It's been a great year for Joes; deciding on only five is a real challenge. What are your favorite Classified figures of the year?
5. Snow Job
4. Crimson BAT
3. Copperhead
2. Torpedo
1. Range Viper
It's not 100% accurate but I'm using this as a guide for release dates:
Honorable mention to Shooter and Valkyries, if they had good torso articulation they might have both made the list. Zarana would be #2 but I bought her at the tail end of 2022.
1. Range Viper
2. Sgt Stalker
3. Kamakura
4. Torpedo
5. Tunnel Rat
Range Viper is definitely number 1, but the others can switch around. Low Light would be up here, but some kids opened and lost the accessories before I got to handle him. Chuckles would be up here, but I am waiting for a wider release.
Not counting the HISS tank, which would win as the best single classified purchase I received in 2033.
1. Nunchuk
2. Zarana
3. Scrap-Iron
4. Rock 'n Roll
5. Agent Helix
Wasn't able to get all released this year, but those are my favorite. Received two of Nunchuk for xmas, almost put him twice, love the accessories. Honorable mention to the Crimson Guard and Outback, too good to not say something. Still sad I missed out on the range viper, was a favorite as a kid.
Five are tough.
5 - Grunt
4- Firefly v2
3- Arctic BAT
2- Chuckles
1- Snow Job
2023 was a very strong year for GI Joe. So many good releases:
Snow Job
Steel Brigade
female Cobra Trooper
Big Ben
Five is toooooough. I really liked every figure I picked up this year and some of the QC issues I didn't like in earlier figures cleared up so I was less frustrated with the line overall. Just shooting from the hip, in no particular order:
- Outback
- Low-Light
- Chuckles (figure of the year for me, honestly)
- Zarana
- Snow Job
But honestly those are just the ones who jumped out at me as being particularly satisfying because of their kits. I could easily make a totally different top five ten minutes from now. Really was a great year.
Yeah, I kind of love them all. Still waiting on Nunchuck and Low Light and haven't opened most Crimson things, so here's a shot at it in no particular order:
Ripper - He just came out great. The tattoos, the glasses that stay on, the colors, the way he holds the jaws - all perfect.
Shockwave - I love him because he's non-military, but such a recognizable look. The shield is a nice addition. I found I have to pull the hat down harder than they did in this pic, but otherwise he's great.
Tripwire - a costume change, a pet, and a built-in MST3K joke bot? He was originally kind of a dud figure, but Classified made magic of him.
Snow Job - Not only does he look great, but he can hold ALL of his accessories on his backpack. That's amazing.
Range Viper - This guy wins on head sculpt alone.
Honorable mention: Every other figures outside of Falcon. This line is killing it.
Honestly, everything this year was great. But if I had to pick my Top 5, it would be
1.) Big Ben
2.) Range Viper
3.) Shockwave
4.) Tunnel Rat
5.) Outback
Zarana was this year? She certainly makes my top 5, honestly my she’s among my top Classified in general.
I have such a hard time remembering what came out within a year. I would have to follow her with Shipwreck, Chuckles, Hawk, and maybe Tunnel Rat or Bazooka.
Rock and Roll was pretty bad ass, so was Outback, and I haven’t opened Ripper or Buzzer yet (waiting for Torch). Snow Job and Snow Serpent were excellent, just not my favs. Was Cover Girl ‘23? Too much make up held her back.
There have been some great Classified figures this year. I can't order them, but I think I'm going with:
Serpentor (mine shipped in March so he counts)
Tunnel Rat
I feel like this list is very biased for me as it's mostly based on who I liked as a kid.
@chooch555 Just read through you post like yup, totally agree with this top five and we only had one in common between our lists, and I think that shows just how much they knocked it out of the park this year. Range Viper is probably my favorite generic baddie of the year because of that head sculpt and his stacked pile of accessories and Tripwire should've been on my list based on his sidekicks alone.
Snow Job
Arctic BAT
@docsilence I feel that way reading everyone's lists. Even Classified's misses are better than your average $25 action figure out there.
You guys make a good point about the overall quality.
I remember having Tripwire as a kid from the early 2000’s o-ring 3-pack release, and I always thought he was kinda boring. He was my least favorite Gi Joe figure I owned. Despite that background , this new version makes me want to spend my money on a Tripwire figure. That says something about how great the execution is on a lot of these figures.
Honestly my only critique at this point is a Hasbro complaint, not Classified in particular. It seems premature they cancelled the selfie series without making grunt, steel corps, and cobra trooper/viper versions of those figures. Would have made neat gifts for people, especially if they could make the grunt body in camo patterns and replace the name tape (or provide a decal/sticker). I feel like there could be a market for those.
It's funny, I actually loved the boring guys - Tripwire and Flash were two of my favorites early on as a kid for no reason in particular, and I was kinda meh on the Classified version of Tripwire cos he looked too realistic/modern, but they kitted him out so well he easily won me over. Now I want to see what they do with Flash!
And yeah, the overall quality at this price point is crazy good. I was just reorganizing the Joes I can't fit on display and got super frustrated with some of the early joint issues, but I can't remember the last time I had a dud so I loved 2023. (Hoping this carries forward into 2024 with some of the old-school looks they're releasing... I need a Scarlett without a stuck drop hip.)