTS eventually

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Lots of cool stuff. The Locust vehicle and driver look very cool. I also like the look of the exclusive Elite Praetorian. 

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A whole lot of good stuff here. I like that pink Steel Brigade a lot more than I thought I would and the muddy Vanguards, both versions, look great. Gives them a lot more personality or something. 

I wasn't sure about the Locust from the render but the model shots look really good and I can't wait to see a final version.

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Wow, that's a lot of new stuff. For me I'm mostly in for the hands, backpacks, guns and accessory stuff. Everything else I can probably pass on. 


Except maybe the Locust... that's pretty sweet and I like the driver too.

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The hands are a bit of a head scratcher for me. All the better figures come with 3 sets, and the hand sets themselves don't seem to have anything absolutely necessary. It's a little cool to have the flipping the bird hands and like tac coms hands but I don't know too many who were asking for them. And I don't think the male and female hands would be interchangeable. Like girl hands are usually smaller. I would think these would reflect that so the hands packs look like they're just for guys.

If the black jacket Pandora goes up anywhere I will be ordering tf out of that. Bbts finally just sold out of Warpath Eclipse so I had to go to Valaverse website to order her. But they also had the normal one too and they were a bit cheaper so I guess it worked out. I ordered both of those and the upgrade pack for the new chest piece and weapons. If they do one for Gemini I may end up buying her but I'm still on the fence with her right now. I don't like the face as much as I want to. Senshi needs one too so I can have a no face paint version on my exclusive if I so desire, but I'm still absolutely getting him.

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I'm really impressed with some of these. I wasn't a fan of the vanguards design, but that brush guard puts it back on my radar. Looks hella cool with it!
The Locust looks fantastic, though I'm not digging the color sheme all that much. Maybe there will be a black/yellow variant to fit in better with the earlier troops. Everything else is pretty great and I like that he keeps experimenting and pushing the boundaries.

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I wasn't 100% sure, but I just checked and yeah, that AK is the AK from the movie Elysium. Huh. I mean, looks cool I suppose. I do hope the talk about a Crimson Shadow weapon pack is for something coming soon, and that this pack has some nice silenced long-arms in it. I'm trying to build out a blackout spec ops team and That's just what I need for them.

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I got both Eclipse figures and the upgrade pack from Vala proper today. Really awesome figures. Having all 3 means I can swap pieces around, like heads and vests and such. I think I'm gonna paint the upgrade vest black and give that to the exclusive version and give the vest from the exclusive to the normal. I also really like the headsculpt. They've been top notch for this line. And the tatoos on her are spectacular. They are a little bigger and beefier then GI Joe girls, but that's fine. Some variety is nice. I'm probably gonna get gemini now just because of how much I like these 2 and it's basically the same figure with a new head and paint.

Also, he did really good on the screaming heads for the girls. Maybe Hasbro should try to hire him to do the ones for Marvel Legends, since most of the custom Syrin heads look like ass. But I know, he hates Hasbro. Or something. I didn't get the full story. Not sure I care enough. But the figures he's doing are really good regarldess.

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From my understanding he used to work at Hasbro and was let go. When he first launch Action Force, you could feel some of that bitterness. I thinks its died down a bit, but I don't really follow personal drama like that.

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