I have some pieces from Mythic Legions that I use to make some custom characters. A male torso with a goblin head, fwoosh articulated icon arms, the lower half of a Mythic Legions goblin, a digitally designed and cloth printed tunic, and a lot of paint. It was a fun custom. I also have a plunderling with a 3d printed frog head and feet (based on the oc in my profile picture).
Lastly I ordered some Star Wars 3D printed heads for characters I know aren't getting made anytime soon (Merrin from both games, Talon Karde, and others.)
3D printed parts make toy collecting and customizing soooooo much better then it use to be. I loved painting up clone troopers as a kid, so this was the next step for me. I just need to keep improving my painting skills, and I also really want to learn how to 3D design objects for printing. We are in such an amazing place right now with all these tools.
I love popping and swapping my Mythic Legions so I'm all about 3rd party weapons and armor for extra variety. I've collected parts from five different modellers, but my favorite is easily Planetary Dog Toys and it's primarily because of their quality control. I'm surprised and disappointed how many modellers will let really crooked or deeply pock-marked prints go out the door, but the printing service PDT uses has only ever sent me the best quality prints.
The other big reason I really love PDT is because they really understand how to match the level of detail and design in the line. There's no lack of really great 3D modellers out there, but few of them have a designer's eye for matching the existing figures so their 3D prints range from MOTU simple to Gothic complexity, but neither of those extremes really jive with the line.
Any idea where these came from?
One of the hashtags in the post was for
so I assume it's at least a custom head for SLJ there.
Nice work.
I saw a review of a small space (less than a foot wide) beginner friendly FDM printer than comes with 3 spools of filament for less than $300, and I was really tempted to order one.
@salemcrow You cant go wrong with Elegoo. I'm picking up there Neptune 3 Max soon.
I'd love to be able to print up some more fantasy style parts, most of the stuff I see out there is modern. I have tried scaling some stuff up from 32mm but it's easy for them to get wonky proportions in my experience.