Super7 GI JOE figures...Discussion and pics, ok go.....
I saw a short youtube vid of opening one pack of Super7 GI Joe trading cards and looks like sealed with wax and there wasn't some scrap paper at the back to prevent the last card from getting waxed.
Wave 3 seems to have unpainted faces like wave 2 sooooooo... I'm out. Switched to Mezco for my G.I. Joe fix.
It's the only thing that makes sense.
ReAction figures are 3.75 scale, so it could work for previous 1:18 Joes. I don’t think one has ever been made for that line.
Nope, no COBRA Airship to be found anywhere outside the cartoon credits so far. I'm very interested in price and interior pics; but have little faith in S7's concept of what makes a toy fun to play with.
Well some interesting tidbits from Youtube and Toy Fair about the upcoming Cobra Airship project.
Here is the official short from Super7 as a tease of what is inside:
On top of that I was watching Toy Anxiety's video tour of the Super7 booth and they were talking with Kyle. Brian had done a tour with Pixel Dan and was his usual cagey self when he doesn't want to spill the beans early. However Kyle was a bit more forthcoming, probably too much so. At one point the audio clearly was cut to not reveal something he said. However he did mention a couple of interesting new bits of info.
First there are lights on the bottom of the airship and they will light up (duh).
Second the Trouble Bubbles will be a tier for the project and not included in the base (ha) offering.
Also they did give us a better look at the "exhaust plumes" as stands for the airship.
Official reveal, according to Brian, will be at New York Comic Con.
If the Mothership works with either Vintage Joes or the 25th Anniversary line, I'll be taking a serious look at it.
The Mothership is live:
$500, which isn't surprising. What IS surprising is that they're making an o-ring figure! And it's not even locked behind the $500 paywall, you can also order a 5-pack for $75. Not bad! Now I'm super curious if this means they're going to be making more o-rings. I'll have to get at least one to check them out and see how similar they are to vintage. Hasbro's own attempts with the Skystriker didn't quite do it for me.
Damn does that look good.
60 days to back!!! Thank you Super7, the extra time to try and see if I really want to finance this by selling some stuff.
So much to unpack. I am a bit surprised Hasbro seems to be willing to license out O-Ring scale, but I guess they aren't doing much with it anyway.
Glad to see the early bird is something I can live without since I am not willing to back this early due to Super7 taking the money upfront.
Let's see how this goes.
That Cobra Mothership looks really great, wow! Love all of the different features in the inside, it seems to make good use of the space in there.
The Mothership is live:
$500, which isn't surprising. What IS surprising is that they're making an o-ring figure! And it's not even locked behind the $500 paywall, you can also order a 5-pack for $75. Not bad! Now I'm super curious if this means they're going to be making more o-rings. I'll have to get at least one to check them out and see how similar they are to vintage. Hasbro's own attempts with the Skystriker didn't quite do it for me.
They are kind of locked behind the $500 paywall. If the mothership doesn’t back, they won’t make the 5 packs.