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1:18 Dime Novel Legends from Chicken Fried Toys

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Just starting up a new thread for this killer 1:18 line of cowboys, calvary, and soon to be weird west.

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Still rootin' for a Donkey Lady.

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I need to buy some more of these. I haven't bought anything since the gambler and I feel guilty because I need to be supporting this line. The figures are terrific.

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Don't go buying stuff out of a feeling of obligation, mate.  That's how you end up hating your hobby.  Us plas-crack junkies don't need any more excuses, lol. 

I've got a full Cavalry set coming and am gonna be all up in the ass of the Wendigo/Werewolf/Krampus figures. 

I bet BFS' Catherine Zeta Jones Elena figure will find a home in many a DNL collection.

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@adrienveidt Oh no, I -want- this stuff. Just for whatever reason it always gets pushed down the list. Then I feel a little guilty because I'm grabbing stuff from Mattel or Hasbro left and right but not putting aside enough spending money for the smaller companies' stuff that I want, and they definitely need the purchase more than Hasbro or Mattel does.

Definitely a self-imposed guilt, don't get me wrong. But I told myself I was going to devote more of my toy money to the smaller guys and less to the big guys and I haven't really followed through the way I feel like I should have. And again, specifically about stuff I -want- to buy. I'm not so flush that I can go around dumping hundreds on stuff I don't even want just to performatively support certain companies.

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Gotcha, brother.  In that case: SHAME ON YOU!!!  Reneging on your promises just ain't The Cowboy Way TM.

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@adrienveidt Ouch, man. Harsh.. but fair.

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I'm trying to significantly reduce my toy collection at this point, so starting a new line goes totally against that...but these do tempt me. I still have these bookmarked along with possible Bison and other animals to go with them.

And I get what KD says about supporting these smaller guys. I've been doing that more myself the last couple of years.

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@fac  Something I found that was really important to reducing my toy collection was specifically not buying things like bison. Not saying that applies to you. But for me the adding things in just to create scenes that I often was never going to create anyway just added so much clutter. So much random shit I bought because 'eventually' I would want it to go with other stuff. I'm trying much harder now to just buy the things I want and like as individual pieces.
BUUUUUT... this line is tough because CFT is more willing than other companies to make the more civilian-style characters (and some can double as civilian even if they're intended to be robbers and sheriffs and such), and that makes it really easy to think of how cool it would be to have a whole town.

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@theknightdamien Interesting, I am going the other direction of focusing more on diorama-esque displays and themes that include less density - so more into the world building at the moment. But I had hit the point of every Avenger ever that has 40+ figures on a shelf, or a shelf of Spidey variants, rogues and side characters that is just a pile of figures. Instead, one classic Spidey facing off against his core rogues in an alley is the goal - not a profound goal to be sure, but for the comics figures I want things that look like a cover or a splash page. If I can't figure out what the theme is and how to display it, I want to move away from it, as the shelves just look crowded anymore. This is massively reducing my collection, in part because I was generally a "completist" for so long so have a ton of stuff. Like how many Frodos do I really need, I don't need to recreate every sequence in the films, but maybe the core Fellowship in Moria... 

But it makes things like this line really appealing to have a nice western main street display. 

BruceJones65 reacted
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@fac  See - I wanted to do what you're talking about, but I found I just don't have the space for dios and scenes. I've always had a decent amount of lineal footage devoted to my toys, but a lot of where they doesn't necessarily have the depth for convincing scenes of any kind, so I sort've lost interest in trying to make that work. Until, maybe, I move and have an entire room or basement where I can go a bit wild.

That goes moooostly for my 6-7" figures. 4" figures are easier, though not necessarily 'easy,' to get into small dios and scenes. And yeah, the Western stuff in particular has been calling to me in terms of finding a way to get some good street or saloon dios going on. There was a guy on the CFT fangroup for a while that made these killer-looking building facades that were only about 4-6 inches deep or something like that and I almost bought a few several times but just never wanted to put the money down.

Still, I'm trying really hard not to just start buying stuff 'for future dios' and all that because that is where I get really hung up on having a ton of unnecessary junk in my collection. Slow and steady.

If you do end up with a Western display, make sure you share it.

BruceJones65 reacted
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I'm just here to say Dime Novel Legends rules!  Also this is sneaky way to bookmark this thread.  I lost the subscribe button 🙁

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I was going to make an order today, and then I was reminded of why I still haven't bought anything since the Gambler; CFT's bizarre approach to International shipping.

I know this doesn't affect most of you. But the way companies treat non-US folks is something I've started to really take note of. Particularly how many companies really could not give a shit and actively act like even selling to people outside the US is burdensome.

And in the interest of being FAIR AND BALANCED!, I'll point out that I've been really disappointed with Boss Fight in this regard. The last time their webstore changed or upgraded or whatever, it started automatically changing prices if you're outside the US and the prices they come up with make NO sense at all. Yet, BFS has seemed totally uninterested in doing anything about it or even acknowledging it. They've even responded to this by basically saying they don't control the exchange rate - which has NOTHING to do with what the actual problem is.
Spero also took a giant dump all over Int. folks with how they mangled the shipping of their recent KS (my figures went back to Spero and I still haven't gotten my refund like.. 5 months later or whatever).

So this isn't me just picking on CFT. Moving on...

CFT's method is to have a ridiculously high 'flat rate' to Canada. 75 US dollars. And Facebook pinky promise to refund the difference between the flat rate and the actual rate when you make an order. I have several problems with this.

1. Why? Just why? Is it really such a massive burden to come up with a better solution than this? Just on its face, assuming everything else is honest and upheld, it STILL makes it seem like the company really doesn't even want to sell to you, but they'll do it grudgingly just in the weirdest way possible.

2. This is the smallest issue but where's the trust here? What if CFT just decides 'nah.' Not saying they would ever do that. But the door is open because the price charged to my credit card is technically and legally the price I agreed to. So it really comes down to if they WANT to refund me anything.

3. Possibly the most important element - how much am I actually paying? I either have to bug the store beforehand, list everything I want to buy, wait for them to get me a shipping price, and THEN place my order. AND then pony up a bunch of extra money (not a small amount, mind you - potentially as much as 60-70 dollars Canadian MORE than my order actually is) until they decide to process the refund.
And that's assuming they're even willing to go through all the extra trouble of giving me a firm price beforehand. If they say 'just make the order and we'll refund you whatever the difference is' - that's even worse, because I don't even KNOW what my final total is going to be. I just make an order and hope I'm getting money back, without having any real idea how much that will be.

Would anyone in the US want to buy toys this way? And do any companies expect you to?

I'm bitching about it here because I've criticized CFT in the past and I have no illusions that they care about what I have to say. And that's fine. Genuinely. Let me be clear about that. They can run their business however they want to. But equally, I can blow off some steam and complain about how poorly-handled I think this aspect is. It's just so weird and, as whiny as I know this can sound, makes me feel like I really don't matter as a customer.

Anyway.. whatever. I can always get figures from SmallJoes, so it's not like I have no options. It's not so much that I can't get product, but just how the company approaches Int. sales that's rubbing me the wrong way. Like I said, maybe it's an over-reaction but it really does bug me a lot. I'm not saying Int. shipping isn't a bit of a pain for US companies. But some more than others treat it like we really don't matter to them at all and we're lucky they even sell to us. That's not a great feeling when you like a product and want to support a creator.
