I've said some of these before, in the days before the Blip:
Conan- I want an all-encompassing line that features characters from the books, movies, comics, cartoon, tv show, etc.! I'd be all over a line line that!
Twin Peaks- My favorite TV show. I know there is a 1/6 scale Dale Cooper, but I'd love to get a 1/12 line. Yeah, I know there wouldn't be a lot of demand, but if we could get the core characters like Cooper, Laura Palmer, Killer BoB, the Little Man From Another Place, The Log Lady, The Giant, Audrey Horne, and maybe Doppleganger/Black Lodge versions of Coop & Laura, I'd be satisfied!
X-Files- A line that not only featured Scully, Mulder, Smoking Man, etc., but also featured some of the great monsters & aliens from the show would be a dream.
Clash of the Titans- I'd love a modern 1/12 line with the characters from the original film!
Tarantino Universe- I know, I know, each film would have to be a separate license, but I can dream, can't I? Imagine a highly articulated line featuring characters from Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Death Proof, Reservoir Dogs, Django Unchained, etc.! Heck, include the Robert Rodriguez films that Tarantino had a hand in just to add to the roster...stuff like From Dusk Till Dawn, Desperado, Machete and so-on!
Star Trek- In the vein of Star Wars Black Series, that truly encompassed all the shows the way the Playmates line did back in the day.
Supernatural- How the hell has this not happened yet? Naturally, we'd need the Winchester brothers, Castiel, Bobby, etc., but the various demons, ghosts, vampires, and other things-that-go-bump-in-the-night would also be essential. I'd probably prefer this to be in 1/10 scale, since most of my horror figures are in that scale (I'd love to have the Winchesters fighting Freddy or Jason on my shelf!), but 1/12 would be cool too!
Monsters of Rock- A line with various legends of the music industry. Acts like Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, Ozzy Osbourne, Prince, James Brown, The Misfits, Queen, David Bowie, Joan Jett, George Clinton & Bootsy Collins, Stevie Nicks...lots of possibilities.
From Dusk Till Dawn, Desperado, Machete
Oh hell yeah, now youre talking my language! If they EVER take out a Machete figure from the 'Desperado' movie, i think ill shit my pants.
like many others, I would also like to express my support for a Looney Tunes line for the 'adult' collector. I'd hate to think the reason we have yet to have a proper LT line so far is because the license holders see it as a kids-only property and aren't interested in the collectors' market. we had the DC Direct figures but those really aren't action figures.
and a Hanuman, one specifically modeled after the cheesy Thai productions where he was featured with knock off Tsuburaya and Toho characters. There is a certain charm to the design and the novel obscurity of the character makes it very appealing to me. Also as a legend it makes him an important figure for many people. As far as from who, as long as the sculpting and articulation are well executed, soft goods or al plastic/ dicast, I don't care.I want a Harryhausen Ymir Monster in scale or roughly in scale with my Ultra-Act or Monsterarts.
Super InfraMan, which I hear no companies talk about this property. Really any Shaw Brothers heroes.
Nintendo Pro Wrestling, either in scale with Figuarts to display with Kinnikuman or with the WWE line.
After losing yet another auction for a Mezco Space Ghost and even though I have the Toynami version, Space Ghost. I also want Birdman and the Galaxy Trio.
ROM the Spaceknight. At this point I don't care if its Marvel, 3rd party, Super 7 or someone else.
The protagonist from the NES game Metal Storm.
I have come around on the A-Team as well and that's due to GI Joe Classified. I would even take a Mezco box set.
M.A.N.T.I.S. from the short lived Fox series.
The Greatest American Hero for the 80's ABC series. Another one and done that Mezco would knock out of the park, but I would gladly take a traditional non soft goods figure as well. Also this theme song still hold up, anyone unfamiliar should look it up and give it a listen. For my Hip Hop heads, check out the Benny The Butcher song Long Way.
Automan, another short lived 80's scifi series with a catchy theme song.
I've also come around on The Last Dragon. With the number of 1/12 scale Game of Death-ish figures being made, searching for a Bruce Leroy head has me wanting Leroy and ShoNuff.
And a Kinnikuman OmegaMan
And the Wutang Clan or at least Rza as Bobby Digital from the cover of ....In Stereo and Digital Bullet. I pleaded with Brian from Super 7 to do one or both and he said we'll see, so....
MF DOOM, which I think Super 7 may be working on since Brian told me at Power-con they are planning something for the King Geedorah anniversary.
AC Comics Femme Force, which I think would be the perfect property for Loosecollector.
Mario Gully's now Eric Larsen's Ant. Hope she makes the cut in McFarlane's Spawn line like King Spider did.
Valiant/ Acclaim Comics. I really want a classic XO Man o War, Solar and Acclaim XO as well as Divinity.
Milestone Comics Hardware and Icon. I would also like a proper Static Shock from the cartoon done by someone other than McFarlane.
Thundarr the Barbarian. Like Spaceghost and Birdman I have the Toynami versions but I think updated versions with more articulation are due. This is a property that is sorely underrated in my opinion. Although I will say I am only interested if whoever gets the property includes Gemini the Wizard or possibly more villains from the show, my vote being for Gemini and Mindok. Think I'll watch those episodes this weekend.
With the passing of Richard Roundtree, I started looking up actors from his era and it dawned on me, Jim Kelly is long over due for a 1/12 figure. Also I think Jim Brown qualifies as well. We have a few Bruce Lee options, but no villains, I'd love a Kareem Abdul-Jabbar from Game of Death and a Chuck Norris from The Way of the Dragon.
I'd like an 8-Man and Golden Bat two often forgotten heroes from Japan.
Seven Samurai (Kurosawa); Hidden Fortress
Tarantino-movies articulated figures (long overdue, but his movies are ideal for action figures)
Superman movies (christopher reeve and the rest of cast who were neglected before)
Good, Bad, & Ugly
The Godfather (the whole family)
Taxi Driver
Blade Runner (original)
Lethal Weapon 3-pack (riggs, murtaugh, leo getz)
Mad Max movies (all of them have great potential figures)
Big Lebowski
Ray Harryhausen creatures
Seinfeld (tv show)
It's fine with me if everybody is fairly represented but why can't there be other things than just the same old thing. for example, they should finish the Hey Arnold collection with more than just Arnold. I grew up with those kids and to this day I know them all, yes even Iggy and Peapod Kid off the top of my head. And why not more historical people from all aspects of life? I think it's bizarre we have Adolf Hitler but no Ghandi. Michealangelo, Tesla, Joan of Arc and other realistic historic figures ,and figures, not just Barbies of Jane Goodall and Maya Angelo. I love the direction Mcfarlane is going with his Batman the Animated Series BAF line, but I hope he goes the same way with his New Batman Adventures line and gives us Penguin, Mad Hatter, Batwoman and Callender Girl. Dare I dream a 3 3/4" Cheers line with bar playset, with figures articulated well enough so Norm can sit at the bar. A Far Side collection, a big diverse League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, collection, with Professor Moriarty. I dream of a diverse Darkwing Duck collection with liquidator and Quackerjack And why a hundred slasher and predator figures, NECA, but no Seinfeld? Every so often, I go through one of what I call an action figure drought, where fun new things are rare but they always pass.I mean I like TMNT as much as the next guy but great to have The Table Museum Figma Mona Lisa.
Don't know if these have been brought up yet, but I was recently remembering encountering some heroes when I was stationed in the Philippines. I could really go for a set of 1/12 Mars Ravelo characters like Darna, Lastikman, and Flash Bomba.
I remember pasting pictures of them into a birthday card for my son who'd turned four while I was there, so there's some nostalgia for them even if I never read the comics or watched the shows.
Monsters of Rock- A line with various legends of the music industry. Acts like Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, Ozzy Osbourne, Prince, James Brown, The Misfits, Queen, David Bowie, Joan Jett, George Clinton & Bootsy Collins, Stevie Nicks...lots of possibilities.
Brilliant! Great idea that I'd be all over. They could even sprinkle in parody artists, seriously who wouldn't want figures of Spinal Tap or N.W.H.? I have some of the rock figures McFarlane did some years back and I wouldn't even mind if they were minimally articulated like these, long as they're 1:12.
My main 'I can die a happy collector' wants are:
Milestone- I need figures of Static, Hardware, Icon & Rocket, the Blood Syndicate, Xombi, some of the Shadow Cabinet/Heroes team, Holocaust, Deathwish and Marisa Rahm. I'll take Dwayne McDuffie but pass on Kobalt and Page lol. My sincere hope is for a company other than McF does them; ain't nobody got time for seven inch figures with modern or just ugly costumes.
Nocturnals- There are pix out there of a beautifully sculpted line w four or five characters that were never produced, as the company went out of business. Please, some company find a way to get ahold of these, and add a few more for good measure.
Would love to see 1:12 Ultraverse, New Universe and maybe some Valiant characters (lookin at you Quantum and Woody) but I'm not holding my breath
Natural Born Killers is one of the last movie properties I really want figures from that's never had any kind of merchandise made...just a 2 pack of Mickey and Mallory is all I'd really need: preferably from NECA, but I would honestly grab just about anything 😆 Pulp Fiction as well. It's such a shame DST never got to finish their PF line, because the 1st wave was solid (aside from whatever happened in production to Jules' eyes 🤔) and I was so excited for it to keep going.
Tank Girl feels like the big missing piece from my comic book shelf: would love to see a figure based on the comics. Like PF, I'm also very disappointed that Mezco's rumored Tank Girl figure wasn't approved by the creators 😕 If the PX Harley figure is any indication of how TG could've turned out, that would've been such a fun figure!
And, I've brought this up on "wishlists" for years, even though I know it will never happen now: but a few figures from the Life In Hell comic strip would be amazing! It bothers me not having any bunnies or gay men in fez hats in my Groening display 😒
I'd love to see Mafex/Medicom do classic versions of Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen and Martian Manhunter.
I think Mafex would do an awesome version of Parallax Hal Jordan. All the detail and articulation to do the character the justice he deserves. They did Death of Superman, and have Knightfall Batman figures coming so it may not be that unlikely to see both a regular Hal before the fall and a Parallax post fall.
Don't know if these have been brought up yet, but I was recently remembering encountering some heroes when I was stationed in the Philippines. I could really go for a set of 1/12 Mars Ravelo characters like Darna, Lastikman, and Flash Bomba.
I remember pasting pictures of them into a birthday card for my son who'd turned four while I was there, so there's some nostalgia for them even if I never read the comics or watched the shows.
Did you get the Darna from Loosecollector? He used to mention these characters on his Facebook page and supposedly had a character named Captain Barbell as the next release. This was before he started doing the Executive Replica figures and his Crypt line. Apparently these characters were a passion project of his. I purchased a Darna direct from his website.
Has it been long enough since I've expressed that my number one want as action figures would be a Legends adjacent (Loose Collector could do it really well) line of Elementals. It doesn't look like I've mentioned it in this thread so...
I loved that book so much - the team is relatively small and would just make incredible looking figures.
Expand it further and give me Badger, Whisper, Nexus and others. I was hopeful this was a direction LooseCollector would go before he got sidetracked by Liefeld.
I'll keep wishing that 80's indie figure line will happen someday
Did you get the Darna from Loosecollector?
Oh look at that! Thanks.
I've never gotten any Loose Collector figures, although I am tempted by the Rocketeer 2-pack.
Nocturnals- There are pix out there of a beautifully sculpted line w four or five characters that were never produced, as the company went out of business. Please, some company find a way to get ahold of these, and add a few more for good measure.
Oh yes! This is one of my MAJOR wants! I love that comic series, and Dan Brereton is a great guy. I had this on my pre-blip list, and can't believe I forgot to include it this time.