Hard to believe we still don't have a good 6-inch scale Zorro figure. So many properties getting love now so I hope that it's only a matter of time before we hear something.
If we were to get Zorro figures, what would you want to see besides Zorro? soldiers? outlaws? cowboys? In the comics, he's even fought Dracula and demons so I think that would add some variety to the line since it's part of his history. Is anyone else hoping for some cool Zorro figures in the future?
I would not be at all surprised if we are on our way to getting 6" Zorro figures from Boss Fight. They're already doing loads of 4" Zorros as part of the HERO HACKS line, and now we're getting 6" Red Sonja as part of the HERO HACKS line as well as 6" versions of basic HACKS and Court of the Dead HACKS.
You've gotta think Zorro is on deck, right?
And yeah, that would be amazing.
@theknightdamien Yeah this is what I'm thinking too. It seems like Zorro's gotta be close to the top of the Epic Hacks list going forward. Heck his weapons are already molded with the skeletons.
I would definitely love a 6" Zorro from BossFight! Heck make it the disney series version and even my dad would like one.