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@canprime I've enjoyed the O-ring figures they've put out so far. I bought all four of the first wave, plus the Crimson Twins. I probably will skipped Ramar and Fluffy, as I don't remember them from their episodes. But I'm definitely in for Duke and Serpentor.

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There are confirmed sightings of Fatal Fluffy and Ramar in my area as of yesterday.

I am down for these two.  In fact, these are up my ally more than any of the other releases.  Nice that they are doing o-ring Duke, Serpentor, BAT, etc.....but I HAVE versions of those already.  I don't consider $20 to be an amazing price, but seeing as how they are bigger than the standard releases with no price hike is nice.  I'm keeping my eyes open for these.

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I don't know what Fatal Fluffy or Ramar are -  but if they made Ultimates of those I would 100% buy them both.   I don't even buy Joe Ultimates but those two characters would fit right in with my MOTU Classics or Thundercats Ultimates displays.   


It is now my mission to make sure Super7 does Ultimates of Fatal Fluffy and Ramar.   Those are two character designs that have no apparent business in G.I. Joe, at all.    But are 100% a perfect fit for Super7's Ultimates format.

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Posted by: @panthercult

I don't know what Fatal Fluffy or Ramar are -  but if they made Ultimates of those I would 100% buy them both. 

They are both deep cuts from the original Sunbow cartoon.  Some of those episodes got really out-there bordering on the sci-fi/fantasy.  It was not uncommon for the Joes to go up against ghosts, magic, dinosaurs, alternate realities, teleportation, gods of Egypt......noting was really off the table because, you' show.

Fatal Fluffies were cute little Mogwai-type critters who grew into those big guys we're getting the figures of.  Ramar was in the very first story arc, Duke and he were both captives of Cobra and faced off against each other in a gladiator arena.  


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What I know is those are two of the most toyetic damn characters I've ever seen and I want them in my collection - but I don't really do 3-3/4 or ReAction-   So I need those guys to morph over into Ultimates.    I watched the Sunbow cartoon, but honestly don't really remember those dudes.   It's been a looong time and probably remember more of the Marvel comic than I do the TV show.

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What I want to see from this line is to follow the format of MotU Cartoon Collection, doing animation styled figures on the O-ring bodies. They did this with Cover Girl and the Crimson Twins, I'd like to see more of that.

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I definitely want the two big guys.  I might get Serpentor too.  I like the colors on him.  If I can get Duke on sale I might buy him just because he has the headband control device, but I probably won't.

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Posted by: @normdapito

What I want to see from this line is to follow the format of MotU Cartoon Collection, doing animation styled figures on the O-ring bodies. They did this with Cover Girl and the Crimson Twins, I'd like to see more of that.

I have a feeling they're going to go that direction.  Even as a GI Joe fan, Super 7 was not on my radar when they were doing the 5 poa stuff or even the Ultimate line.  But 3.75" o-ring?  I'm paying attention.  I don't feel a DEEP need for some of it, but there's a possibility for some really fun stuff if they do deep dives into the cartoon.  There's an episode where Baroness is in a bikini the entire time, and.........


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That Baroness episode was most likely part of my sexual awakening as a kid. Captive Leia, Daisy Duke, first appearance of Cheetara… why was the ‘80s so horny?

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The plus line o-ring looked cool. I bought Snake Eyes and never saw Coco or BAT. 

But holy heck fire! Wave two is very tempting! Bought Duke and Serpentor. If I find Fluffies and Ramar I will definitely buy those.

Very interesting!


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Target has Ramar in stock for shipping, but the Fatal Fluffy is sold out.

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I was up early enough to get Ramar online, but the Fluffies were gone (if they were ever up).  Those 40+ year olds are in army-building mode, apparently.

The showed up as "in stock" at one of my local stores and I braved the slippery roads.  The first employee I showed the DPCI to said they had them but they were in back and he didn't know where, didn't want to try to look.  The second employee I tried made the trip to the back but came back saying he couldn't find them.  It wasn't meant to me this time.  I'll keep trying for the Fluffy.



EDIT: Scored both when I was able to steel away to a second Target later in the day.  The girl got two of each out of the back.  I hemmed and hawed if I wanted one Fatal Fluffy or go down the army build rabbit hole.  I walked around the store a bit with one of each in my hand, when I went back to the figures both the other Fluffy and Romar were gone, it was only a couple minutes.  Oh well, I got one of each.

pogo the clown
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Posted by: @normdapito

That Baroness episode was most likely part of my sexual awakening as a kid. Captive Leia, Daisy Duke, first appearance of Cheetara… why was the ‘80s so horny?


when giganta would grow and everyone looked up......oh oh....oh


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I was able to order 2 Fluffies and Ramar from Target. Due on Friday. I got Duke and Serpentor from S7 today. They look good. I will free them from their cards tomorrow. I’m curious to see how they move. I never did open the Snake Eyes. 


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Posted by: @prophet

I was able to order 2 Fluffies and Ramar from Target. Due on Friday. I got Duke and Serpentor from S7 today. They look good. I will free them from their cards tomorrow. I’m curious to see how they move. I never did open the Snake Eyes. 


You ordered Duke and Serpentor from S7 directly and you already received them? Crazy!


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