Did you make that Sky Hawk??
@normdapito - Yep. If you like something well enough it motivates you to give it a go. I’ll buy four when Hasbro gets around to it. But for now it’s my picture friendly prop.
@canprime 😆 hey thanks dude. I definitely see the peeping Tom angle lol.
It was a fun interview. And it's so much fun watching you guys speculate lol.
Does that movie head fit the Retro Scarlett without modification?
that’s a negative.
I remember dremeling out the head to accommodate the neck post. Lube the neck post up, fill the dremeled head out with green stuff and stick it on the post.
fit it to your liking and let dry overnight.
if you don’t like how it turns out, you can still boil and pop.
@swoop716 Thanks for the quick response. Bummer that it's that much work. I like how it looks better than what the Retro figure came with. I've still got some of those movie figures as cheap fodder, just waiting for me to do something with them.