I collected all the original movie figures, except stupid Blank. Man, I wasted so many hours as a kid hunting for that figure. Now I know why I never found it.
I gave up on The Blank, as a kid he/she never looked that cool to me, and I saw the film opening night after pestering my parents into taking me at midnight. Once I knew it was just Madonna under there, I wasn't that invested as a kid. Even worse, the cars were only available in Canada, another reason I never found one.
The Mezco's of these look good, but I'm not a soft goods guy, but given the number of trenchcoats these characters wore, I would be persuaded with a wire in the lower portion so the fabric itself would be posable. I was never a fan as a kid that the Playmates Tracy figure lacked a coat. I know some people made felt ones later. Really would like to see these figures in a deep dive NECA line. Even the characters in the warehouse playing cards who FlatTop massacred like Little Face who never got a figure. Do they know how many versions of Madonna they could sell to middle aged man children like myself from that movie alone? A deluxe Lips Manlis with a "bath" crate and cement coated replacement head would be undoubtedly cool. I still have all the Playmates figures IN my original DickTracy lunch box from the film's release. Hard to believe the entire line fits in there, but I've long since lost the thermos.
I would love to see a figure of Errol Flynn as Robin Hood from “The Adventures of Robin Hood.”
So “Mummies Alive” has been brought up before but… I really want to see Spero Toys take on the license.
I know, I should want it to be NECA since they’re my favorite and they’d match the Gargoyles (although since none of my Ninja Turtles match the Gargoyles…. Would they?!) but the Mummies on the show move and pose in very exaggerated anime style ways, lots of crouching, lots of arms crossing the chest, lots of swan stance posing… NECA can’t do that, but an AWoK totally can
Plus the armor system on the AWoKs where the gauntlets, shin guards, chest armor, heads, hands, and starting with the birds; feet can be removed and swapped they make the Powered Up/Regular Mummies one figure without having to reinvent the wheel and make swappable limbs or something.
So yeah, Spero Mummies Alive, please!
Mummies Alive. I remember that show came on at a weird time and my buddy in high school didn't believe me when I said there was a show with kung-fu mummies. Really interesting designs they had.
If Neca can’t do Punch Out maybe they could do Frank Bruno’s Boxing figures instead.
I'd be all in on good new classic Disney (Donald, Mickey, Scrooge)
There is a decent DD and mickey, if i remember. Funko made a Scooge too.
@bills-all-day I remember the discussion around this. Randy really coveted the Nintendo license, but wanted to make classic & obscure games. Nintendo had zero interest in licensing to an American company for anything other than kids toys in their most modern looks, for marketing purposes.
That's disappointing. Given the volume of licensing they do I'm surprised they're picky, but it probably just isn't worth their time to ensure quality and brand cohesion of products with such a small potential audience.
I wish Jakks would do a Smash Bros. line to get some of those classic and obscure characters out there under a banner that's relevant in the marketplace.
..I'd also love a Punch Out line from the 80s Nintendo version of the game. I like the over-the-top characters and the fact that it's a small roster to complete. I was never that into video games, but I have lots of fond memories playing that game.
Oh man! What a great suggestion! I'd be in on that line like crazy if they were well-articulated figures. I'm currently using a couple of sounds from that game as notifications on my phone.
Netflix's Arcane is a great show with fun designs and I'd love to see figures from it. There is a 1/6 Jinx out there and there was a minimally articulated 5-6" line based on League of Legends. But I'd love to see Jada or Hasbro ride on the popularity of the show.
I'd be all in on good new classic Disney (Donald, Mickey, Scrooge, etc)
An import Scrooge McDuck is one of those randomly specific figures that I’d really love to have for my game figure shelf. Mostly for the NES Ducktales game, but he could hang with the Figuarts Kingdom Hearts crew too.
I’d actually love to see a lot more import Disney stuff. I’ve got a small collection with Figuarts Jack Sparrow and Revo Jack Skellington, Pooh, Tigger, Woody, and Buzz, but it’d be great to have some princesses and heroes like Aladdin and Hercules.
I'd be all in on good new classic Disney (Donald, Mickey, Scrooge, etc)
An import Scrooge McDuck is one of those randomly specific figures that I’d really love to have for my game figure shelf. Mostly for the NES Ducktales game, but he could hang with the Figuarts Kingdom Hearts crew too.
I’d actually love to see a lot more import Disney stuff. I’ve got a small collection with Figuarts Jack Sparrow and Revo Jack Skellington, Pooh, Tigger, Woody, and Buzz, but it’d be great to have some princesses and heroes like Aladdin and Hercules.
I would like these characters too to go with my Kingdom Hearts figures. Preferably more affordable than Super7 and not all as obscure. I like my DST Hercules but if they had a line with Herc, Hades, Alladin, Stitch, Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Ariel and more I would be very happy.
Another line I would die for in 1/12 is dnd, or bg3. Or both. BG3 / DND I would even do expensive import figures for. Vecna, Strahd, Dark Urge, there are so many good characters.
The Fox and the Crow (comic)
Witch Hazel (witch from Looney tunes, love her)
Probably said already, but I NEED a 1/12 Dark Souls /Elden Ring /Bloodborne /Demon's Souls line. Just more 1/12 knights in general, preferably tending to the historical side rather than pure fantasy. Mythic Legions are awesome and they keep getting better, but I want more realistic proportions and more historical accuracy in my knights, plus the more articulation, the better. The Souls games have a lot of armors that fit that, or at least, look historical enough.
I know Figma are doing some but they are doing too little, too expensive. I want a full line of knights! Why is it almost no one is doing them? Everyone keeps doing the same superheroes and military men but no knights. I would make them if I could, I have designed my own line, but have no money or connections to do it.