@buttmunch True, I did notice that after I posted. But you're still not being forced to plunk down $500+ for a new o-ring, you can ride the coattails of your less budget-conscious collector brethren!
Considering they only have 165 backers so far on the first day, it’s not looking very good of the mothership funding at all, let alone hitting the tiers. It’s a fun idea but a real space eater. The price, as with all Super7 items, is just too high for a ‘fun to have’ item like this and not a ‘must have’ item. At $250 you’d probably get more people interested but those kinds of prices just aren’t possible anymore. Heck, even Hasbro is having a hard time selling a $200 Giant Man. These crowd funders just aren’t making the dream item people are demanding and it shows now that not everything is instantly funding.
Yeah GI Joe is a hot property now but while this thing looks like a lot of fun $500 is not happening for me. I’m still trying to scrape up funds for Giant Man. Classified is already putting me in a pickle. I’m hoping new waves are January on fulfillments.
So much to unpack. I am a bit surprised Hasbro seems to be willing to license out O-Ring scale, but I guess they aren't doing much with it anyway.
they sort of messed up their O-ring release
way too high a price
Super7 may not fair any better
Yeah pricing on 3.75" scale figures is becoming a big problem for many lines. Why not pay a bit more for a figure nearly twice the size right?
And yse Super7 doesn't have a great track record for pricing in this scale. I will say I am surprised they are offering the 5-pack for $75. That works out to $15 a figure, which is less than the $20+ a figure Hasbro was trying to get. However I think that probably has more to do with the fact that they will be making this figure with the Mothership and production is no extra expense (they are making the figure already so why not sell more outside of the project). If it increases the MOQ then Super7 saves a bit of money on production of the figure.
I wonder if they will be individually packed on cards, or just a baggie type of situation.
The product page calls it an "exclusive 5-pack", so I'd guess some sort of box similar to their ReAction Arctic Rescue Vehicle set. It also makes me think the figure itself won't be exclusive and will be single-packed later, hopefully on a card.
180 backers in the first 30ish hours certainly isn't a screaming start but this seems like much more of a slow-and-steady campaign to 4000 than the sprints a lot of Haslabs are set up to be. The Thundercats Lair was $100 more and surpassed 5000, and I'm guessing this will be similar: it will fund but it's not going to blow up and almost definitely won't hit all of the tiers. That would be a bummer though as the last tier is two more figures, and I bet those probably would be exclusive.
they sort of messed up their O-ring release
way too high a priceSuper7 may not fair any better
It probably takes much, much less revenue/profit for Super7 to consider something a success vs Hasbro. 5POA figures seem to do well for S7 while Hasbro bailed after a few waves for Marvel. Seems reasonable that S7 can make O-ring joe figures work for them after it didn't for Hasbro.
Though I'm not getting it, I hope the crowdfund works for S7. Not being able to get 10% funded on the first day is a bad sign, but there's lots of time. The early bird is pretty low stakes, so it probably won't change anybody's perception of value if/when it doesn't get triggered or they want to back after the first week.
The mothership does look really neat. If I had a classic ARAH collection, I'd be all over it, but I'm not really the audience.
Has anyone seen a footage of the Super7 panel at NYCC or read any breakdowns on what was said outside of Mothership specifics and Alpine name dropped as an upcoming Classified figure (I think Emily was a guest at the panel?)? I know that the o-rings attached to this crowdfund doesn't exactly mean they're getting into o-rings in general, but outside of them going with the non-bicep swivel design, I'm excited to see what they would do with character selection or if they would take the o-ring design beyond the G.I. Joe brand and have it be something parallel to their ReAction figures so we could end up with o-ring stuff like Beastie Boys, Return of the Living Dead, or Thundercats as if they were part of the Joe line. I have a few ReAction figures, but the same approach to o-ring is something I think I'd be all over!
Getting ahead of myself of course. I hope the Mothership ends up doing well enough that we get fun cheaper than $500 vehicles, playsets, and what-have-yas. Not sure if I'm going to be in on this myself, but my curiosity is piqued.
I don't have a classic 3 3/4" O-Ring collection on display. I do have a bunch of my old figures from the 80s in storage. Assuming the Mothership funds, then it's also fair to assume it will go on discount after it's released, and I'll consider buying one then.
Like the Thundertank that people paid $470 for, years in advance, paid in full, taking risk of not getting anything in return and being beyond the credit card dispute period. Being promised it was made-to-order only, preorder and pay in full now or miss it forever. And S7 lied, made a ton extra, and now they are $400 on sale.
So I do want the Mothership, heck, even for my 6" Classified figures, it would make a cool backdrop. But Super7's QC is awful so I first want to see how it turns out, and they always lie about being made to order and everything goes on sale, so I'll wait for the sale. If it turns out good, I'll pick it up for $400 in a few years.
the 4" inch fans must be happy about the mother ship, congrats guys. i used to be a 4" inch guy along time ago. not anymore.
Like the Thundertank that people paid $470 for, years in advance, paid in full, taking risk of not getting anything in return and being beyond the credit card dispute period. Being promised it was made-to-order only, preorder and pay in full now or miss it forever. And S7 lied, made a ton extra, and now they are $400 on sale.
You DO realize that the retailer that had it on sale (BBTS for a 1 day sale) actually had to BUY IT themselves first, right? They didn't just get a bunch sent to them for free from S7.
Like the Thundertank that people paid $470 for, years in advance, paid in full, taking risk of not getting anything in return and being beyond the credit card dispute period. Being promised it was made-to-order only, preorder and pay in full now or miss it forever. And S7 lied, made a ton extra, and now they are $400 on sale.
You DO realize that the retailer that had it on sale (BBTS for a 1 day sale) actually had to BUY IT themselves first, right? They didn't just get a bunch sent to them for free from S7.
...do *you* really think BBTS paid full price for them? Do you know anything about warehouse or inventory financing?
Either way it doesn't matter.
They were stock BBTS had from Super7. They were selling them for the original price, but it has long been sold out at Super7. So unless they have some kind of ironclad agreement where they can't sell Super7 product at a discount for "X" number of years then it is their product to sell, even at a discount.
I mean Super7 themselves have put product on their site on sale so why would a retail partner not be able to do the same? Again unless there is some kind of written contract/agreement BBTS can do what they want with the product, especially more than a year after if was offered for sale by Super7 (and sold out). Plus it was a one day sale that is over now and they are back to original price.