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1/12 scale Figures (not made yet) Wishlist

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Misplaced Projectile
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A complete Resident Evil line based on the first 3-5 games from the Playstation/Dreamcast era. Basically like the Toy Biz line, but with a more complete roster of humans and modern sculpting/articulation. I think, at this point, Jada might do the best job, but NECA or Hasbro or anyone else would be fine. This is my #1 dream line. 

Dinosaucers. Will never happen, but it's a lifelong dream. I think there's a 5% chance Super 7 might one day get to this, but otherwise the sun will implode before it occurs. 

Various historical lines. The Civil War. U.S. Presidents. World War II. Not statues, not Megos, not miniatures. Full size figures with modern detailing and articulation. 

Man With No Name. NECA or Mezco, this is yours. 

Shakespeare and/or literary Legends. Would love a line of fully articulated, modern figures consisting only of various Shakespearean characters, but you could easily throw in some public domain Victorian - and now early 20th century - stuff if it feels more palatable. Actual writers too, maybe. 


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American Civil war soldiers, the ones with the low top visor hats.

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My prayers have been answered, i said this like 1 week ago. they just took out today a Count Duckula figure, instant buy from me.

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Let’s go for broke.  A complete 1:12 Hanna Barbera heroes (& villains) line.


I’d also still like a black series compatible line of Spaceballs!  Yes, I know it’s almost impossible to happen, but I still want it.


I wouldn’t mind seeing the Indy Adventure line expand to include such properties as 

Tales of the Gold Monkey

High Road to China

and any other pulps of that style.  Unlikely I know.  But it’s a dream.

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@detectivehoag I'm all for a Hanna Bro's line

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Posted by: @detectivehoag

A complete 1:12 Hanna Barbera heroes (& villains) line.

Holy grail, where do i swipe?

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The Jetsons.

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I'd love to see Mafex/Medicom do classic versions of Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen and Martian Manhunter. 

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Pink Panther

The Racoons

Rat Fink

Elvis Presley


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Posted by: @Anonymous

Pink panther


Palisades back in the day made a Pink Panther series 1. I have the Pink Panther & Aardvark from that one and only series. They are both pretty good.


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Posted by: @derrabbi

Posted by: @Anonymous

Pink panther


Palisades back in the day made a Pink Panther series 1. I have the Pink Panther & Aardvark from that one and only series. They are both pretty good.


Holy shit dude, thanks for the heads up!

they look superb. i never knew they made PP. Will buy real soon. Thanks Pancha.


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@nightwolf Awesome. Hope he's easy to find. The fall of Palisades is really a sad thing. They could have gone on to do more great things.

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I need a Jason Bourne and a Doc Brown. Oh and a Mezco Olive Oyl.

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I've advocated for a WildCATs line forever. The line from Playmates had barely any useful articulation despite having somewhat decent sculpts. McFarlane is starting to sprinkle in characters from WildStorm, but they are few and far between (Grifter and Midnighter being the only ones I'm aware of). I'd go all in on a WildCATs, vol 2, 3.0 line, any WildStorm characters they'd be willing to expand to like Stormwatch, the Authority, Gen13. I still have all of my customs, most of which, if not all, were done pre-Hasbro Marvel Legends.

I'd welcome 6" versions of Back to the Future, even though we have them (finally) in 7" from NECA. I collect both scales, and while 7" covers more movie licenses, 6" goes into deeper breadth per franchise. MCU, Star Wars, ToyBiz Lord of the Rings, even Indiana Jones, can't be beat in terms of how deep they've gone. I'd like some figures to complement that. I have 6" Ghostbusters from three different companies! I'd love BttF figures to go with them, as it's one of my other favorite franchises. I'd also rebuy at least the four Turtles based on the movie in 6".

No one has covered Pee-Wee Herman. I've been lobbying for NECA to make him, since they seem like the perfect company to do so, but I'd also love a 6" version. If it has to be movie based, make it from Big Adventure with his bicycle. If they want an expansive line, make it from Playhouse, and make all of his pals. That would be incredible.

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uh oh, I think I overlooked the general wishlist thread earlier and posted in some other thread, so I'll repost this here (hoping that's not an issue)

Posted by: @wickerbasket

Posted by: @misfit


Seeing how these figures are turning out makes me wish Boss Fight Studio had been the one making Simpsons figures instead of Super7. This scale and level of articulation is perfect for toons.


this was posted in the BFS Popeye thread so I'll quote it here so I can reiterate that I would be down for another Simpsons line if the opportunity comes up. would like to see what can be done with figures that do not need to accommodate the voice activation feature; if playsets are possible that's great too.... again the market is waaay different since the Playmates line ended but I have to imagine there is potential for a Simpsons line to at least yield more figures than Super7.

on a related note, if the interest is there I would also like to see a Futurama and/or King of the Hill line. it shouldn't be too difficult to improve on Toynami and Toycom's offerings e.g. more accessories, more articulation, alternate portraits, etc.  


also I haven't had the opportunity to watch Bob's Burgers but I'm sorry the fans got stuck with such a lousy toy line.

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