Got my Detachment of Union Cavalrymen in last night and am greatly pleased with how nice they look. I won't get a chance to monkey with them until after work, dagnabbit.
@adrienveidt This look super cool man - would love to hear your thoughts on them once you've cracked them out.
Yeah, those look like a lot of fun. Definitely let us know your opinion once you open them.
Also, how much do those cost per figure? I just wondered how they compared in price to something like Boss Fight Studios HACKS Figures
"Step off, ya big iguana! Me and my steam-powered chamber pot are more than enough to handle the likes of you!"
They run a few bucks more than HACKS but are a couple steps above the current lesser quality of HACKS.
Here's the Trooper Private. I'm not gonna open them all at once, but one per day. The hats are identical on the 'outside, but one has 'gripper ridges' inside to grab different-width heads. Many of them are the likeness of KS contributors. I'd get in on that if I had the cash and they were doing a swamp mutant.
"You ain't got enough gun to make that shot. Let ol' Jonesy show you how it's done, Private."
Yeesh, that looks like complete shit. Try the direct link:
Love it! Super cool figures and shots. I would have love to have gone in on the kickstarter, but I just had too much going on at time time. I might have to grab a few here and there if they become available. I really like the few cowboys I've picked up from them, though I will say I wish they had just a bit more elbow range.
Love it! Super cool figures and shots. I would have love to have gone in on the kickstarter, but I just had too much going on at time time. I might have to grab a few here and there if they become available. I really like the few cowboys I've picked up from them, though I will say I wish they had just a bit more elbow range.
Don't waste time as they only ran off 1,000 of each figure (aside from Blackrope getting 2,000 due to his EAGLE Force connection hopefully drawing in customers of that line).
Last Stand at Fort Misery:
All my Union Cavalrymen with the previous Wild Bill v2 homage as well.