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18th Marauder Task Force

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Tomorrow night's Geared-Up Figures drop is good enough a reason to recreate the thread as any:

May be an image of 4 people, toy and text that says 'R AIRBORNE MARAUDER RAUDER TASH mA m EGO SUMO 4'


Hey Folks!
This Saturday night 12/16 is the next "Marauder Geared Up" figure event! We will have SEVERAL or ALL of the recent released Marauder Geared up figures, along with some previously released top items! This could possibly be our largest Marauder Geared Up figure event to date! We hope to see you all this Saturday night at around 10pm EST.
Thanks again for your support!
Marauder John & MGR Team

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I like the cyborg forearm. Assuming it is compatible with the elite trooper arm. Might wait for a red one for Metal Gear Solid V.

Also like the idea of the swappable hair heads and would like to see more ASAP.

reefer shark
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Posts: 345

Dang!  Bug Hunters sold out while I was checking out.  I’ve been waiting for a chance to snag some of those for my Hiya APC for a few years now.

I did grab a Snake Plisken though, and am pretty stoked about that!

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I love the Bug Hunter figures, and the others I've added in.  I've got their Duke subbing in for Lt Gorman, the gender-swapped Lady Flint as a new Warrant Officer, their Col Courage subbing in for First Sgt Apone, and Lady Doc as their field medic. Their Ripley is awesome as well.

I'm waiting for Drake once the Nam muscle-shirt torso is in the parts library.  Bishop will be easy once the Nam Pilot flightsuit buck is available.  How long until we can get Lady Pilot Cpl Ferris?

How do we get Newt?

reefer shark
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Man, I would just be happy for some generic marines to fill out the APC.  Vasquez, Ripley, Drake. etc.. seem like a pipe dream to me.  Im so out of the loop on the Marauder stuff, I would have no idea how to assemble these awesome characters.

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There's the recipe, brother.  Save that for later reference and tweak as needed.  You don't have to wait for a GUFturday to get Bug Hunters.

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I had a few items pre-loaded in my Cart, to ensure I was logged in when needed; and I managed to snag what I think was the first Scarlett off the line.  She showed 12 in stock when I hit Add to Cart at 8:59pm, then they added more as time went on.

reefer shark
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Posted by: @adrienveidt

There's the recipe, brother.  Save that for later reference and tweak as needed.  You don't have to wait for a GUFturday to get Bug Hunters.


Thanks man, I really appreciate that!  Saving that link to my favorites right now, I'm gonna build some marines!


adrienveidt reacted
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Mind you it's gonna cost a lot more to buy that whole recipe a la carte, and not all items can be assumed to be in stock at all times. 


You can monkey with that p/mtf-gear- numerical count before the dot htm in the URL to get most other GUF recipes.  

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Seeing the Geared Up figure using what the recipe says is trooper but looks like WWII torso and legs makes me think about trying to make a Cobra Commander, but I don't think the WWII soldier is available in royal blue.

Curious how durable the vacmetalized face heads are. I remember Lenny saying for Classified, you can't vacmetalize the existing heads because they are made of flexible plastic.

reefer shark
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@adrienveidt Thanks for all the info brother, it's very much appreciated.   Yeah, I noticed the tag on hat first page saying "over $30 value" or something to that effect.  I honestly don't mind paying $30 each for a few Colonial Marines, but I definitely wish I got in on that geared up set earlier!

adrienveidt reacted
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Posted by: @purplelantern

Seeing the Geared Up figure using what the recipe says is trooper but looks like WWII torso and legs makes me think about trying to make a Cobra Commander, but I don't think the WWII soldier is available in royal blue.

This one?

Says 22 in stock as I type this.



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"Come out, Agent O'Hara; SHIELD doesn't want to shoot you. We want to *recruit* you!"

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Their Geared Up Commander has armored forearms the regular German soldier doesn't. I don't see the armored forearms available separately.

Posted by: @adrienveidt

Posted by: @purplelantern

Seeing the Geared Up figure using what the recipe says is trooper but looks like WWII torso and legs makes me think about trying to make a Cobra Commander, but I don't think the WWII soldier is available in royal blue.

This one?

Says 22 in stock as I type this.




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So, what all would be needed to adapt the MTF Exo-Suit to a RoboTech Cyclone bike armor?

In terms of keeping as much of the current Exo-Suit and adapting the current parts connectivity/engineering to new parts; what's the minimum number of parts you'd need and how would they link up?

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