Yep, the Knights are all In Stock on BBTS, and the ones I had pre ordered are all processing preparing to ship. Can't wait to have these after all this time. I'm most excited about the new Knight of Asperity.
My 3 dropped into my PoL and completed a box big enough to ship. Gonna be nice to get in a couple weeks. I figure they're a big enough operation they should be shipping on Saturdays; but I doubt they'll even see the order until Monday since I'm doing it here at 4:30pm Friday afternoon.
The Knights of Accord and Asperity hit my Pile of Loot. Just got one of each. Thinking of getting some horses for them. The white and black horses have been sold out a while, so I guess I'll have to go with brown and tan.
@theknightdamien The lack of vertical hinged hands is so baffling across all these various lines. I just the Mattel cartoon Origins He-Man and guess what? Only horizontal hands. I could have sworn there's a vertical hand made for that line, but maybe I'm wrong.
@ashtalon I believe the white and black horses will be back, according to one of the many livestreams they've done. Can't remember which one. And to be fair, it does take BFS a somewhat notoriously long time to re-issue things when they choose to do so (meaning, mostly blank body colors) just because new stuff always takes priority over re-releases. Also don't forget that there's NEW horse colors coming which sound like they're going to be awesome. So maybe hold off on horses.
I think the lack of vertical hinges is definitely way worse on lines where they already exist - which is true for most modern lines at this point. And basically every company is guilty of fucking this up for no discernible reason. MOTU Origins does not have vertical hinges on any figures at all - and vertical hinges are actually a recent appearance in Masterverse. He-Man might be the most bizarre character on the planet to NOT get vertical hinges in every single toy, but I digress.
Knights hit my POL. But I only just recently shipped my last POL (still not in hand because CanadaPost lost it for a week). So now my POL is back up to five figures and I'm torn on whether or not to ship it now or wait for more of the BFS 10A figures to be in stock. BFS says those will be coming soon, but toy manufacturer 'soon' and collector 'soon' are often very different so I'm not sure if I want to wait.
@ashtalon The Phantom/Steed set is on sale at BBTS for $45 - that's actually probably the cheapest you'll get a white HACKS steed with a saddle, though it's not a medieval style saddle.
I wasn't going to originally because the gold & black armor looked a bit off to me, but fomo kicked in and I grabbed one of those Kings of Asperity before they sold out. Now I just gotta drop a few new Apsperity & Accord knights in the ole POL...
@theknightdamien Thanks for the info on horse re-releases and new colors. I don't follow BFS news except for what's posted on this site/forum. Didn't realize there were more horse colors coming out, so that's good news. I see some sites have the knight tack on sale, so I may grab some of those in anticipation of the next horse releases. I do find Goldie and Socks appealing, so maybe I'll source them somewhere.
Didn't realize Origins doesn't have a vertical hinge hand yet. I must have been thinking of Masterverse.
@reefer-shark Thanks for the heads up regarding the BBTS Phantom/white horse. Sort of tempted by it, since it's not much more than just the horse. I don't really need a grey-ish Phantom. Tempting though.
Has anyone ordered from They have some good prices, but I also don't trust the site. Seems too good to be true. I did discover it a while back, so it's been up for at least a year. But I also don't exactly trust it. Not sure if anyone has tried it though
Oh fellas. My pirate-wave Phantom figures arrived today (I guess it's wave 2, as the variant colors Phantoms were wave 1.5), and I am disappointed.
I hate this, honestly. I've always been such a huge Boss Fight fan and they're genuinely such good people that I don't want to be overly critical or negative toward their work - which I legitimately think is (or has been in the past) some of the best action figures on the market with a lot of great creativity and fun baked in that other companies sometimes forget about.
But man.... I don't know.
There's been a lot of complaints elsewhere about the newer figures (these and the new wave of Zorro stuff) not being fully compatible with older figures. I understand that the swappable nature of HACKS is a major selling point but I mean... it's a stupid complaint. It's been nearly a decade. It's ludicrous not to expect updates and changes over time to improve the figures or deal with whatever assembly or other issues maybe we, on the consumer end, aren't aware of. So my complaints have nothing to do with cross-compatibility and never will so long as current generation HACKS figures are as cross-compatible with each other as possible. Also.. these are whole ass figures. You're not just buying parts that are falsely advertised as compatible with much older figures when they aren't.
That being said, I'm still not in love with some of the new construction here. There's no longer a solid pelvis, for example. Instead we get a tri-ball contraption inside of a crotch 'sleeve.' I worry about longevity of that softer piece, but the bigger issue for me is that the inner workings, whenever the figure is posed in a way that exposes them, are a different color from the crotch overlay. And it looks bad.
As I've banged on about here already, the new Phantom figures have only horizontal wrist articulation, which is basically useless for sword and pistol hands and is, in my opinion, a truly massive downgrade from vertical wrist articulation. I find that the figures, including the newer Zorro figures, also don't feel as solid as previous HACKS offerings. I don't know how to qualify that, exactly. It's just.. the feeling in hand and the feel of how these were constructed. A good example is the pin in the lower part of Phantom's leg is very proud of the actual leg and looks pretty ugly. There's also more looseness (or just.. lack of tightness) to several joints - particularly in the legs. The pirate stood on my shelf, ON his stand, in a lunging pose for about 45 minutes before the ankle tilt gave out and he fell. I don't love the ball ankles on a GOOD day, but I definitely am not particularly impressed with them on either of these figures in particular.
Feels like it was all just slapped together.
Also in terms of functionality, Phantom's head barely articulates. It can swivel all around... and that's it. I don't know if this is a design flaw or an actual production error, or even just a one-off error. But the combination of how far down the barbell is seated inside the neck, and how far down the head sits on the upper ball, means that there is no forward, backward, or side tilt for the head at all. JUST swivel. And we all know that swivel heads on a muscled figure means that as you swivel in one direction, the head also twists a bit. So it's impossible to get him into a lot of good fighting poses where he's actually looking at his opponent. Shitty.
Another thing where I'm not sure if this is a production error, an error on just my figure, or cost-cutting by BFS but my Singh Pirate came with Phantom's sword, despite being shown in all the promotional stuff with a unique saber/cutlass/hanger of his own. And it's not a small difference. The Pirate's should have a wide knuckle-bow and a wider, slightly more curved blade. Phantom's sword not only has a slimmer blade with a much narrower knuckle-bow, but it also literally has the Phantom skull on the ricasso.
Not like I don't have more swords to share with the pirate, but that was a bit disappointing - especially when looked at as just another thing that was disappointing here.
I'm still very excited for future BFS product. I still love the company and the people. If this is an issue where a new factory is handling HACKS because the other factory is too busy with everything else then that is very unfortunate. Knowing, from other reviews, that the new 10A Knights have similar issues to all of what I've said above has me just... sad. My excitement for the upcoming figures is severely diminished. I hope future waves get back on track. I really really do. But until that happens I don't think I'll be pre-ordering anymore.
I don't hate the figures. But I'm not really sure these hit me right at 30 USD. They're 37+ dollar figures for me, before shipping. 'Pretty okay' just isn't quite good enough, whether that's fair or not. I still have the new Court of the Dead figures, Athena, and Roman Soldiers on pre-order and I really hope those turn out better and we can chalk a bad wave of Zorro and a bad wave of Phantom figures up to a learning curve for a new factory or something.
In fairness, the figures mostly still look really nice over on the shelf. And unlike the new Zorro figures, the sword blades are once again painted a lovely silver as opposed to flat grey plastic.
Has anyone ordered from They have some good prices, but I also don't trust the site. Seems too good to be true. I did discover it a while back, so it's been up for at least a year. But I also don't exactly trust it. Not sure if anyone has tried it though
their about us page is very telling
I am going to guess that this is some guy getting factory seconds in China
Man, did you all see the new images for Wave 3 of the Saurozoic Warriors? They look awesome!
Boss Fight Studio Saurozoic Warriors Wave 3 Figures (
I think we all usually get vibes of old 90's lines like TMNT, Toxic Crusaders, and Street Sharks when we see this line. With the bright colors and creatures in humanoid form. But this Wave really gave me Battle Trolls vibes.
I don't know if it's the outfits, the colors, or what. But I could absolutely see Battle Trolls wearing any of these attires.
But I really like the look of this Wave. I think I'm in for all of them.
@supercamel-1982 Yeah, they look great. I definitely have to get that Samurai. The others will just depend on finances at the time. Things are tighter these days, toys are more expensive, and I'm transitioning into spending more time (and money) on a couple of my other hobbies that are taking a sizable chunk of my toy budget. If money were no object, I'd grab all of them in a second. So much fun.
I still only have the one figure and goddamn I just love how TOY this toy is.
So, I got the 10th Anniversary Knight of Accord, Knight of Asperity, and King of Asperity.
These are all great figures. The Asperity King turned out to be my favorite. The head that comes on him is cool, where you see the Skull face and he has a crown. But it's the alternate head that makes this figure stand above the rest.
The alternate head is like a mask/helmet where you can see no face. It gives off a real Sauron from Lord of the Rings vibe.
I've gotten the same trio in and most of the changes are irrelevant to me, except for the wrist hinge issue and that they've got vulture necks. The wrist issue is confoundingly ass-stupid. Hinge-in is nearly useless as a POA, only good for that 'ready to fight' pose (but only good for fists, which these figures don't have) or holding the barrel for two-handed rifle poses (which these figures also don't have).
Combine these figures' recent release and the complaints about them with the facts Arana is attending NJCC solo and a post he put up today about nobody understanding him or somesuch; and I have to believe some shit is going down with BFS internally.
Man, I hope nothing is going down internally. So, Erik Arana posted something about people not understanding him? Where did he post that at?
It was on his personal FB. NJCC is this wknd where he's set up a table for himself and I assume we'll hear something afterwards if there's something to hear. Is he there to press the industry flesh for a new job? I'M ENTIRELY SPECULATING HERE, based on little more than monkeybrain pattern-recognition skills that have often failed me.