I like the ReAction line but they’re not doing anything new, just repaints these days. It’s boring.
There haven’t even been any announcements from the Ultimates line. I’m really hoping for Shipwreck and the twins before this line fades into obscurity.
When are the new O-ring figures being solicited?
I like the ReAction line but they’re not doing anything new, just repaints these days. It’s boring.
There haven’t even been any announcements from the Ultimates line. I’m really hoping for Shipwreck and the twins before this line fades into obscurity.
When are the new O-ring figures being solicited?
today....thought I'd see some typing about them here....I dig em.
held up against their 5points reaction these seem like a deal at the same price....sorta.
I like the ReAction line but they’re not doing anything new, just repaints these days. It’s boring.
There haven’t even been any announcements from the Ultimates line. I’m really hoping for Shipwreck and the twins before this line fades into obscurity.
When are the new O-ring figures being solicited?
today....thought I'd see some typing about them here....I dig em.
held up against their 5points reaction these seem like a deal at the same price....sorta.
The price is not good, but not bad considering the extra parts count for the articulation.
Overall a solid first wave. Not really digging the BAT. I mean it is a BAT so that is awesome to begin with, and the dual hand changing is pretty much mandatory now. However the blue comic look is not a big want of mine at full price.
Cobra Commander is Cobra Commander. Looks good, and nice to have a slightly different version for O-Ring. However not a must have for me right now.
Cover Girl is great, and smart to go with the blonde look over the brunette. Makes it easier to get her as she is different from the original. Too bad I don't have a Wolverine to go with her.
Snake Eyes is just "huh?" I get what they were going with for the deco, but I just think it looks terrible in figure form. I would have preferred a Sunbow purple V2 Snake Eyes.
Great to have these popping back up at retail after Hasbro dropped the ball with their 2-packs, but I'm not sure how much better these will do than the regular ReAction figures with the price and selection. Brian said they plan to go with figures that have never been made before (or decos) and I don't know how deep they can go before people start wanting original figures redone.
I will say I would love them to get to the inevitable Sunbow BAT (red faceplate) sooner rather than later.
I ordered wave one of the ReAction+ line direct from Super7 and it arrived today. I've got no complaints. They feel just like Hasbro vintage Joes, fresh off a cardback. The only thing I miss is the ball jointed necks. Most of my Joes growing up had them, very few of mine had just the basic swivel. One thing I can't believe I went without back then is swivel wrists. The solid forearms really limit poses. The BAT hands can rotate thanks to the gimmick. All in all, I'm satisfied. What else is coming? All I can remember is suited Tomax and Xamot. I wouldn't mind cartoon styled figures like Lady Jaye with no hat, Wet Suit with no helmet, that kind of thing.
Ummmm.... as part of Collector Con Super7 just announced an Ultimates Red Laser from the Red Shadows lore.
This is the stuff that Fresh Monkey Fiction has been dancing around in the Crimson Moon line - but with Super7 just straight up doing as part of their G.I. Joe license - does this mean Hasbro could end up going there too?
Anyway - this and the Cobra Mortal are the first S7 Joe's I have even considered buying since I got the original SDCC BAT. I love the Red Shadows stuff so much. I'm kind of stunned, honestly.
So the pre-order for the Red Laser is Live at Wal-Mart Collector Con and I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. I had 4 other figures in my cart at over $100 already and tossing this $55 guy on the pile felt like a lot. I figure if he doesn't sell out - and let's be honest, will he? - I'll have some time to mull it over and I may change my mind. I do love the design...
I will be mildly shocked if Red Laser sells out. It is a great look, and the red is so vibrant, but I don't know that enough collectors are interested in dropping $55US (+tax) for him in a scale (7") that doesn't really fit anywhere else.
Like a lot of recent Ultimates exclusives I might bite on sale, but not at full price. Although it is a moot point for me since it isn't available on the Canadian site.
Pile of Loot yielded the latest wave of Ultimates for me. Cover Girl, Roadblock, Major Bludd, and Crimson Guard.
Crimson Guard was my favorite troop as a kid, so despite skipping previous troops in this line, I had to have this one. He comes with two alternate heads, dark haired with mouth/nose covered, and blonde with eyeglasses, making him look more like a scientist. Comes with a couple of beakers, backpack, bayonet, pistol, some thick energy effect that's probably scene specific from the show, a bitten donut and cup of coffee, alternate hands, but surprisingly no rapier. He has a loop on his left thigh, but the pistol sight won't fit through. So it's pretty much there for nothing. The figure is actually quite tall, taller even than Zartan, maybe same height as Destro.
Major Bludd is great. Comes with two alternate heads, one yelling, one laughing, a timed bomb and detonator, a box of A-4 (explosive?) binoculars (which are funny because he wears an eyepatch) two pistols (one oversized) and alternate hands. He has armor around his right forearm, but a human hand. I don't think the animated series ever alluded to him having any kind of bionic arm. The oversized pistol fits in his right leg holster. He was also a favorite as a kid, but mostly for the toy rather than show appearances.
Roadblock is also a winner. Beefy sculpt with two extra heads, one gritted teeth and one smiling, a removable helmet that fits on all heads (though I'd be concerned about scraping paint), a big mounted machine gun, backpack, laser rifle, and alternate hands. I kinda wish he came with a chef's hat and apron. He has an ab hinge, but in using it, I broke the straps where they join his belt in the back. Turns out, it wasn't my fault, as they are glued to his shoulders, which offers no slack when bending his abs. That's a major design flaw, rending his ab hinge useless. Annoying. I like the inclusion of his toy weapons, but I just don't have room for that massive gun in my display. So he's standing happily in the back.
Cover Girl is probably the best female this line has produced. She comes with two more alternate heads, one helmeted, one with long auburn hair (which I thought should be blonde?), a sledge hammer, a large spade, a speed radar gun, a missile (probably from the Wolverine) a laser rifle, and alternate hands. I've put the long hair on her because I always thought her bob made her look too much like Scarlett without a ponytail. I kinda wish she came with a wrench rather than the other two tools. She also seems quite tall, like there's some kind of size creep happening with the line.
Zero QC issues with this wave. All heads are painted really well. Great skin tone on each. This is the last wave I'm aware of. I don't see it happening, but my dream final figures from this line would be Shipwreck, Snake Eyes v2 (passed on v1), and Tomax and Xamot.
@normdapito the pistol fits on the leg holster, its a tight fit but it does go in
Got around to opening the BBTS exclusive ReAction+ Crimson twins, and they put the scar on the wrong side of Xamot’s face.
BBTS has a 15 figure set of ReAction figures for 80% off and I have just fallen ridiculously hard for the line. Ended up picking up a few other favorites off eBay to go with the big set and then randomly picked up Tiger Force Snake Eyes at Target. the ReAction line hooks me every so often and got me good this time.
I mean Super7, deservedly, gets grief for their choices, but when they get something right, man do they get something right.
Both Ramar and the Fatal Fluffy look fantastic. I love that they made sure to make them slightly bigger O-ring figures to fit with their media. Both sculpts also look great and I will definitely be trying to track them down. I'm also pleasantly surprised they appear to be the same price as the regular size O-ring figures.