I want a Harryhausen Ymir Monster in scale or roughly in scale with my Ultra-Act or Monsterarts.
Super InfraMan, which I hear no companies talk about this property. Really any Shaw Brothers heroes.
Nintendo Pro Wrestling, either in scale with Figuarts to display with Kinnikuman or with the WWE line.
After losing yet another auction for a Mezco Space Ghost and even though I have the Toynami version, Space Ghost. I also want Birdman and the Galaxy Trio.
ROM the Spaceknight. At this point I don't care if its Marvel, 3rd party, Super 7 or someone else.
The protagonist from the NES game Metal Storm.
I have come around on the A-Team as well and that's due to GI Joe Classified. I would even take a Mezco box set.
M.A.N.T.I.S. from the short lived Fox series.
The Greatest American Hero for the 80's ABC series. Another one and done that Mezco would knock out of the park, but I would gladly take a traditional non soft goods figure as well. Also this theme song still hold up, anyone unfamiliar should look it up and give it a listen. For my Hip Hop heads, check out the Benny The Butcher song Long Way.
Automan, another short lived 80's scifi series with a catchy theme song.
I've also come around on The Last Dragon. With the number of 1/12 scale Game of Death-ish figures being made, searching for a Bruce Leroy head has me wanting Leroy and ShoNuff.
And a Kinnikuman OmegaMan
And the Wutang Clan or at least Rza as Bobby Digital from the cover of ....In Stereo and Digital Bullet. I pleaded with Brian from Super 7 to do one or both and he said we'll see, so....
MF DOOM, which I think Super 7 may be working on since Brian told me at Power-con they are planning something for the King Geedorah anniversary.
AC Comics Femme Force, which I think would be the perfect property for Loosecollector.
Mario Gully's now Eric Larsen's Ant. Hope she makes the cut in McFarlane's Spawn line like King Spider did.
Valiant/ Acclaim Comics. I really want a classic XO Man o War, Solar and Acclaim XO as well as Divinity.
Milestone Comics Hardware and Icon. I would also like a proper Static Shock from the cartoon done by someone other than McFarlane.
Thundarr the Barbarian. Like Spaceghost and Birdman I have the Toynami versions but I think updated versions with more articulation are due. This is a property that is sorely underrated in my opinion. Although I will say I am only interested if whoever gets the property includes Gemini the Wizard or possibly more villains from the show, my vote being for Gemini and Mindok. Think I'll watch those episodes this weekend.
Looney Tunes would be fantastic. I'd even settle for Super7 ReAction figures if done like the Disney and Simpsons stuff. As for scale, make Bugs 4" to the top of his head and scale everyone off of that.
Yeah, I actually don't need them to be 6" figures or have a ton of articulation.
I do have these from like a decade ago. I just think they're a little too stylized to look like the newer Looney Tunes Show cartoon, and I'd want them to look more in their classic style. And they're not the easiest to find. Like I've been looking for their Roadrunner and Coyote figures for years with no luck.
Netflix just posted on their IG about a new animated show that will include RAYMAN !
that being said, hope they make a Rayman and Mr. Dark (villian) figures.
New list:
- Sons of Anarchy
- Rascal Robots (updated)
- Mayans M.C.
- Pablo Escobar
- A classic Jester (medieval)
- The Black Widow (female drug lord not the superhero 🤑)
There are certainly licenses like Supernatural that I wish would get some 1/12 figures already, but thinking about this I came up with three ideas that I would launch if I had the money and resources.
Pitch #1: Witches. A line of 1/12 female figures with different ethnicities, body types, and ages. They would run the gambit from hippietastic (there would certainly be a witch with long blonde hair twirling around like a white wing dove etc etc) to goth-as-all-get-out to kind of civilian looking. I'd probably goat rope some other writers from my RPG writing days to come up with characters with the goal of having a coven of 13 (3 waves maybe?). It would be accessory generous like the old Buffy line was and each character would come with something- a grimoire, a broom, a wand, a crystal ball, a familiar, a supernatural critter or two, whatever. If nothing else, it would be great custom fodder for folks who needed female characters.
Pitch#2: Frankenstein's Monsters. Throw in a few different doctors and Igors, but this line would mostly be about the creatures. There would be the original one from the book (tall, long black hair, yellow skin) and some version off the Bride, then do riffs on as many different Frankenstein-type creatures you can think of... Young Frankenstein, the Munsters, Groovie Goolies, Death Race 2000, May, The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster, Ranxerox, King Kong vs Frankenstein, whatever. That last one you could go nuts with, have a 10-12" deluxe figure made from stitched together African fauna parts. Maybe just go nuts with new variations- cyborg creatures, creatures with gorilla arms, creatures with multiple limbs or faces or whatever. Throw in a Frankenstein's Lab diorama play set.
Pitch #3: Shaolin Warriors: Love letter to Hong Kong action movies. Modern setting, but lots of martial artists in traditional clothing, male and female characters. There would be protagonist characters, army builders, and masters with unique weapons and/or power effects. Throw in as much crazy wuxia powers as you can. Have a rival schools or throw in nod to Enter the Dragon and have a criminal master mind with a cybernetic hand.
I would like a 'This is fine' dog (articulated of course)
Pink panther
Pepsi man
Pink panther
Pepsi man
Pepsi man was one of the first import figures I bought in the early 2000s when I first started buying figures on the internet. Anyone remember Action HQ? Anyway Bandai showed off a Pepsi Man prototype at a toy show or convention years ago and Toy Pizza did an interview with some folks from Bandai and they mentioned it to be in development but that was years ago as well. With that said, I'll take a Figuarts or a soft goods version from Alphamax as their Ultraman Tiga is great. Maybe a third party company would be willing to take that property on.
I want a Harryhausen Ymir Monster in scale or roughly in scale with my Ultra-Act or Monsterarts.
Super InfraMan, which I hear no companies talk about this property. Really any Shaw Brothers heroes.
Nintendo Pro Wrestling, either in scale with Figuarts to display with Kinnikuman or with the WWE line.
After losing yet another auction for a Mezco Space Ghost and even though I have the Toynami version, Space Ghost. I also want Birdman and the Galaxy Trio.
ROM the Spaceknight. At this point I don't care if its Marvel, 3rd party, Super 7 or someone else.
The protagonist from the NES game Metal Storm.
I have come around on the A-Team as well and that's due to GI Joe Classified. I would even take a Mezco box set.
M.A.N.T.I.S. from the short lived Fox series.
The Greatest American Hero for the 80's ABC series. Another one and done that Mezco would knock out of the park, but I would gladly take a traditional non soft goods figure as well. Also this theme song still hold up, anyone unfamiliar should look it up and give it a listen. For my Hip Hop heads, check out the Benny The Butcher song Long Way.
Automan, another short lived 80's scifi series with a catchy theme song.
I've also come around on The Last Dragon. With the number of 1/12 scale Game of Death-ish figures being made, searching for a Bruce Leroy head has me wanting Leroy and ShoNuff.
And a Kinnikuman OmegaMan
And the Wutang Clan or at least Rza as Bobby Digital from the cover of ....In Stereo and Digital Bullet. I pleaded with Brian from Super 7 to do one or both and he said we'll see, so....
MF DOOM, which I think Super 7 may be working on since Brian told me at Power-con they are planning something for the King Geedorah anniversary.
AC Comics Femme Force, which I think would be the perfect property for Loosecollector.
Mario Gully's now Eric Larsen's Ant. Hope she makes the cut in McFarlane's Spawn line like King Spider did.
Valiant/ Acclaim Comics. I really want a classic XO Man o War, Solar and Acclaim XO as well as Divinity.
Milestone Comics Hardware and Icon. I would also like a proper Static Shock from the cartoon done by someone other than McFarlane.
Thundarr the Barbarian. Like Spaceghost and Birdman I have the Toynami versions but I think updated versions with more articulation are due. This is a property that is sorely underrated in my opinion. Although I will say I am only interested if whoever gets the property includes Gemini the Wizard or possibly more villains from the show, my vote being for Gemini and Mindok. Think I'll watch those episodes this weekend.
With the passing of Richard Roundtree, I started looking up actors from his era and it dawned on me, Jim Kelly is long over due for a 1/12 figure. Also I think Jim Brown qualifies as well. We have a few Bruce Lee options, but no villains, I'd love a Kareem Abdul-Jabbar from Game of Death and a Chuck Norris from The Way of the Dragon.
I'd like an 8-Man and Golden Bat two often forgotten heroes from Japan.
Pink panther
Pepsi man
Pepsi man was one of the first import figures I bought in the early 2000s when I first started buying figures on the internet. Anyone remember Action HQ? Anyway Bandai showed off a Pepsi Man prototype at a toy show or convention years ago and Toy Pizza did an interview with some folks from Bandai and they mentioned it to be in development but that was years ago as well. With that said, I'll take a Figuarts or a soft goods version from Alphamax as their Ultraman Tiga is great. Maybe a third party company would be willing to take that property on.
awesome, any pics?
I couldn't find pics from the show but I did find the Toy Pizza interview. I feel like it was around the same time they off the Figuarts Shredder and Krang. These folks were actually from Tamashi Nations and not Bandai themselves. The Pepsi Man discussion starts around 5 minutes and the Figuarts "announcement" was around 7 minutes.Pink panther
Pepsi man
Pepsi man was one of the first import figures I bought in the early 2000s when I first started buying figures on the internet. Anyone remember Action HQ? Anyway Bandai showed off a Pepsi Man prototype at a toy show or convention years ago and Toy Pizza did an interview with some folks from Bandai and they mentioned it to be in development but that was years ago as well. With that said, I'll take a Figuarts or a soft goods version from Alphamax as their Ultraman Tiga is great. Maybe a third party company would be willing to take that property on.
awesome, any pics?
Awesome guys, i thought i was the only one who likes Pepsi man figures
I learned about Pepsi Man in the early 2000's in a issue of Toyfare. When we finally got Internet at my house I used to look up Pepsi Man info and found a few fan sites. Action HQ is a defunct website that had the head change figures and thats where I got my first one. Those sleek bodied snowboarding figures I think I got off ebay, I have the original gray and the Fuct of Pepsi Man still in the package but I had to open the New Blue designed one and for the time that articulation was really good. I even made a custom character in the WWF Wrestlemania 2000 game using the crash test dummy template and changing it blue. I'm a pretty big fan of the character overall. You know they said in his card bio he was hanging out with Diet Pepsi Woman, and I think there was even a Pepsi twist costume but I know they never made figures for either of those. I figure Bandai must be in licensing hell with the character but I am not sure why no third party companies haven't taken a shot at an updated figure since from what I can tell he was pretty popular in Japan.
Count Duckula