@trunks3540 Plus anything swarm can do double duty as AIM if you do legends
Okay I will share also he’s doing a hand held missile launcher. It will come in its own pelican style case and have a big exhaust blast effect for back mushrooming out and a front blast effect. He stated Valaverse is leader in 1:12 guns and weapons and will continue to push for that. No timetable. Probably around wave six.
I do like that BBTS Senshi a lot more than the standard release ... until you get to the face paint? tattoos? Not a fan of that at all. The rest of him looks great in black, though.
I guess he does have the mask ...
Seeing wave five Senshi in person it just looked flat. The Night Ops figure looks like a crazy tactical Samurai that’s being launched at John Wick in a hotel resort in Japan. The face paint takes a back seat to the mask and helmet. I may want three of these. Senshi is not a character I’m attached to. This night ops Samurai looks wicked. It’s an upgraded Inner Demon henchman for Mr.Negative from Spide-Man Game. It’s a henchman for just about any action franchise. Fresh Monkey Fiction has some crazy blades dudes too. There is a plethora of great action figure options out there.
@prophet I feel like I'm gonna end up grabbing both to parts swap to my liking. I do wish the grey parts on the regular version were more metallic silver.
@thewyldman I do legends. But I didn't care for the AIM figures. I think I have 1, that came out a long while ago, and I only got it for the baf piece. Just wasn't interested in them. And I wouldn't have room to army build those either lol.
I caved and preodered the Night Ops Senshi. He does look better then the og, and I was on the fence for that one. Maybe they'll make an upgrade kit with no face paint. But either way he'll be having his helmet on. I am a little curious why he doesn't have 2 blades. He should have 2 blades. If you know you know. Maybe they kinda did away with that in more modern times.
Sounds like we're getting a limited run of Pink Vanguard with a Pink Female Steel Brigade for Breast Cancer Awareness month. That's a fun and good way to embrace the Barbie car meme.
@thewyldman, now I can simulate when Eclipse becomes a top earner for Mary Kay.
I’m glad they shared the video today. I thought it would be more excited to see than me just giving words. I don’t know what it is but that Pink Steel Brigade trooper is striking. I will pursue that. The white and black leather Pandora figures are interesting.
What do you think about the Locust? I dig it. Also it’s odd but the muddy Vandgard is more interesting especially with the cow catcher.
Agree on the Pink Brigade. It might be my age, but my "F-it, send it" meter has fully pegged out, so I'm 100% down. The pink Vanguard vehicle they showed only will have 50 made, which make me wonder how much $$ it will turn out to be.
That Locust, interesting design, I thought they where gonna go more Star Wars speeder bike than Dune, but overall ok.
I don't really follow the lore of this line too closely, but I kinda wish Pandora was a separate character, add another "Bad Girl" to the mix.
this was an impressive outing imo. Just a homerun all around. The one thing Action Force really gets right as far as growing up on Gi Joe......it nails the half serious military vibe mixed with the ridiculous fun vibe. I also really appreciate stuff like the head packs and hand packs. It instantly adds to things you already had in ur collection OR incentivizes you to get a piece you might not have had. Its smart business and everyone wins.
Im ready to see every color variant they can dream up for Praetorians and the Locust vehicle. Because those designs are crazy good and he should ride it till the wheels come off.
@spongyblue I'm good with it being Dune inspired because it just makes sense and I couldn't figure out a good way to do a speeder bike with swarm wings
Also reissues of Trigger and Garrison Calvary (this time white). Kinda surprised no Swarm product for the rest of the year was shown.