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1/12 scale Figures (not made yet) Wishlist

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Bringing this thread back cause it was quite popular back in the old forums.


Ill start, I wanna see a Slim Razor figure from The House 2

(he was like a taller Zombie Yosemite Sam 😝)


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I need a third party to snipe an unlicensed Arthas/Lich King already.

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Been on a Darrow read list lately so..

Shaolin Cowboy

Big Guy and Rusty the Robot

Hard Boiled



Red Ogre reacted
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Posted by: @ajax

Been on a Darrow read list lately so..

Shaolin Cowboy

Big Guy and Rusty the Robot

Hard Boiled




Heck yeah, Big Guy and Rusty. 


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Oh and Thor from Walt Simonson's Ragnarok

kal-el and Red Ogre reacted
Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @ajax

Oh and Thor from Walt Simonson's Ragnarok

Many, many emphatic noises of excitement for this.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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As many incarnations of Grendel as I get.
Kevin Matchstick with soft goods coat.

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Posted by: @Anonymous

Bringing this thread back cause it was quite popular back in the old forums.


Ill start, I wanna see a Slim Razor figure from The House 2

(he was like a taller Zombie Yosemite Sam 😝)

Now that you've brought it up, Bill Towner, Electrician & Adventurer, has appeared near the top of my list. 


But my choice for untapped figure line is Mummies Alive. 

I don't skew much to 90s stuff, but these guys were rad.


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Oh yes, Mummies Alive sounds good.

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Posted by: @red_ogre

As many incarnations of Grendel as I get.
Kevin Matchstick with soft goods coat.

Yes! Time to stop the disrespectful oversight of M.Wagner's creations and bring them to figure forms


Red Ogre reacted
reefer shark
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The fact that we don't have at least a Grendel Prime figure is borderline criminal at this point.



I'll throw in my yearly GrimJack request - John Gaunt and James Twilley versions of course.

Flexion Dynamo
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I would be down for some type of twice a year crowd funded project for Exo Squad in 1:12. A unique character with Exo Suit and an Army Builder. We get one new sculpt per year and they can save money with repaints/variants. 



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Man... if done in a style I could incorporate into my display I would be very down with some Mummies Alive figures.

reefer shark
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Posted by: @flexion-dynamo

I would be down for some type of twice a year crowd funded project for Exo Squad in 1:12. A unique character with Exo Suit and an Army Builder. We get one new sculpt per year and they can save money with repaints/variants. 




I would be all over an exo squad line in 1:18 personally, that would be fantastic.  

I would even buy straight reruns of the original toys - those things were pretty great!


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A new 6" Harry Potter line that goes for years. I need all the characters. With faceprint.

A new 6" Lord of the Rings line, again one that goes for years and releases as many characters and versions as possible. Also it needs to fit in with the Toybiz figures. Faceprint for all.

An official, 6" Spaguetti Westerns line, multiple Clint Eastwood figures, the main guy from Once upon a time in the west, the villains, etc.

A 6" The legend of Zelda line, from Ocarina of time, twilight princess and Tears of the kingdom. But do all games, and not just Link, but the best Zelda's and Ganondorf's too.

A 6" Excalibur line, with crisp sculpts, shiny paints and amazing articulation. Most of the characters are needed.

A 6" line of many of the classic greek adventure movies, like Jason and the argonauts, clash of the titans (the remake too, they've got good designs), Hercules, etc.

A 6" Metal Gear Solid line, with figures from all games.

I would buy figures from Disney's 20,000 leagues under the sea but that may just be me.

El Zorro 6" line, with figures based on the old disney show, the Antonio banderas movies, and more.

Blasphemous I & II figures. Look the games up. The designs are amazing.


I would like Neca, Mcfarlane or Hasbro to do these. Jada would do a good, although slow job too. Maybe even the 4 Horsemen could do them.

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