Anybody know when we can expect the next wave? We saw a lot of prototypes at PowerCon I'm hankerin' for.
I was just coming over here to start this thread if it wasn't already launched!
I don't believe we've seen much new save for the green translucent space villain character.
I think they're waiting on the current pre-orders to ship before dropping any new announcements.
I'm thinking they should really get the previous waves done and dusted before teasing anything else, it feels like a lifetime ago that I ordered the (totally not) Red Shadows crew and still nothing.
That's what they've said and are doing as well. The 6" stuff don't count as the factory's where all the 18th work is being done 'as we discuss things here now' on the forum. Last Friday before I ditched out of work I saw some screenshots of BBTS incoming-notice email headers for like 8 figures, but I'm still waiting for even that alongside y'all. But, they're coming.
I got a bunch of pre-order notices as well. I in the past the notices arrive 7-10 days before product arrives. I pretty excited to get these.
3 of my figures have shipped.
Never got any notice but I got 11 new EFs in my Pile o' Loot yesterday:
Black Terror
American Crusader
Prince Sarxek
John Strong
3x General Brown Star Command
Jet Powers
Lash Lighting
R.I.O.T. Aerospace Strategic Patrol Soldier
Commander Eagle
As well as the two items previously being held:
Diaclone Reboot TM-12 Tactical Mover Hawk Versalter Orbithopter Unit
Magic Tribal Hibernation Chamber 1/10 Scale Model Kit
Think it's time to ship, lemme check the bank account...
Also, anybody know how to pronounce 'Sarxek'?
Also, anybody know how to pronounce 'Sarxek'?
My guess would be "Sar-zek"
Show us some pics when you get the Adrien! So far I'm only in for Black Terror on that list, but I am in for the entire 1:18 Monster Force crew as well.
Thanks to it finally being payday I've finally told BBTS to ship my 11 EFs.
Advice: If y'all were to make a Ted Kord Blue Beetle figure with EFs, would y'all go with the padded torso/pants (American Crusader), skintight torso/pants (Jet Powers), or skintight torso/pants combo (Black Terror)?
So the Fresh Monkey Fiction site was updated recently and it appears that Eagle Force is undergoing a bit of a brand alignment in terms of the eras. Personally, I'm digging the expanded mythos and the fleshed out backgrounds. Plus, we're getting some new character reveals as well.
Agents of the Impossible (formerly Adventure Force):
Star Commanders (all of the space stuff in the "current time"):
The sad part of this is that I don't see Bill reviving that bitchin' comics KS with Savage Dragon, Madman, etc; now that he's focusing on creating his own universe.
I'm glad he's sticking with revamping the Golden Age supes, tho. I'm diggin' that Arrow preview.
It's time to work on that female buck, too.
If you missed out on the ToyCollectr/Fresh Monkey Fiction Special Ops Santa figures you're in luck! The magazine has dropped their extra stock on eBay for RETAIL!
YEOUCH, just got dinged for NINE new EFs all at once.
Oh! I didn't know there was a 1:18 eagle force thread here.
Super stoked for the Monster Force/Red Shadows figures that just hit BBTS! I had a few on pre-order, but I went a bit wild while everything was in stock yesterday and ended up with 15 of these figures in my pile-o-loot. The figures look fantastic in the reviews I've seen! Hopefully we'll get more of these eventually.