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Action Force by Valaverse

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Here is a thread to discuss the Action Force line by Valavers


Will add more info soon

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Valaverse is a line of modern military inspired action figures by ex-Hasbro designer Bobby Vala. The line features many familiar and original designs with a focus on troop building. Good as a standalone line or to supplement other lines.



Marvel Legends Man
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Anyone get the Swarm Horde? I have 4 Swarm troopers and 2 Scarabs, and I told myself I didn't need to get this one, and that I wouldn't. 

But I did. I have a problem. Only got one, though

I don't really understand the flesh color on the bottom of his mask. I can't figure out what that's supposed to be or why it is that color. Otherwise, the figure is great. The vest snaps in even better than the previous improvements. Joints are great. The black/red/grey color scheme is sharp.

Looking forward to some of the new upcoming stuff.

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@archangelx Horde Swarm is based off of Hordak from Masters of the Universe since Powercon is still heavy with MOTU related stuff:

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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I finally picked up Desert Rat at Power Con. Had wanted him for a while but didn’t want to drop an extra $9 or whatever for shipping just for him from the website.

Just in time for Tony to drop a video going into deep detail over what’s historically inaccurate about Big Ben. I love his knowledge and passion for old toy lines and his military experience with weapons and gear, but I definitely get tickled at how he blasts Hasbro for not including small real world details in their Classified figures. But a pretty neat video otherwise going over the SAS.

After retiring Sarge, Desert Rat is my only Vala figure so he’s hanging with my Fortnite figures. I’m sure Tony would have no problems with that, lol.

Marvel Legends Man
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Posted by: @thewyldman

@archangelx Horde Swarm is based off of Hordak from Masters of the Universe since Powercon is still heavy with MOTU related stuff:

I see. Yeah, not a MoTU fan. I dig everything else about the color scheme, I just think that flesh color looks really out of place on the helmet.

Oh well, it's a small nitpick with an otherwise fine release.


Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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I ordered the Horde Swarm, too. Love these Swarm figures in particular. Great looking color scheme. 

But my order isn’t coming until later next week. 

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@archangelx I'm with you on the color. I think I would've picked it up if not for that cream tone. I'm glad I saw this as it does explain the reference and that's fun for fans. That said I'll hold tight for the Swarm Tracer to drop since it's the same kit in colors I dig and it glows.

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I picked up the Horde figure. I need to pick up other Swarm figures as well. I really like the less realistic aspects of the line as opposed to the real-world accurate stuff, though I still like that side.

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The Swarm Horde & Infantry Commandos..

Akatsuki and Metal reacted
Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Great shots, arch rival!


I got the Swarm Horde, too. It’s a fantastic figure! Love the colors. The Swarm are the coolest part of this line! Great aesthetic, armor, weapons, and functional articulation. 

archrivals and Metal reacted
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@akatsuki Thank you, I'm happy I got two of him.

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I got an order in for Warpath Eclipse.  First, I couldn't get Paypal to work and had to enter CC info.  Then I'm getting a message to click a selection for international orders.  Apparently you have to do that even if you're in the US?  I don't think I needed to the last time I ordered.  

The Eclipse I bought must have been from the small amount of leftovers he had from Power Con.  She's back to Coming Soon.

Just thought of something.  I could swear Bobby said he was going to wait until Warpath's shipment arrived rather than sell the one or two cases he had left.

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Congrats on getting a Warpath! I think it's the best female figure they've done yet. The issue with the "international Orders" box is a known one after the website crashing issues. Everyone has to mark that box now to place orders, US domestic orders included.

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Damn, I missed Warpath Eclipse again? 🙄 

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